If you had a home robot, what would you want it to do? Look at the following functions and features and write about which ones you like

План работы  обучающихся, находящихся на дистанционном и электронном обучении на 09.04.2020     Класс: 7

Предмет   Ф.И.О педагога класс дата Тема урока Учебник (стр.,§)   Задания для дистанционного обучения  (для тех, у кого нет Интернета и т. д)   Задания для электронного обучения   Сроки выполнения   Электронная почта педагога, телефон  
литература Шугаева Л.В 7 9.04.2020 А.П.Платонов «Юшка» читать читать   До 10.04.2020 ara681@rambler.ru
музыка Аветян Э.Л. 7 09.04.20. Симфоническая музыка. «Симфония №40"» В.А. Моцарт   Стр.114-117 прочитать материал При возможности подробнее познакомиться с творчеством В. Моцарта, послушать Симфонию № 40 (хотя бы 1 часть)   до 14.04 teppoevaelya1904@yandex.ru  
алгебра Венскович А.С. 7 09.04.20 Повторение п. 33 прочитать, разобрать примеры Решить задания в учебнике № 833,834 Выслать выполненное задание на эл. Почту или в чате Учи.ру Платформа Учи.ру. Алгебра. 7класс. Тема Повторение На платформе учи.ру  урок будет включен с 9.00.до 12.00 Также начать выполнять дом. Задание на учи.ру Оценки пойдут в журнал 09.04.2020   Общение в чате Учи.ру alinka1957@yandex.ru  
биология Зиновкина Т.Н.   09.04.20 Покрытосеменные (цветковые) растения С.99-101, Прочитать с.99-101,заполнить таблицу «Классификация Покрытоменных растений», отдельный файл http sbio info page php id 96 биология 7 класс 09.04.2020 Общение в чате zinovkina56@mail.ru
англ Жихарева Л.И. 7 09.04.20     Смотри пиложение внизу   До 10.04.20 В Контакте
англ Жихарева Л.И. 7 09.04.20     Смотри пиложение внизу     В Контакте
англ Жихарева Л.И. 7 09.04.20     Смотри пиложение внизу     В Контакте

Задания по англ.языку

Письменно упр.2\3\6\7.


 1/ Переведите слова.. Translate these words.

Education, Gadgets, entertainment, social, less, source, young, to steal, fraudsters, popular expensive.

2/ Fill the gab

We can’t imagine our lives without the internet, computers and other1_________, which unite all the users of World Wide Web. The internet is a very important 2_________ of information for people. Nowadays, you can find there any necessary information not only for 3 _________-education, or work but also for 4_______. Nowadays people communicate with each other, using the internet, 5 ____ networks are very popular and people can’t imagine their lives without online communication.

But we must say, that using the internet has both advantages and disadvantages. The internet influences us very much, especially 6_____ people. There exist dozens of diseases that are the result of playing computer games, and spending too much time in networks. We do sport and walk 7____ and less and spend time, sitting at a computer. Also, using a computer, there exist a possibility to become a victim of online 8 _______, which can try 9______ your money.

Internet became so 10_______ nowadays because people can use it not only at home, in the personal computer, but also they can go online, using their mobile web. So we can get any information we want, no matter, whether we are at home or not. And in addition, the price of such mobile web is not so 11____________.

3 / Ответьте на вопросы. Answer the questions.

1) How many gadgets do you have? - Сколько у тебя гаджетов?

2) How many gadgets do you use each day? - Сколько гаджетов ты используешь каждый день?

3) How much time do you spend on your gadgets each day? - Сколько времени ты проводишь со своими гаджетами каждый день?

4) Which gadget do you use most often? - Какой гаджет ты используешь чаще всего?

5) Could you live without any gadgets? - Ты смог бы жить без гаджетов?

6) Do your gadgets affect your academic performance? - Твои гаджеты влияют на твою успеваемость?

7) Do you think it is good that people use so many gadgets? - Как ты думаешь, это хорошо, что люди используют так много гаджетов?

8) Are modern technologies environmentally friendly? Современные технологии безвредны для окружающей среды?

9) Is it good or bad that we are so dependent on technology? - Хорошо или плохо, что мы так зависим от технологий?

10) Should we stop using gadgets? - Должны ли мы перестать использовать гаджеты?

11/What are the advantages of computers?

12/. What are the disadvantages of computers?


Ответить на вопросы

What are robots used for?

What robots do you know (from films, cartoons)?

Give three explanations why people want to have robots?

Imagine that robots appear in every family. What is the result?

Can you agree that robots will control us one day? Why?

Is it right that robots will always be too expensive for most of people?

Do you think that robots can make us lazier and fatter?


WALL-E · Wall-E is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future.   · He collects artifacts of human civilization, and keeps these items in his storage truck home.   He enjoys listening to “Hello, Dolly
 ASIMO · It is a humanoid robot created by Honda. · It was created to be a helper to people. · It is used to encourage young people to study science and mathematics. · It is 130 cm tall and 54 kg. · It can walk or run on two feet at speeds up to 6 kilometres per hour.  
 TOPIO · It was designed to play table tennis against a human being. · It is 1.88 meters tall and weighs 120 kg.    
 Wakamaru · It is a Japanese domestic robot. · It was designed to provide companionship to elderly and disabled people. · It can connect to the Internet, and has limited speech (in both male and female voices) and speech recognition abilities. It can remind the user to take medicine on time, and call for help if it suspects something is wrong
 ENON · It is a personal assistant robot. It can pick up and carry 500 grams in its arms  
 Actroid · It can blink, speak and breathe. · It looks like a real human. · The Actroid can also dance very well. · It helps to direct people to specific locations and events.  
REEM · It can find its way safely, avoiding obstacles and people. · It can be used as a guide, entertainer, and dynamic information point. · The robot accepts voice commands and can recognize faces. · It is a 1.70 meters high.  


If you had a home robot, what would you want it to do? Look at the following functions and features and write about which ones you like.

a. The robot can talk. It has a vocabulary of 10,000 words.

b. It can recognize your face and say “good morning”.

c. It can tell you when you have e-mail and read it to you.

d. When you are not at home, it will e-mail you if a burglar enters your house.

e. You can see what it sees with its camera on your cell phone.

f. It makes toast and coffee in the morning.

g. It gives you advice on what to wear to work / school / a party.

  1. It will answer and open the front door.


6. Match the words and phrases with translations.

1. tactile sensors A. система ультразвука
2. connect to the Internet B. взаимодействовать
3. ultrasound system C. встроенные сенсоры
4. interact D. оснащать
5. built-in sensors E. соединять с Интернетом
6. equip F. тактильные сенсоры

7. Match the words with their definitions.

1. the ability to move from place to place A. artificial
2. thinking about smth carefully before reaching a conclusion B. creativity
3. the ability to produce original things, ideas, etc. C. intelligence
4. the ability to understand and learn D. reasoning
5. not natural, made by humans E. mobility  



Таблица по биологии


Классификация Покрытосеменных растений

Семейство Формула цветка Плод Соцветие Примеры
Крестоцветные, или Капустные (более 3,2 тыс. видов)        
Бобовые, или Мотыльковые (около 12 тыс. видов)        
Пасленовые (около 2,9 тыс. видов)        


Примечание. Заполнение таблицы рассчитано на два урока, поэтому на этом уроке заполняем информацию по трем семействам


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