
Упражнение 1. Прочтите следующие пары предложений и переведите их на русский язык.

1. We call three major types of blood vessels arteries, veins and cap­illaries. - Smaller branches of arteries are called arterioles. 2. The heart pumps the blood into the lung by circulatory system. — From the left heart the blood is pumped into the aorta. 3. Pulmonary artery divides into two branches. — The upper extremity is divided into the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. 4. The right carotid artery distributes blood to all parts of the right side of the neck, face, head and brain. - The blood from the aorta is distributed throughout the body.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите следующие предложения. Определите время и залог сказуемого. Переведите предложения.

1. These textbooks will be distributed among all the students of our group. 2. Harvey collected ideas of the circulation of blood which until then had been studied but not confirmed by experiments. 3. Lymph passes through the lymphatic glands which act as filters and keep back any poisonous material, such as germs that has been brought to them in the lymph. 4. Those who have been in close contact with the infected patients must be quarantined for a time. 5. The heart muscle is nour­ished by coronary arteries. 6. When the left ventricle is contracting its contained blood is being forced into the aortic artery.

Упражнение З. Переведите предложения. Определите какую функцию выполняет слово one (ones).

1. There are four chambers in the heart: two smaller ones, the auri­cles, and two larger ones, the ventricles. 2. One often describes the heart as consisting of a base and an apex. 3. Harvey showed that there was a double channel: in one set of vessels — the arteries, away from the heart; in another set - the veins to the heart. 4. One must remember that air is at all times full of bacteria.

Упражнение 4. Прочтите следующие предложения. Замените выделенные су­ществительные словами-заменителями one (ones). Переведите предложения.

1. Неге are some books, which book do you want? 2. This text is very difficult to translate without a dictionary; give me another text 3. My watch is not working well. I must buy a new watch. 4. These exercises are much easier than the exercises we translated at the last lesson.

Lesson 4 •♦■ :ИЫ.


Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие словосочетания. Назовите суще­ствительные, выполняющие функцию (левого) определения.

blood circulation, one-way valve, cone-shaped organ, striated muscle tissue, smooth muscle cells, heart valves action, heart beat rate, tissue oxygen supply, heart blood output

Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения, содержащие группы существи­тельных. Помните, что основное слово стоит последним в ряду слов и перед ним нет ни артикля, ни предлога.

1. The blood-pressure measurement method is very simple. 2. The heart wall is composed of two layers. 3. The arterioles divide into small­er tissue capillaries which are near the body cells. 4. In this picture you can see the blood vessel size differences. 5. Smooth muscle tissue pre­dominates in the small arteries and elastic tissue — in the large arteries.

Упражнение 7. Прочтите следующие слова. Переведите их.

carbon dioxide ['ксиЬэп dai'oksaid], waste products ['weist 'prodakts], nitrogen ['naitradbpn], cilium ['siliam] (pi cilia ['silia]), nasapharynx [ neiza'faenrjks], sinuses ['samasiz], pleura ['plusra]

Упражнение 8. Напишите данные слова в 3 столбика в соответствии с чтением суффикса -ed как [t], [d], [id] и переведите их.

removed, exhaled, distinguished, involved, inhaled, circulated, dif­fused, breathed, called, produced, included, provided, connected

Упражнение 9. Отработайте чтение 4-го абзаца текста А.

Упражнение 10. Познакомьтесь с разными значениями суффикса -tag. Переведите производные слова.

1. глагол + -tag = существительное: to read читать — reading

feeling, breathing, functioning (of the system), (the) sustaining (of life)

2. -tag - встречается в прилагательных, развившихся из причастий
настоящего времени: healing целебный.

striking, stunning, demanding, misleading, understanding

Упражнение 11. Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.

1. to respire, respiration, expiration, inspiration, respiratory, inspirato-ry; 2. to produce, product, production, productive, producing; 3. to in-

76 О- Learning to Understand a Medical Text

hale, inhalation, to exhale, exhaled, exhaling; 4. breath, to breathe, breath­ing, breathless, breathlessness; 5. to pass, passage, passing, passage-way.

Упражнение 12. Переведите следующие словосочетания.

expiratory centre, respiratory mechanism, waste product, metabolic product, the air conducting passage-ways, to inhale (breathe in) oxy­gen, to exhale carbon dioxide, surrounding tissues

Упражнение 13. Прочтите данные группы слов и переведите их.

1. through, throughout, though, although; 2. case, cause, course; 3. some, same, sum; 4. since, science

Упражнение 14. Просмотрите текст А. Назовите тему и основные положения текста.

Text A The respiratory system

1. Respiration occurs in all living things, both plants and animals.The proper function of this system is perhaps the most important one in the sustaining of life. Interruption of breathing for only a few minutes by suffocation or strangulation causes death. In the human organism, res­piration consists of those processes by which the body cells and tissues make use of oxygen and by which carbon dioxide or the waste products of respiration are removed.

2. Inhaled air contains about 20 per cent oxygen and four hundredths of one per cent carbon dioxide. Exhaled air consists of approximately 16 per cent oxygen and 4 per cent carbon dioxide. Nitrogen, which makes up about 79 per cent of the atmosphere, is not involved in the breathing process. When air is inhaled into the lungs, a portion of the oxygen is passing into the blood and is being circulated through the body. At the same time, carbon dioxide is being diffused out of the blood into the lungs and exhaled.

3. Air is breathed through either the mouth or nose into the oral cavity, or pharynx. It then passes through the voice box, or larynx, into the windpipe, or trachea. The trachea ultimately divides into two small­er tubes, bronchi, one is going to each lung. The bronchi divide into tiny passage-ways that are named bronchioles, which lead directly to minute air sacs, or alveoli. The exchange of life-giving gases is effected through the walls of the alveoli.

Lesson 4 ♦ 77


Nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses
Adenoids Tonsils

4. One must know that mechanisms
in the 'upper res'piratory /tract 'serve
to 'filter, and 'warm the 'air in its
journey to the \ lungs. | J The 'hairs,
or 'cilia, in the nostrils partially 'fil­
ter out 'dust particles as does 'sticky
se'cretion, 'mucus, which has be­
en pro'duced by 'mucous /cells. | It
lines the /mouth, 'nasal /passages,
| /pharynx | and \trachea. | | 'Cilia
in the 'nasal 'passages and /trachea |
are effective in helping to re'move
'foreign /particles | from the 'upper
res'piratory \ tract. | |

Lung capillares (bloodstream)
Fig. 4. Pathway of air from the nose to the capillaries of the lungs.

5. Other structures which have
been connected with the system in­
clude: the laryngeal tonsils, which are
masses of tissue in the nasopharynx
or posterior portions of the nasal
passages (adenoids are infected or
diseased laryngeal tonsils); the sinus­
es, cavities in the bones in the front
part of the skull that provide reso­
nance to the voice, and the pleura, a
double-walled membrane which sur­
rounds the lungs.

6. When the diaphragm contracts
and flattens, it contributes to the ex­
tension of the vertical diameter of the thoracic cavity. Air is constantly
renewing in the lungs. The capacity of the air passages is increasing.
Any muscular effort, e.g. even standing up, increases the number of

Упражнение 15. 1) Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзацы 5 и 6 переведите письменно. 2) Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и шчитайте их.

1. What gases are involved in breathing? 2. What parts of the respi­ratory system does the air pass on its way to the alveoli? 3. What are the other structures connected with the system? 4. Does the diaphragm contribute to the extension of the vertical diameter of the thoracic

78 ♦ Learning to Understand a Medical Text

cavity? 5. Any muscular effort increases the number of respirations, doesn't it?

3) Составьте план текста А.

Упражнение 16. Подберите к латинским словам английские эквиваленты.

trachea voice box

cilium hair

pharynx oral cavity

larynx windpipe

Упражнение 17. Подберите пары синонимов.

to consist of, to take part in, fine, air passage, to occur, respiratory tract, to happen, minute, to be involved in, to be made of

Упражнение 18. Образуйте пары антонимов к данным словам, используя приставку ех-, и переведите их.

to inhale, inspiration, to include

Упражнение 19. Образуйте форму множественного числа от данных латинских слов.

trachea, broncus, alveolus, cilium, pleura

Упражнение 20. Выберите верный перевод выделенных слов.

1. Each lung is surrounded by a double-folded membrane, the pleura. (окружает, окружило, окружено) 2. The tonsils are located in the oropharynx. (были расположены, расположат, расположены) 3. Nu­merous questions were being discussed at the lesson, (обсуждались, обсуждают, будут обсуждены) 4. The concept of respiration was based directly upon the work of Lavoisier, (была основана, основывают, основана) 5. The total number of alveoli in the lung has been estimated as 750 millions, (насчитывают, насчитали, насчитал)

Упражнение 21. Переведите следующие предложения. Запомните перевод данных глаголов, требующих после себя определенных предлогов.

to refer to, to speak of, to take care of, to send for, to wait for, to think of

1. Respiration is usually thought of as the mechanical process of breathing. 2. Disease germs are sometimes referred to as bugs. 3. Those patients have been taken care of by the nurses. 4. By the discovery of

Lesson 4 ^ 79

tubercule bacillus Robert Koch'had been already much spoken about.!S. This lecture has long been waited for.

Упражнение 22. Переведите предложения, используя разные способы перевода страдательного залога.

1. During the experiment all the work was being done automatically. 2. The lungs are separated from other organs of the body in a movable rigid-box - the chest cavity. 3. The boy with pneumonia was given necessary treatment. 4. In this journal, the method of examination of bronchi has been spoken of. 5. Air is breathed into the lungs 20 times a minute all our lives. 6. Foreign substances in the blood stream are known as emboli.

Упражнение 23. Переведите предложения, определите, где слово one не переводится.

1. One must consider respiration essentially as exchange of gases -one in the lungs and one in the tissues. 2. Pneumonia may be caused by one of the different kinds of bacteria (germs), pneumococcus. 3. The thoracic cavity that consists of ribs and muscles is the one for heart, lungs and other viscera. 4. The lungs are built of alveoli and through the bronchi, larynx, pharynx, mouth cavity and nasal one they expire car­bon dioxide (C02) and inspire oxygen. 5. In the cross-sections one can see how the lungs are separated from the chest wall by the pleura.

Упражнение 24. Переведите следующие словосочетания.

1. life-giving gas, life-giving gas exchange; 2. tissue masses, tissue masses structures; 3. respiration waste products, respiration waste prod­ucts removal; 4. carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide exhalation; 5. double-walled membrane, double-walled lung membrane; 6. blood capillaries, blood capillaries dense network; 7. thoracic cavity volume, thoracic cavity volume increase; 8. body cell oxygen, body cell oxygen supply.

Упражнение 25. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Дыхание свойственно всему живому — как животным, так и растениям. 2. В процессе дыхания ткани поглощают кислород, а углекислый газ выводится из организма. 3. Воздух, который мы вдыхаем, содержит около 20% кислорода. 4. Бронхи делятся на мел­кие воздухоносные пути, называемые бронхиолами. 5. Прекраще­ние дыхания даже на несколько минут приводит к смерти.

80 0- Learning to Understand a Medical Text

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