Unit 6 Washington D. C

8.6.1 Read and translate the text

Washington D.C.

Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The population of the city is 900,000 people. Washington was named after the first US president George Washington. He selected the place for the capital. It was founded in 1790.

Since 1800 Washington D. C. has been the federal capital. The French engi­neer, Pierre L'Enfant designed the city. Washing­ton D. С. isn't like other cities of the USA. It has long wide avenues, gardens, beautiful parks and no skyscrapers at all, because no other building must be taller then the Capitol.

The Capitol is the seat of the American Con­gress. The 535 members of the Congress meet here to discuss the nation's affairs. It is situated in the centre of the city. The Capitol has a big white dome standing on a circle of pillars. It is a huge building, full of paintings and statues.

The White House is the official residence of the US President. It was built in 1799. The US Presi­dent works and lives there.

Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre. There are many museums, theatres, re­search institutes, five universities, the National Academy of Science and the Library of Congress there.

The Library of Congress is situated not far from the Capitol. It is the largest library in the States. It contains more than 13 million books, more than 19 million manuscripts, including the personal papers of the US presidents.

There is one more well-known building in Wa­shington — Pentagon. It is the residence of the US Military department. It is situated in the sub­urbs to the south of the Potomac.

There are many monuments in the city. The most impressive and the best-known ones are the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial. Thousands of tour­ists visit Washington every day. Washington D. С. is the city where you think about the glo­rious history of the USA.

8.6.2 Post -Text Exercises Pronounce the following words and proper names

Potomac - p. Потомак

District of Columbia - округ Колумбия

Washington D. С. - Вашингтон

Pierre L'enfant - Пьер Ланфан

the Capitol - Капитолий

the Congress - Конгресс

the Library of Congress - Библиотека конгресса

the Lincoln Memorial - памятник Линкольну

the Washington Monument - памятник Вашингтону

the Jefferson Memorial — памятник Джефферсону

to name - называть

to select - выбирать

to found - основывать

to design - проектировать, создавать

avenue - проспект

skyscraper - небоскреб

affair - дело

dome - купол

circle - круг

pillar - столб, колонна

huge - огромный

research - исследовательский

to contain - содержать

manuscript - рукопись

suburb - пригород

impressive – производящий впечатление

glorious - славный, знаменитый Answer the questions

1 What is the capital of the USA?

2 Where is Washington situated?

3 What is the population of the city?

4 Who was Washington named after?

5 Who selected the place for the capital?

6 When was the city founded?

7 Who designed the city?

8 Since what time has Washington D. С. been the federal capital?

9 Why isn't Washington D. C. like other cities of the USA?

10 Where is the seat of the American Congress? Where is this building situated?

11 Can you describe the Capitol?

12 Where is the official residence of the US Presi­dent? When was it built?

13 What is Washington D. C. famous for?

14 What is the largest library in the states? Where is it situated?

15 How many books and manuscripts does the Library of Congress contain?

16 What building is the residence of the US Mili­tary department? Where is it situated?

17 What monuments do you know in Washington D. C.?

18 Do you want to visit Washington D. C.? Why? Match the two parts of the sentences

1 The White House is 2 The Library of Congress contains 3 Since 1800 Washington D.С. has been 4 Washington was named after 5 The Capitol has 6 Pentagon is 7 Washington D. С. has 8 Washington D. С. was founded in ... the residence of the US Military department. ... 1790. ... the official residence of the US President. ... a big white dome standing on a circle of pillars. ... more than 13 million books, more than 19 million manuscripts, including the personal pa­pers of the US presidents. ... long wide avenues, gardens, beautiful parks and no skyscrapers at all. ... the first US president George Washington. ... the Federal capital. Put in the missing words according to the text

1 The 535 members of the Congress meet here to discuss the nation's...

2 Pentagon is situated in the... to the south of the Potomac.

3 There are many museums, theatres,..., five universities, the National Academy of Science and the Library of Congress there..

4 The Capitol is... building, full of... and stat­ues.

5 Washington D. C. has long wide... gardens, beautiful parks and no... at all.

6 Washington is situated on... in the District of Columbia.

7 The Library of Congress contains more than 13 million books, more than 19 million... in­cluding the personal... of the US presidents.

8 The Capitol has a big white... standing on a circle of.... Choose the correct verb for each blank: is, meet, has been, is situated, selected, contains, has designed, was built

1 The White House... in 1799.

2 Pentagon... in the suburbs to the south of the Potomac.

3 Since 1800 Washington D. С.... the federal capital.

4 The French engineer, Pierre L'Enfant,... Wash­ington D. С.

5 The Capitol... a big white dome standing on a circle of pillars.

6 The Library of Congress... more than 13 mil­ lion books, more than 19 million manuscripts, including the personal papers of the US presi­dents.

7 George Washington... the place for the capital.

8 The 535 members of the Congress... here to discuss the nation's affairs.

9 Pentagon... the residence of the US Military department. Read and learn the dialogues by heart. Then act them out

Dialogue 1

- Well, Donald, could you do me a favour?

- Yes, what is it, Ronald?

- I know you have been living in Washington for about five years. You must know it very well. Could you tell me something about the capital of the USA?

- With great pleasure, Ronald. George Washington, the first President of the USA, after whom the city was named, se­lected the area for the capital. A hundred square miles were taken from the states of Maryland and Virginia. It was called
the District of Columbia (D.C.).

- Is the city well planned?

- Yes, it is. The city is divided into four sections: NW (north-west), NE (north-east), SW (south-west) and SE (south-east). Numbered streets run north and south: First Street, Second Street... Lettered streets such as A-street, B-
street run east and west.

- I'll try to remember it.

- Bear it in mind that every section has an independent street division. If you are looking for Third Street, you should know in what section of the city it is.

- What's the heart of Washington?

- The Capitol is. All the tourists begin sightseeing from the Capitol and see the Senate Chamber, the Representative Hall, the Statuary Hall and so on.

- Are there any monuments in the city?

- Of course. The Washington Monument which is 555 feet tall is called "Pencil" because of its shape. It is three blocks south of the White House. There is an elevator which will carry you to 500 foot level observation windows. You should
also see the Lincoln memorial which is west of the Washington
monument and the Jefferson memorial which is south of the
Washington monument near the Potomac River.

- I'll follow your advice. I hear the Library of Congress is worth seeing.

- That's right. It contains millions of books and manuscripts. Are you interested in churches and cathedrals?

- Yes, I am.

- You should see the Washington Cathedral in Massachusetts Avenue, the Arlington National Cemetery which is outside the city limits. John F. Kennedy was buried there. The famous Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is worth seeing too.

Dialogue 2

Alice: Hi! Glad to meet you. You look wonder­ful.

Mary: Hi! Thanks.

Alice: Had good holidays?

Mary: Yes, I travelled about the USA.

Alice: Oh? What was it like?

Mary: It was great!

Alice: What cities did you visit?

Mary: A lot. New York, Los Angeles, San-Fran­cisco and Washington.

Alice: You are lucky! I'm going to Washington next holidays, too. What would you advise me to see in Washington in the first place?

Mary: Oh! Washington is one of the most beauti­ful and unusual cities in the United States.

Alice: Unusual! Why?

Mary: First, it's the capital of the country. Wash­ington is very green and you can hardly find a park, a square or an open area in Washington without a monument or a me­morial.

Alice: I see. I'm looking forward to my holidays and visiting Washington.

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