Paradigmatic relation

The Paradigm Student Com. Case, singular

Of the English Students Com. Case, Plural

Nouns Student’s Genitive case, singular

Students` Genitive case, plural

The paradigm of the English nouns is not long. It has only four members. A noun in the common case and singular.

But sometimes the borderline between morphology and syntax is not very clear mark.

Example: Don’t touch me or I’ll hit you approach.

- Don’t – touch – me – or – I’ll – hit you – approach.

The main notion in grammar, every part of speech.

The usual definition of morphology, which may be accepted as it stands, is this: Morphology is the part of grammar which treats of the forms of words. 1 As for the usual definition of syntax, it may be said to be this: Syntax is the part of grammar which treats of phrases and sentences. 2

These definitions are based on the assumption that we can clearly distinguish between words and phrases. This, however, is far from being the case. Usually the distinction, indeed, is patent enough. E. g., indestructibility is obviously a word, long as it is, whereas came here, short as it is, is a phrase and thus falls under the heading of syntax. But now what are we to make of has been found? This is evidently a phrase since it consists of three words and thus it would seem to fall under syntax, but it is also a form of the verb find and thus it would seem to fall under morphology. According to a modern view, the relation between morphology and syntax is not so simple as had been generally assumed. In this view, we ought to distinguish between two angles of research:

(1) The elements dealt with; from this point we divide grammatical investigation into two fields: morphology and syntax.

(2) The way these elements are studied; from this viewpoint we distinguish between paradigmatic and syntagmatic study. Thus we get four divisions:

1 a paradigmatic morphology b syntagmatic morphology

2 a paradigmatic syntax b syntagmatic syntax

According to this view, whenever we talk of parts of speech (substantives, adjectives, etc.), we remain within the sphere of morphology. Thus the statement that an adjective is used to modify a substantive, or that an adverb is used to modify a verb, is a state- ment of syntagmatic morphology. Syntax should have nothing to do with parts of speech: it should only operate with parts of sentence (subject, predicate, etc.).

Of these four items, the first and the last require no special explanation. Paradigmatic morphology is what we used to call morphology, and syntagmatic syntax is what we used to call syntax. The two other items, however, do require some special comment. Syntagmatic morphology is the study of phrases: "substantive + substantive", "adjective + substantive", "verb + substantive", "verb + adverb", etc.

Paradigmatic syntax, on the other hand, is a part of grammatical theory which did not appear as such in traditional systems. Paradigmatic syntax has to deal with such phenomena as

My friend has come.

My friend has not come.

Has my friend come?

My friend will come.

My friend will not come.

Will my friend come?

My friends have come.

My friends have not come, etc.

All these are considered as variation of one and the same sentence.

It would seem that the term sentence is here used in a peculiar sense. As units of communication My friend has come and My friend has not come are certainly two different sentences, as the information they convey is different. To avoid this ambiguity of the term sentence, it would be better to invent another term for "paradigmatic sentence". However, inventing a new term which would be generally acceptable is very difficult. In this book we shall use the term sentence in its old communicative sense.

Лексический Словарь Справочник: Категория – предельно широкое понятие, в котором отображаются

Наиболее общие и существенные свойства, признаки, связи и отношения предметов, явлений объективного мира.

О. С. Ахманова: Понятийная категория – внеязыковое, отвлеченное, обобщенное значение, находящее в данном языке то или иное выражение. (категория абстрактности, вещественности) (conceptual, extra linguistic notion)

Лингвистическая категория – общие свойства различных классов и разрядов языковых единиц, конституирующих эти классы и и получающие разнообразное языковое выражение: морфологическое, синтаксическое, просодическое и т. д., при различном содержании(грамматическое, лексическое, стилистическое).

Категория грамматическая – одно из наиболее общих слов лингвистических единиц вообще или некоторые их класса, получившие в языке грамматическое выражение.

Категория текста – его наиболее общие и существенные признаки, представляют собой ступени в познании его онтологических, гносеологических и структурных признаков.

Категории текста: информативность, связность, континуум.

Grammatical category – is a fusion of grammatical meaning and grammatical form, obligatory, indefectible part of a grammatical category. Generalized meaning common to all the words of a definite class/

Gramm. Meaning: Formal means of expression.

Boy – boys, boy – boy’s

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