
Deciduous teeth are the first set of teeth. They develop during the embryonic stage of development and erupt during infancy. They are usually lost and replaced by permanent teeth. The deciduous dentition is made up of central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, first molars, and secondary molars.. All of these are replaced with a permanent counterpart except for the first and second molars; they are replaced by premolars. The deciduous teeth will remain until the age of six. Permanent teeth are the second set of teeth. Their eruption starts at the age of six years and is completed at eighteen to twenty-five years. Grown-ups have 32 permanent teeth, of four different teeth types. There are sixteen at the maxilla and sixteen at the mandible: 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars and 12 molars. Wisdom teeth appear later in life. They are located in the very back of the mouth.

Lesson 10

Dental facilities


private ['praIvIt]- персональний, конфіденційний room [rHm]- простір sink [sInk]- раковина rinse [rInz]- полоскати рот hydraulic lift [hQI'drLlIk]- гідравлічний підйомник handpiece [hxndpIs] - наконечник (для бормашини) drill [drIl]-свердлити wireless ['waIqlIs] - бездротовий imaging ['ImIGIN] - візуалізація, отримання зображення з допомогою рентгенографії, томографії та інших досліджень tray – [treI] 1. лоток; 2. відбиткова ложка tool – [tHl] інструмент safety ['seIftI]- безпека foreign body - чужорідне тіло gloves [glAvz]- рукавички penetrate ['penItreIt] - проникати усередину, проходити крізь, пронизувати plaque [plAk]-бляшка filling ['fIlIN] -пломба forceps ['fLseps]-щипці extraction [Iks'trxkSn] - видалення point - штифт seal [sJl]- герметик, засіб для герметизації wheel-shaped ['wJl] -колесоподібний splint -шинувальна стрічка impression - відбиток rubber dam [rAbq dxm]-кофердам saliva ejector [sq'laIvq J'Gektq] - слиновідсмоктувач hit upon -потрапляти


wa [O] was want
wa + r [O:] warm
wo + r [q:] work word
igh [aI] high light

Ex.1. Read the following words:

Water, wash; warm, ward, warning; word-combination, world, crossword; fight, right, might, tight.


Ex.2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

Suffixes of Noun:

-algia (pain)

-ia, -iasis (condition, process)

-ian (specialist)

Ex.3. Read and translate the following words:

A. Neuralgia; arthralgia; otalgia.

B. Pneumonia; hernia; anaesthesia; leukemia; diphtheria; malaria; hyperglycemia; anemia; candidiasis.

C. Physician; pediatrician; obstetrician; technician.


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