Symbian Mobile System

Mobile client supports symbian system version above 9.1 (namely symbian 3rd and 5th version mobile), including all the 3rd version like Nokia 6120c, e71,5800 with 240*320, 320*240 resolution, the 5th version with 360*640, 640*360 resolution.

Ўо Installation and Operation Instruction

1. Download and Install the package file(sisx) in the phone and then you will find the program icon and find the vmeye in the specified directory.

2. Click the vmeye program icon. After running the program, the below initialized interface will appear:

The functions of the buttons are as below:

Function Button Name Function Description
Play Program connects the device and start to play the video
Snapshot Capture the current image (the pictures are saved in the picture directory of the mobile phone by default)
Setting Set IP address of the NVR or DDNS, port, user name, password and device name.
Next Group Can select the channel of next group
Exit Exit the program
Full Screen Full screen view
Select Channel Select to play the video of any channel of the device. Coordinating with the Ў±Next GroupЎ±, you can switch to 8ch or 16ch.
PTZ Control Control PTZ up, down, left and right
Zoom, Focal Length, Iris Zoom in and zoom out, increase and decrease focal length and iris. The above prompting bar will prompt the function of the selected button.

Use for the first time or need to modify the parameters, please click Setting button to enter the parameter setting interface, which as shown in the below picture:

IP: The public IP address or DDNS of the NVR;

Port: The server port of the NVR;

User Name: The same as the user name on IE;

Password: The same as the password on IE.

Allias: Give a name to the device and it will appear on the playing page.

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