Make sentences from the words in brackets using the Present Perfect Passive

1. I have always wanted to travel through time. (But/time/machines/not/invent/yet).

2. We are looking for the place to see some interesting events. (Minsk-Arena/build/as a/high-technology/complex/to/hold/the/competitions/


3. Not only tests help us to obtain objective results. (This/theory/also/use/for/analyzing/the/experimental/data).

4. Today’s mobile connection looks fantastic. (Many/different/devices/create/in/order/to/improve/the/performance/of/communications).

5. Physicists think that Newton’s laws are the main laws of nature, but chemists object that …


10. Form adjectives from the following nouns using the suffix -ous and translate them.

For example: advantage – преимущество;

advantageous – преимущественный.

Analog, danger, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, cobalt.

11. Read and translate word-combinations.

A. start from the first component

1. atmospheric geological operatingconditions static room 3. absolute vibratory orbitalmovement free spherical
2. operating starting zero closedposition fixed angular (угловой) 4. electromagnetic acoustic electric gravitationalfield magnetic sinusoidal vector

B. start from the second component

1. electron energy airflow fluid radiation current 2. arsenic germanium aluminiumnucleus copper silicon selenium

12. Match the following sentences with their translations.

1. Do holes really move? 2. Recombination has occurred and a hole has disappeared. 3. If no voltage is applied to the crystal, the movement of both holes and electrons is quite random. 4. Was this caused by heating? 5. The effect is as though a hole has moved from point A to point C. 6. If some voltage is applied, then the electrons will begin to move in one direction, and the holes will begin to move in the opposite direction. 7. Under the same conditions (the increase of temperature by one degree Centigrade) the conductivity of silicon will increase by 7 per cent. 8. Can we say that both electrons and holes are charge carriers? 9. The problem of the movement of holes has been completely considered. a. Это было вызвано нагреванием? b. Проблема перемещения дырок была полностью рассмотрена. c. При тех же условиях (увеличение температуры на один градус Цельсия) проводимость кремния увеличится на 7%. d. Произошла рекомбинация, и дырка исчезла. e. Можем ли мы сказать, что носителями зарядов являются и электроны, и дырки? f. Если никакого напряжения не приложено к кристаллу то движение как дырок, так и электронов совершенно хаотическое. g. Эффект такой, будто бы дырка переместилась из точки A в точку C. h. Действительно ли дырки движутся? Если приложить какое-то напряжение, тогда электроны начнут двигаться в одном направлении, а дырки начнут двигаться в противоположном направлении.

13. Answer the following questions using the verbs: write, use, design, interest, experiment, read .

1. Can you name the recent inventions in electronics? I’ve read a lot about that, but I haven’t remembered them yet.
2. Can you describe intrinsic conduction?  
3. Do you know any information media?  
4. The increase of temperature of germanium by one degree Centigrade increases its conductivity approximately by 5 per cent. Does the same take place in silicon?  
5. Have you ever invented anything?  
6. Is it easy for you to carry out laboratory tests in physics?  
7. Are you an expert in programming?  

14. Choose as many words from the table of ex.1 as you can and form sensible sentences.

For example: Both electrons and holes are charge carriers.

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