Public speeches

1) Being an oral form of publicistic style it contains some peculiarities of oral speeches which are directed to the audience *Ladies and gentlemen *Honorable members

2) The use of contracted forms *I’m, you’re, don’t

3) Use of colloquial words, use of the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns. Importance of standard pronunciation

4) The use of intonation to express shades of meaning, implication, different emotions. Also gestures and mimics play a great role.

In its leading features public speeches belong to the written variety of the language, thus they have the form of the monologue. Lexically there are lots of bookish words and some terms, very often the use of figurative language. In order to appeal to the emotions of the listeners, speakers resort to phraseological units, metaphors, similes, allusions, irony. But all stylistic devices used in speech are dead, so that the listeners won’t have any difficulties in understanding them and can easily get at the idea. Compositionally the text is logically constructed; the message is expressed clearly with argumentative power.

Syntactical constructions are not very much complicated and there are a lot of connectives, which link the idea of the speaker. Among syntactical stylistic devices most frequent one are: repetitions and rhetorical questions.

Written style Newspaper articles, media articles.

A newspaper serves to inform and to convince the reader. It’s meant for different kinds of audience, people who differ in their background, education and culture. A newspaper is often read in places where it’s hard to concentrate: in the undergrounds or at lunch, during a break. The process of reading is often broken off. All these factors impose certain rules on creating a newspaper text. A media text should be understandable to everyone. It’s supposed to arouse the reader’s interest at once and keep it throughout the article and the main information should be imparted in a short concise and expressive way. A media article has the structure of an inverted pyramid and the information is presented according to the top-down relevant principles. The most important information is imparted in the headline and the 1st sentence.

Scientific prose style. The aim is to prove, hypothesis and describe new phenomena scientific laws and various inventions.

§ From the lexical point of view scientific texts are characterized by obligatory used of terms specific to a certain brunch.

§ All the other words of general vocabulary are used in their direct logical meaning to avoid any ambiguity. The words are usually bookish, less neutral. There are no colloquial words, no emotional, expressive words.

§ The selected use of pronounce 1st person plural (we) is preferred to 1st person singular (I), the 2d person is not used.

§ In syntax gathered by logical reason. That’s why it’s characterized by logical sequence of sentence which are complex simple sentences occur very rarely and in order to connect the idea a great variety of connective is used: so, firstly, finally, therefore, consequently.

§ Passive constructions are used: it must be assumed, it should be pointed out.

§ The sentences are reproduced exactly marked with inverted commas; references, footnotes

Popular scientific style: these texts not only for professions, but for large audience where may be little acquainted with the subj. The author of such a text strives to be understood by many people and b-se of that he avoids special terms. If he does use them he usually explains or describes them. The structure is singular, the exposition is less objective, is more vivid and attractive. The logical sequence is not always observed.

Official style: style of legal documents, style of business documents, style of diplomacy, style of military documents.

Main function is communicative to express certain relations between governments, companies, the state and their citizens and so on. Official doc-s may have various forms such as official statements, pacts, charters, business correspondence, military and so on.


1)all the words are used in their direct, logical meaning, they are bookish words, terms, clichés, set expressions which are permanent: the above mentioned, in accordance with.

2)some archaic forms can be found: hereby, herewith

3)foreign words (Latin & French) are used: status quo, persona non grata, force majeure

4)there is no evaluative and emotional vocabulary, non colloquial words.

5)abbreviations, shortenings, conventional synonyms are used: ltd, Gvt, MP, HMS

6)in syntax documents consist of long complex sentences with several types of coordination.

7)it’s characterized by a great number of passive constructions, participles, infinitival, gerundial constructions, a lot of numerous connectives.

8)detached constructions and parenthesis are used.

9)all documents have a special compositional design. The text is clearly subdivided into separate units of information which are logically arranged in the order of priority. The tone of narrator is objective, concrete, unemotional and impersonal.

10)italics, bold type, capital letter are widely employed.

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