Study grammar reference first – type 1: a real situation which refers to the present or future

Revision 1: There are three main types of conditional sentences in the English Language: one is used for real situations, two others for unreal situations. Study the scheme of the first one.

Scheme: If + Present Simple, I will +bare infinitive

Note: Variants can be different:If / whether + Present Simple (or Present Perfect / Present Continuous), I / you,.. + will, can, could, may, might.But the meaning is the same:‘if clause’ doesn’t contain the future ‘will,’ if there are no words: I don’t know, I doubt, etc.

Revision 2: Compare the sentences in the English and Ukrainian languages:

If the weather is fine, I wil l go to the park. / Якщо погода буде гарною, я піду до парку.

Note: We don’t use future forms after the words: if, whether, when, on condition that, while, as soon as, after, in case, if only, less, unless, until, before, after,etc.

Revision 3: Compare the punctuation:

If I am free,I will join you.

I will join you if I am free.


Prediction – провіщання, передбачення

Evident – очевидний

Threat – погроза

Warning - попередження

Intention - намір

Offer / suggestion – пропозиція

Request - прохання

Condition – умова

Promise – обіцянка, обіцяти

On - the- spot decision – рішення прийняте на місці

Clause – другорядний

Contain – містити

Whether – якщо, чи

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