
There are many fruit trees in our...

Правильные варианты ответа: garden;

There is a green... in front of our house.

Правильные варианты ответа: lawn;

The floor is covered with a thick...

Правильные варианты ответа: carpet;

A... serves to carry rubbish down.

Правильные варианты ответа: rubbish chute;

The Spaniards speak...

Правильные варианты ответа: Spanish;

The capital of Bulgaria is

R Sofia

The northern part of Europe is washed by the... ocean.

Правильные варианты ответа: Atlantic;

The capital of Canada is:

R Ottawa

He is … the Urals very soon.

R leaving

If they … to the Crimea in August I shall miss them.

R go

Something has gone... with the cassette – recorder.

Правильные варианты ответа: wrong;

I am going to present my brother with a sweater which I have … myself.

R knitted

Do you usually sit up late or do you... to bed early.

Правильные варианты ответа: go;

There is a... this evening at the club.

Правильные варианты ответа: party;

I have washed my hands and now I am going to... them on the towel.

Правильные варианты ответа: dry;

If you want to make a good sportsman you must … morning exercises every morning.

R do

Skating will … a lot of good.

R do

Isn’t it your turn to … a report today?

R make

How could you possibly … so many mistakes in your dictation?

R make

It’s too dark, I can’t see … on the blackboard.

R anything

May I come to see you tonight? I’ve got … to tell you.

R something

There is … wrong with my fountain-pen. It won’t write.

R something

Must we learn … by heart? No, you needn’t.

R anything

Is … away from the lesson today?

R anybody

The door is open. There must be … at home.

R somebody

Russia occupies the eastern half of

R Europe

Tbilisi is the capital of

R Georgia

The mountain chain in Europe is the...

Правильные варианты ответа: Alps;

The longest river in the world is

R the Nile

The largest ocean in the world is the... ocean.

Правильные варианты ответа: Pacific;

A room where children sleep, play and have meals we call a:

R nursery

A room where people have meals we call a:

R dining-room

A room where food is kept we call a:

R pantry

Something has gone........... with the cassette-recorder.

R wrong

I’m.... for time, will you help me?

R pressed

Рейтинг 3



“In this period there came … declaration of war between … North and… South.”

R a, the, the

This is … very important news.

R a

Here is picture of … town where I was born.

R the


… the past, attendance at school was not compulsory, but it’s today.

-: on

-: down

-: inside

Правильные варианты ответа: in;

One of women is speaking … waiter.

R to

Who is looking … your baby this afternoon?

R after

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