Speak about your daily schedule. These questions will help you to do it

1.When do you get up? Are you an early or late riser? Do you wake up yourself or does an alarm clock wake you up?

2. Are you fond of doing morning exercises every day? Do you like jogging in the morning?

3. Do you take a shower in the morning? Is it cold or hot? What else do you do before your breakfast?

4.What is your typical breakfast? Who makes it for you? There are people who look through newspapers or listen to the radio while having their breakfast. What's about you?

5. When do you have classes: in the morning or in the afternoon?

6. When do you usually leave the house? How much time does it take you to get to the Institute? Do you go on foot there or by bus?

7. When do your classes start? How long do they last? How many classes a day do you have? What's your most difficult/easiest day of the week? Why?

8. When and where do you usually have a dinner?

9. What time do you usually come home? In what way do you usually relax after your classes?

10. When do you do your homework in the morning or in the evening? Where do you prefer to get ready for your tomorrow's classes?

11. What do you do in the evening if you have some free time?

12. What time do you usually go to bed? How much time do you sleep?

Speak about your day.

Lesson 3.

1. Translate the following sentences:

1) He decided tо achieve better results in the second term. 2) In addition to the lecture we must read some articles on this subject. 3) Yesterday he finished his experiment earlier than usual. 4 The doctor fixed the date of the operation for this patient. 5) Their son graduated from the Institute and got an appointment to the hospital. 6) Last summer we rested longer than usual.

2. Complete the sentences translating the words in brackets:

1) Today the patient fells (плохо) than yesterday. 2) I think that this article is (необходимее) than the article you read yesterday. 3) The experiment, which the young scientist carried out is (самый успешный) of all his experiments.

3. Fill in the prepositions where required:

1)... Monday the surgeon will perform the operation... the clinic. 2)... last week the doctor treated me... grippe 3)... this year I entered... my Medical institute. 4) Tomorrow we will go... the dissecting room to prepare... our next Anatomy class. 5) The doctor was listening... the patient’s heart attentively.

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