Subject/Object Questions

If “what”, “which” or “who” are the subject of the question, the word order is the same as in statements. If they are the object of the question, the verb is in question form. “Which” is normally used when there is a limited choice. Ex. Which is your car- the Mercedes or the Volvo? (there are only two cars we are talking about).

When there is a verb with preposition, the preposition usually goes at the end of the question. In formal English it can be put before the question word. What are you talking about?/ About what are you talking?

EXERCISE 2. FCE Use of English Virginia Evans P.185 Ex.238

EXERCISE 3. English Grammar in Use R.Murphy P.99 Ex. 49.2

EXERCISE 4. Put questions to the words in bold.

There are two computers in the office. 2. This is a new printer. 3. It is three miles to the shop. 4. There is a mistake in the text. 5. They are famous detectives. 6. It's Mary's book. 7. It's Sunday today. 8. He is in Paris now. 9. Mr. Parker is my teacher. 10. He is a lawyer. 11. This is an important question. 12. They are artists. 13. Marina is a secretary. 14. Henry is twenty years old. 15. This is a colour printer.

EXERCISE 5. Translate the sentences.

1. — Кто этот парень? — Это Дима. Он мой друг. 2. — Чем он занимается? (Кто он?) — Он студент. 3. — Кто эти люди? — Они наши соседи. — Чем они занимаются? (Кто они?) — Они служащие. 4. — Чья это папка? — Она моя. 5. — Какого рода эта работа? — Она неплохая. 6. — Сколько лет твоей жене? Сколько лет твоим детям? — Вы ведь не инспектор, не правда ли? 7. В Англии много хороших традиций, не так ли? 8. — Что это за фильм? — Это комедия. 9. — Ко­торый из этих дисков твой? — Они все мои. 10. — Как Вы? Как жизнь? Как родители? — Всё прекрасно, спасибо. 11. — Почему ты такая печальная? В чём дело? — Я просто голодна и хочу спать. 12. — Когда твой день рождения? — Это секрет. 13. — Я прав или не прав? — Это трудно сказать. 14. — Где ученики? Где учи­тель? — Они в зале. Там концерт. 15. Это не очень-то хорошая идея, не правда ли? 16. — Почему вы здесь? — Я новый секретарь. Какие мои обязанности? 17. — Что он за человек? — Он честный человек и помешан на работе

EXERCISE 6. Work in pairs, in groups, or as a class.

Speaker A: Give the cues in the text. The first of the two cues is the answer to the

question you want Speaker В to form. Your book is open.

Speaker B: Make an appropriate question for the answer Speaker A gives you. Your book is closed.


SPEAKER A (book open): The teacher. The teacher opened the door.

SPEAKER B (book closed): Who opened the door?

SPEAKER A (book open): Opening the door. The teacher is opening the door.
SPEAKER B (book closed): What is the teacher doing?

1. My friend. That letter is from my friend.

2. Maria. Maria wrote that letter.

3. My mother's. That is my mother's coat.

4. In August. Alice and John are going to get married in August.

5. Gray. Her eyes are gray.

6. Black. Her hair is black.

7. Herb tea. I’d like some herb tea.

8. Coffee. I usually drink coffee with my breakfast.

9. The soap bubbles. The soap bubbles made her sneeze.


10. Ten minutes. It usually takes me ten minutes to eat breakfast.

11. By taxi. I got to the airport by taxi.

12. A ball. The boy has a ball in his pocket.*

13. Four. I have four brothers and sisters.

14. Florida. I grew up in Florida.

15. Five hours. It takes five hours to get there by plane.

16. Historical novels. I like to read historical novels.

17. Chapters 2 and 3. The test will cover Chapters 2 and 3.

18. I was late. I was late because the traffic was heavy.**

19. For three days. She's been sick for three days.

20. Twenty. I'm going to invite twenty people to my party.

21. This one. You should buy this camera, not that one.

22. Marie Curie. Marie Curie discovered radium.

23. Practicing asking questions. We're practicing asking questions.

24. Great. Everything's going great.

(English Grammar B.S. Azar Unit B: Questions B-2 A9-A11 Ex.11)

EXERCISE 7. English Grammar in Use R.Murphy PP.98- 99 Ex. 49.1, 49.3

COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 1. Spy game. Your partner has a password sentence. You can only hear the predicate of the sentence. To know the whole sentence ask information questions.

COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 2. Guess who? Work in two teams. Together with you partners choose a famous person. Make sure you know a lot of important information about this person. You partners will ask you some wh- questions to guess the person.

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