Possible follow-ups

1. Discuss the following:

a) Is one's authority as a teacher undermined by seeking the aid of senior members of the staff in dealing with discipline problems?

b) Is one ever justified in punishing a whole class for the misbehav­iour of one or two unidentified offenders?

c) Discussions of discipline and control often focus on the negative question or sanctions. What possible strategies ("awards") are available for encouraging desired pupil behaviour?

2. Write up the role-play as a letter of the form teacher to her friend.

NB: topics suggested for oral discussion may serve/be used as topics for home or class composition.



M.N. Semenova, an English teacher, and her colleague, N.M. Petro-va, are receiving Mrs Dorothy Parker, a visiting English teacher, at M.N. Semenova's. Her elder daughter, Helen, is helping by laying and clear­ing the table.

The ladies are discussing many things and mainly the coming birth­day of M.N. Semenova's younger son Nick who is supposed to be at school at the moment. When the tea is in full swing the bell rings and Nick's form tutor, L.G. Bobrova, appears in the doorway to inform M.N. Se­menova of her son's truancy. The hostess and guests are surprised at the news, and now M. N. Semenova is in two minds whether to arrange the birthday party or cancel it.

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