I. Open the brackets, choose the necessary form of Infinitive

1. He seems (to read / to be reading) now.

2. She seems (to have read / to read) all the books in the library.

3. I want (to take / to have taken) you to the lecture.

4. I want (to take / to be taken) to the concert by my friend.

5. We expect (to be / to have been) back in two days.

6. He expected (to help / to be helped) by the supervisor.

7. The students are still waiting (to give / to be given) books for their work.

8. Is there anything else (to tell / to have told) her?

9. The girl pretended (to read / to be reading) and (not to hear / not to have heard) the bell.

10. They are supposed (to work / to have been working) on the problem for the last two months.

II. Translate into Russian:

1. Ann remembered to have been told a lot about all the points of the agreement.

2. I am sorry to have spoilt your mood.

3. I was the first among our students to become a postgraduate.

4. To renovate the hall our engineers use modern aluminum constructions.

5. The data to be used in your article is to be well checked.

6. The idea to develop this technology didn’t leave us.

7. To improve your pronunciation you should record yourself and analyse your speech.

8. We hope to get diplomas in a year.

9. I have nothing to read.

10. She is not to blame.

Grammar Study

Study grammar again and do the following exercises. Consult your teacher if necessary.

Ex 1. Complete the sentences.

1. He seems (сдает экзамен сейчас).

2. The professor expects (завершить курс лекций к концу семестра).

3. I have nothing (сказать по данному вопросу).

4. (Чтобы получить эту книгу) you should go to the library.

5. She expected (что ей помогут).

6. (Он был последним) to come.

7. I am glad (помочь Вам).

Ex 2. Translate into English.

1. Чтобы использовать новые технологии, Вы постоянно должны повышать уровень ваших знаний.

2. Проблема слишком сложная, чтобы ее решить.

3. Кажется, профессор принимает экзамен сейчас.

4. Я не помню, чтобы ты говорил мне об этом.

5. Я надеюсь, что меня пригласят участвовать в проекте.

6. Чтобы изучить свойства этого металла мы провели серию опытов в лаборатории.

7. Студент притворился, что не услышал вопроса.

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