Тема: At the restaurant

Завдання 1. Read the dialogue.

At the Restaurant

Steve: Would you like to eat something?

Roy: With the greatest pleasure. I’m as hungry as a horse1. I gulped down2 only a sandwich and a cup of tea this morning.

Steve: How about having dinner3 at the new restaurant across the road? They serve good meals there. At present there isn’t a better restaurant in the city.

Roy: I’m afraid it’ll be too expensive.

Steve: The prices are quite reasonable. Beside that, there are few people there and the service is excellent.

Roy: Then it’s settled4.

(At the restaurant)

Roy: Oh, it’s very nice here, indeed. I’d like to sit at that table.

Steve: I’m afraid it is reserved. Here is another place at the window.

Waiter: Hello! What will you order, gentlemen? Here is the menu.

Roy: What shall we have? I’d like to have something substantial.

Steve: So would I. And I’m thirsty too. What do you say to a bottle of beer?

Roy: No beer, thanks. I prefer a glass of mineral water.

Steve: I don’t mind that myself. (To the waiter) A bottle a mineral water,

please. Now, let’s see the menu. Is there anything to your taste,


Roy: Oh, yes, many things. I’d like some salad first.

Waiter: I can offer you sliced5 cucumbers with sour cream.

Roy: Very good. What would you recommend for the first course?

Waiter: There is chicken soup with rice, cabbage soup with meat, bean

soup and fish soup.

Steve: Let it be fish soup. How is it prepared?

Waiter: It is a soup made from several kinds of fish with white wine. It’s

our house speciality.

Roy: I’ll follow suit. A bowl of hot soup will do me good.

(Five minutes later)

Steve: How do you find the soup? It is delicious, isn’t it?

Roy: Really excellent. Please pass me the salt.

Steve: Some more bread?

Roy: Yes, with pleasure. Here comes the waiter again. What shall we

order next?

Steve: I’ll have a mutton chop with fried potatoes.

Roy: And I think there is nothing like6 a juicy piece of roast beef, just

slightly underdone7.

Steve: What shall we have for dessert?

Roy: I leave the choice to you, Steve. You are a sweet tooth8, I know.

Steve: I suggest black coffee, chocolate pudding and ice cream.

Roy: I like your choice. I’ll have the same.

Steve: The waiter is coming with our orders.

Roy: Our dishes look appetizing. Will you pass me the mustard, please?

Steve: Here you are. I never take mustard or pepper.

Roy: You don’t say! As for me I like both.

(Some time later)

Steve: Here comes our coffee. Do you mind is I pour, Roy?

Roy: Not at all, that will suit me perfectly.

Steve: The pudding is splendid.

Roy: So is the ice cream. What time is it, please?

Steve: Let me see. My watch is a bit slow. It’s half past two.

Roy: It’s time to go. Waiter, we are in a bit of a hurry. Could we have

the bill straight away9, please?

Waiter: Sure. I’ll bring it immediately.

Roy: What does the bill come to?

Steve: Look, Roy! It’s my treat today.

Roy: No, I won’t allow you to pay the bill. It’s my treat.

Steve: O.K. I’ll pay next time.

Roy: This place is excellent indeed. You were quite right. We really had

a good meal. I almost feel like a new man. What about you?

Steve: So do I… Everything was well cooked the service was excellent.

Words and Word Combinations:

1 I’m as hungry as a horse. – Я голодний, як вовк.

2 gulped down – проковтнув

3 how about having dinner – давай пообідаємо

4 it’s settled – вирішено

5 sliced – нарізані

6 there’s nothing like – немає нічого краще

7 underdone – недосмажений

8 a sweet tooth – ласунчик

9 straight away – зараз же

Завдання 1. Tell about your last visit to the restaurant (to the café).


Завдання для самостійної роботи

Завдання 1. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite Active or the Present Indefinite Passive.

  1. The teacher (to ask) you at every lesson?


  1. You (to ask) at every lesson?


  1. You often (to invite) Sally to the concerts?


  1. Sally often (to invite) to the concerts?


  1. Rita (to sell) her flowers in the street?


  1. The flowers (to sell) in the street?


  1. The pupils sometimes (to play) basketball at PE lessons?


  1. Basketball sometimes (to play) at PE lessons?


  1. Tommy usually (to play) football after classes?


  1. Football (to play) all over the world?


  1. You (to buy) newspapers near the office?


  1. The newspapers (to buy) near the office?


  1. How often Victor (to clean) his flat?


  1. How often this flat to clean)?


  1. Where they (to sell) their potatoes?


  1. Where the potatoes (to sell)?


  1. Where you (to keep) your documents?


  1. Where your documents (to keep)?


  1. Why Tom and Rolf often (to speak about) Nora?


  1. Why Nora often (to speak about)?


  1. Why Rose (to send) for the doctor every day?


  1. Why the doctor (to send for) every day?


  1. What time you usually (to drink) tea?


  1. What time (to drink) tea in your family?


Завдання 2. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite Passive.

  1. The soup (to eat) yesterday afternoon.


  1. This beautiful building (to build) two centuries ago.


  1. These flowers (to plant) three weeks ago.


  1. He (to invite) to the birthday party last Tuesday.


  1. This exercise (to do) at the last Russian lesson.


  1. The meat salad (to make) half an hour ago.


  1. Moscow (to found) in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky.


Завдання 3. Open the brackets. Write the sentences

a) in the negative b) in the interrogative

  1. The door (to lock) yesterday evening.


  1. The dinner (to prepare) twenty minutes ago.


  1. The test (to write) without any mistakes at the last Russian lesson.


  1. This funny story (to tell) us at the last birthday party.


  1. These dresses (to wash) two days ago.


  1. The bread (to buy) the day before yesterday.


Завдання 4. Put the verbs into the Future Indefinite Passive.

  1. The new book (to sell) in all shops next week.


  1. This grammar rule (to explain) by the teacher at the next French lesson.


  1. Rolf (to introduce) to Sally’s parents next Saturday.


  1. The letter (not to type) by the secretary in ten minutes.


  1. The translation of a very difficult text (to finish) by The students at the next Italian lesson.


Завдання 5.

Прочитати текст і виконати завдання до нього.

Newton’s Dinner

Isaac Newton was known as a very absent-minded1 man. One day a gentleman came to see him, but was told that Sir Isaac was busy in his study and that nobody was allowed2 to disturb3 him.

As it was dinner time, the visitor was invited to wait in the dining room. In a few minutes a boiled chicken under a cover was brought and placed on the table. An hour passed4, but Newton didn’t enter the room. Te gentleman feeling hungry ate the chicken, and covering up the skeleton asked the sevant5 to boil another one for Newton. But before the second chicken was ready, the scientist6 came into the room at last apologizing for his delay7. Then he said: “As I feel rather tired and hungry, I hope you will excuse me a little longer, while I take my dinner, and then I will be at your service.” With these words he lifted the cover, and without emotion turned round to the gentleman and said: “See what a strange set8 we scientists are! I quite forgot that I had dined already9.”

At this moment the other chicken was brought. When Newton was told everything, he began to laugh and then sat down to have dinner.

Words and Word Combinations:

1 absent-minded – розгублений

2 allow – дозволяти

3 to disturb – турбувати

4 passed – пройшов

5 sevant – слуга

6 scientist – вчений

7 apologizing for his delay – вибачаючись через те, що затримався

8 a strange set – дивні люди

9 I had dined already – Я вже пообідав.

A. Answer these questions:

1. What kind of man was Isaac Newton?


2. Who came to see him one day?


3. What was the visitor invited to do?


4. What was brought into the dining room?


5. What did the gentleman do in a hour and why?


В. Retell the story in the person of the visitor.

Завдання 6. Творча робота.

Написати «Їжа та напої українців»


  1. Модуль 1

Тема 1. About myself ……………………………………….. 1

Тема 2. My dwelling. ……………………………………….. 13

Тема 3. My working day. ……………………………………. 18

  1. Модуль 2

Тема 1. Навчання в університеті …………………………. 20

Тема 2. У крамниці. ………………………………………… 29

Тема 3. Їжа та напої. ……………………………………… 35

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