Learn the names of the inner organs of the human body

1 the neck - шея

2 the laryngx - гортань

3 the trachea - трахея

4 the shoulder - плечо

5 the aorta - аорта

6 the heart - сердце

7 the diaphragm - диафрагма

8 the stomach - желудок

9 the spleen -селезенка

10. the bowels - кишечник

11. the appendix - слепая кишка

12 the colon - толстая кишка

13 the liver - печень

14 the ribs - ребра

15 the lungs - легкие

16 the upper - верхняя полая вена

vena cava

3. Translate the words of Latin and Greek origin:

the alimentary canal, reservoir, to mix, secretion, to concentrate, process, to contain, accessory organs, the pancreas, the peritoneum, the duodenum, the parotid glands, submaxillary, sublingual, the gallbladder.

4. Read the text and be able to answer some questions:

The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and accessory organs. The alimentary canal is formed by the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, small intestine, stomach, large intestine and rectum. The accessory structures are the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, hard and soft palates, liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

The layers of the alimentary tract (from within outward) are mucous, submucous, muscular and serous. The organs of the digestive system contained in the abdomen are covered with the serous coat - the peritoneum.

The mouth is the first division of the alimentary tract. Important structures of the mouth are the tongue, which contains the end organ for taste, and the teeth which divide and mix the food. There are two sets of teeth: first - the deciduous or milk teeth, and later - the permanent teeth. The esophagus conveys food from the pharynx to the stomach. The stomach is a dilated portion of the alimentary canal lying in the upper abdomen just under the diaphragm. The 5 million or more glands in its walls secrete about 3 quarts of gastric juice a day. The stomach is a retaining and mixing reservoir jn which the process of digestion continues. The small intestine is a thin-walled muscular tube about 7 metres long.

The large intestine is about 1.5 metres long.

The glands that pour secretions into the alimentary canal are the salivary glands in the mouth, and the liver and gallbladder and pancreas in the abdominal cavity. The large salivary glands consist of the parotid, submaxillary and sublingual ones. They supply water, ferments and mucus to the food which is ground up by the teeth.

The liver is the largest gland in the body. It secretes bile and has many other important functions. The gallbladder is attached to the under surface of the liver. It concentrates the bile. The pancreas is a long slender organ. The bile and pancreatic ducts empty into the duodenum.

1. What is the first division of the alimentary tract?

2. What does the digestive system consist of?

3. What salivary glands are there in the body?

4. What gland is the largest one in the body?

5. Where does stomach lie?

6. What sets of teeth are there?


Ex. 1. Listen to the tape-recording of the text and be ready to read the text aloud.

Ex. 2. Give English equivalents:

вспомогательные органы, дробить и перемешивать пищу, пищевод, расширенная часть, секретировать, молочные зубы, околоушные железы, постоянные зубы, слюнные железы, снабжать водой и ферментами, концентрировать желчь, брюшная полость.

Ex. 3. Choose the correct form of the verb. Translate:

1. The digestive system (forms, formed, is formed) by the alimentary canal and accessory organs.

2. The organs contained in the abdomen(cover, covered, are covered) with the serous layer.

3. The food (mix, is mixed, mixed) by the teeth.

4. The food (conveys, is conveyed conveyed) from the pharynx to the stomach by the esophagus.

5. The gallbladder (attaches, is attached, attached) tо the under surface of the liver.

Ex. 4. Translate:

1. Пищеварительный канал образуется ртом гортанью, пищеводом, желудком, малым кишечником и прямой кишкой.

2. Органы пищеварительной системы, содержащиеся в брюшной полости, покрыты серозной оболочкой.

3. Слюнные железы обеспечивают водой, ферментами и слизью пищу, которая перемалывается зубами.

4. Вода, снабжающая тело, регулируется слюнными железами.

5. Органы в брюшной полости покрыты брюшиной.

Ex. 5. Answer the following questions and check your answers:

1. Where does the alimentary canal begin?

2. What is the alimentary canal formed by?

3. What is the first division of the alimentary canal?

4. What are the important structures of the mouth?

5. Where does the stomach lie?

6. What glands that pour secretions into the alimentary canal do you know?

7. What do the large salivary glands consist of?

8. What is the largest gland of the body?

9. Where do the bile and pancreatic ducts empty into?

Ex. 6. Listen to the text and answer the question: "How does the food get to the cella?"


What happens to the food we eat? How does it get to the cells? First, the food goes into the digestive tract The food enters your body by the mouth. Then it goes down the esophagus, a tube between your mouth and your stomach. Then, it goes into your stomach, a big pouch at the top of your abdomen. Then, more tubes, over twenty feet of them -your small intestine and your large intestine. But your food doesn't go along unchanged. When it comes into your body, the food is made up of millions and millions of big molecules held together in chunks. While the chunks are broken up physically by the teeth and the contraction of the stomach and intestines, the big molecules are broken up chemically by the digestive juices. From big protein molecules come somewhat smaller molecules of aminoacids; from fats come fatty acids and glycerine and from carbohydrates like the starches come the simple sugars. The whole process of physical and chemical break-down is called digestion.

Ex. 7. Answer these questions and check your answers:

1. Where does the food go into first?

2. How does the food enter your body?

3. Does the food go along unchanged or not?

4. What process is called digestion?

5. What are the food chunks broken up physically by?

6. How do the digestive juices effect the food chunks?

7. What transformation do big protein molecules undergo in the stomach and intestines?

Lesson 5

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