Tests to consolidate students' knowledge

1. I give, what was the emergence reason of management practices.

A) rest it integration processes in society

B) development of scientific-technical progress

C) with the emergence of early States

D) with the emergence of paper money

E) with the division and cooperation of labor

2. Name the period when management became an independent region

A) at the turn of XIX and XX centuries

B) in the middle of the XVIII century

C) in the middle of the XX century

D) in the middle of the XIX century

E) at the end of XX century

3. The concept of "management" mainly use...

A) charitable funds

B) in mechanical systems

C) public non-profit associations

D) in party organizations

E) in business organizations

4. The level at which the Manager is responsible for the strategic management of...

A) the first

B) the third

C) the second

D) higher

E) the last

5. Scientific school comes from the following postulate: "the success of the organization..."

A) in the scientific organization of work

B) in the interaction of external and internal environment

C) human relations between managers and workers

D) in the scientific organization of labor Manager

E) marketing management approach

6. A great contribution to development ideas of the scientific school has made:

A) L. Fiol and M. Weber

B) Drucker and Routerman

C) L MacGregor and L. Maslow

D) Larvik and Dani

E) Gantt and F. Gilbert

7. Representatives of this scientific school as the main object of study was the effective use of human resources.

A) the Process approach

B) the School of scientific organization of labor

C) Administrative school

D) Quantitative approach

E) School of behavioral Sciences

8. Members this scientific school first described the control unity principle of command.

A) school of behavioral Sciences

B) administrative or classical school

C) school of human relations

D) school of management science or a quantitative approach

E) school of scientific management

9. Production management is...

A) the management movement of funds

B) means controlling the processing of raw materials;

C) is a multidimensional phenomenon that encompasses the processes;

D) the management of such processes and actions as market research, advertising

E) it is a systematic conscious unification of human actions, in pursuit certain goals;

10. Determine the level management in the organization, which must develop and pursue a policy of engagement with the external environment.

A) average

B) right

C) left

D) higher

E) grassroots

11. How many management organization principles has formulated a French entrepreneur Manager Apiol

A) 8

B) 10

C) 12

D) 16

E) 14

12. Traditional systems of incentives include:

A) time payment

B) reward system

C) Commission on sales

D) piece-premium payment

E) piecework payment

13. What are the decisions that are required in new situations that are not internally structured or involve unknown factors,

A) technical

B) economic

C) contour

D) organizational

E) standard

14. Define what a charisma

A) power based on coercion

B) a power-based compensation

C) legitimate power

D) expert power

E) the power of example

15. This type interpersonal conflict resolution methods can be considered to be the most effective.

A) coercion

B) solution

C) smoothing method

D) method of evasion

E) method of compromise

16. Specify what the basis for economic management methods.

A) on the impact on social conditions working

B) legislative acts

C) financial interests of management objects

D) regulations

E) legislative and regulatory acts

17. You can specify any these factors to the greatest extent defines the style of the activity Manager.

A) experience Manager

B) work area Manager

C) the work employees experience

D) the employees qualifications

E) the specific activity of the enterprise

18. This style activity Manager must prevail in the initial period of formation of the workforce.

A) liberal

B) not dependent

C) business

D) democratic

E) authoritarian

19. Manager what level most of his working time should solve operational problems

A) all levels

B) higher level

C) low-level

D) intermediate level

E) intermediate level

20. Span of characterizes...

A) the growth of the administrative apparatus

B) the powers of the Manager

C) the number of subordinates

D) conditions of subordination relations

E) rules of conduct Manager

21. The theory this school was the study and the subsequent dissemination of best practices management.

A) modern management concept.

B) the school of behavioral Sciences.

C) scientific communism school.

D) human relations school.

E) empirical management school.

22. Typical structure a business plan commercial enterprise consists of...

A) title page, table of contents, summary, partitions, applications

B) the cover sheet of the plan, summary, chapters, conclusion

C) title page, summary, application,

D) title page, table of contents, chapters, appendices

E) title page, chapters, conclusion

23. Linear, functional, linear-functional structures are...

A) divisional to

B) to the traditional structures

C) to a matrix structures

D) to network structures

E) to non-traditional

24. The structure, which is characterized by the fact that at the head of each Department is the head-aminonicotinic, are endowed with all the powers and brings together in his hands all control functions is called...

A) divisionally

B) matrix

C) linear structure

D) functional

E) a linear functional

25. The network, based on the conclusion of long-term contracts for manufacturers with independent intermediaries in the wholesale purchase and sale directly to consumers or through its agent network, called...

A) linear functional

B) functional

C) linear

D) vertical

E) distribution

26. What is the current control in the organization?

A) By hearing of employees at production meetings;

B) By monitoring the work of employees;

C) Using a feedback system between the governing and governed systems;

D) Through presentations at gatherings and meetings;

E) The higher-level structure.

27. Who should exercise control over the execution of tasks by the team?

A) Specialists;

B) Workers;

C) Heads;

D) Individual managers;

E) The Ministry.

28. The control is:

A) Type management to ensure certain tasks and achieve the goals of the organization;

B) Type human activity;

C) Monitoring the work of the staff in the organization;

D) To supervise staff individual jobs;

E) Constant checking of how the organization carries out its objectives and adjusts its activities.

29. To reduce the need for control appropriate:

A)Create organizational and socio-psychological conditions for staff;

B) To create the appropriate social conditions for staff;

C) To create the appropriate organizational conditions for staff;

D) To constantly improve the system of motivation of the personnel;

E)To constantly improve the skills of staff.

30. Control must be:

A) Objective and transparent;

B) Transparent and effective;

C) Objective, business, effective, systematic and transparent.

D) Effective;

E) Current.

31. What is the basis motivation in Japanese corporations?

A) Obtaining high material rewards;

B) Harmonization between labour and capital;

C) Recognition;

D) Continuous training of the personnel;

E) Achieving competitive advantage.

32. What are the main group needs highlighted Ukrainian scientist Tugan-Baranovsky?

A) Physiological and altruistic;

B) Sex and physiological;

C) Physiological, sexual, symptomatic instincts and needs, altruistic;

D) Physiological and symptomatic;

E) Physiological, security needs, relationships, self-expression, self-actualization.

33. When historically arose the question of motivation?

A) Since the emergence of money;

B) Since the emergence of organizations;

C) Since the appearance of the head in the organization;

D) Since the beginning of organized production;

E) During the bourgeois revolutions in Europe.

34. How to understand the prestige motives?

A) Attempts employee to occupy the highest position in the organization;

B) Attempts employee to realize their social role to take part in public work;

C) Attempts employee to receive a high salary;

D) Attempts employee to take part in public work;

E) Attempts employee will have an impact on other people.

35. What are the main groups of motives for labor allocated Ukrainian scientist Century Podarkov?

A) Support and recognition;

B) Recognition and prestige;

C) Support, recognition, prestige;

D) Security and prestige;

E)Image, prestige.

36. Operational plans are developed for a period:

A) Half a year, month, fortnight, week;

B) On working days;

C) 3-5 years;

D) 1 year;

E) 10 years.

37. Under the planning understand:

A) Activity;

B) Separated type of administrative activity, which determines the future and the future state of the organization;

C) Development prospects;

D) The condition of the organization;

E) Integration activities.

38. Organizational planning is carried out:

A) Only at the highest level of management;

B) At higher and middle levels of management;

C) At middle management level;

D) On all levels management;

E)Determining the needs of subordinates.

39. Means motivation does not include:

A) Remuneration;

B) Production meetings;

C) Professional development of staff;

D) Providing conditions for expression;

E) The Declaration of gratitude.

40. On the belief that certain work performed, the person will get the reward is based the following motivation theory:

A) Justice;

B) Needs;

C) Remuneration;

D) Expectations;

E) Assumptions.

41. In accordance with the concept of Mescon basic (General) management functions are implemented in the following order:

A) Planning, organization, motivation, control;

B) Organization, planning, control, motivation;

C) Planning, organization, control, motivation;

D) Motivation, control, planning, organization;

E) Strategy, planning, organization, control.

42. When is the final control in the organization?

A) Before the actual commencement of the work;

B) After, execution of the planned activities;

C) During carrying out of certain works;

D) Then, when convenient to the head;

E)After reaching the set goals.

43. When monitored in the organization?

A) After the performance of certain works;

B) Before the actual execution of certain works;

C) During the carrying out of certain works;

D) Then, when convenient to the head;

E) Whenever it's convenient for the staff.

44. That provides management function "motivation"?

A) The achievement of personal goals;

B) Motivation of employees to effective execution of tasks;

C) Execution of management decisions;

D) Providing indisputable influence on the slave;

E) Urge employees to work.

45. If you have to explain that is a function of motivation, then You say this:

A) The process of achieving set before administration purposes;

B) The urge itself to effective action;

C) The process of encouraging ourselves and others to effective action achieve the goals of the enterprise;

D) The way to influence staff in order to achieve goals;

E) Modeling the actions in the organization

46. If You have to explain what is the planning function, You will say that this:

A) Establishing goals and objectives of the development control objects, defining ways and means to achieve them;

B) The organization goals;

C) Identification ways and means performing tasks;

D) Identify ways to achieve the organization goals;

E) Modeling the actions in the organization.

47. One form monopoly, the Union of many industrial, financial and trading enterprises, which are formally preserve their independence, and in fact subject to financial control and management dominant in the consolidation group:

A) Concern;

B) The cartel;

C) The consortium;

D) Corporation;

E) Association.

48. Kind economic activity, in which the part of the participants is responsible for the debts with all its assets, and some only in the limits their contributions to the Charter Fund

A) A subsidiary of the partnership;

B) The limited liability partnership;

C) Full partnership;

D)Limited partnership;

E) Joint-stock company.

49. Kind economic activity, in which participants are responsible for the company's debts with their contributions to the Charter capital, while the shortage of these amounts is an additional property that belongs to them:

A) Full partnership;

B) The limited liability partnership;

C) Limited partnership;

D) Partnership with additional liability;

E) Production cooperative.

50. Kind economic activity, when all the participants are engaged in joint business activities and severally liable for the obligations of the company with all its assets it is:

A) The partnership with additional liability;

B) The limited liability partnership;

C) Full partnership;

D) Limited partnership;

E) Joint-stock company.

51. The organization, which has an unambiguous internal relation is a strict regulation of all aspects it:

A) The primary organization;

B) Organic organization;

C)Secondary organization;

D)At the corporate level.

E) Mechanistic organization;

52. Define the following phases of the life cycle in the organization:

A) The establishment, development, revival;

B) Birth, maturity;

C) The birth, childhood, youth, maturity, aging, revival;

D) Birth, maturity, revival;

E) Creation, development, maturity, and aging.

53. The main constituent elements of the internal environment in the organization does not include:

A) Consumers, competitors, laws;

B) Goals, objectives;

C) Personnel, technology;

D) Management structure;

E) Consumers.

54. What should be understood under the mission of the organization?

A) The main tasks of the organization;

B) The main functions of the organization;

C) The main activity;

D) Distinct reasons for the existence of;

E) The basic principles of organization.

55. If You have to explain what is meant by organization, You say this:

A) The Association of people to perform certain work;

B) Conscious unity of the people, which operates on the basis of certain procedures and rules and jointly implements a specific program or purpose;

C) A group of people that work together to implement specific programs;.

D) The group of people who unite on the basis of sympathy for each other for the realization of personal goals;

E) Association of people with the same interests.

56. To the internal environment include:

A) Suppliers, human resources, laws and institutions of government regulation, consumers, competitors;

B)The state of the economy, policy changes, social culture, STP, technology, group interests, international environment;

C) Goals, personnel, tasks, structure, technology, organizational culture;

D) Plans, forecasts, organizational structure, motivation, control;

E) Partners, staff, socio-psychological conditions.

57. To the external environment of the organization indirect actions include:

A) Suppliers, human resources, laws and institutions of government regulation, consumers, competitors;

B) State of the economy, policy changes, social culture, STP, technology, group interests, international environment;

C) Goals, personnel, tasks, structure, technology, organizational culture;

D) Plans, forecasts, organizational structure, motivation, control;

E) Partners, staff, socio-psychological conditions.

58. What are the management principles explained in his book "Nikolajeva ethics", the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle?

A) Ethical and aesthetic principles;

B) Organizational;

C) Corporate;

D) Moral principles;

E) Specific principles.

59. How can you explain the principle essence of the subordination personal interest General?

A) The organization should always take into account only the personal interest of the leaders of the organization;

B) The interest of one employee should prevail over the interests in the organization as a whole;

C) The interest individual managers should prevail over the interests of individual groups workers;

D) In the organization the interests of one employee or group should not prevail over the interests in the organization as a whole;

E)The interest in the organization should not prevail over the interests of the collective.

60. What does the discipline as management principle?

A) The execution by all employees of the assigned tasks;

B) Clear adherence by the company's administration and his staff concluded a collective agreement or contract;

C) Running managers of assigned tasks;

D)The performance of the employees of the administration of assigned tasks;

E) Complete subordination of workers to the steering apparatus.

61. That should reflect modern management principles?

A)The basic management laws;

B) The major relationships that develop in the system;

C) The basic attitude that develop in the system;

D) Basic properties, communication and relationship management, which are formed in the system;

E) The obligatory presence of the objectives when managing.

62. What is the basis for the management of any system?

A) Principles that reflect market conditions;

B) management methods;

C) management functions;

D) Financial resources;

E) Object management.

63. Where in the opinion domestic and foreign experts in management was formed management practices in the organization?

A) In Sumeria, Macedonia, Rome, Kievan Rus;

B) In Kievan Rus;

C) In Rome and Sumeria;

D) In Sumeria and Macedonia;

E) In the Russian Empire.

64. The approach, which requires effective decision-making, which depends on the ratio of the interacting factors:

A) Situational approach;

B) A systematic approach;

C) The process approach;

D) Behavioral approach;

E) The current approach.;

65. If management considers all processes and phenomena in the form an integral system, which has new qualities and functions that are missing elements that compose them, then we are dealing with:

A) Behavioral approach.

B) Process approach;

C) The situational approach;

D) System approach;

E) The current approach.

66. Which is a constituent element of control?

A) Marketing;

B) Management;

C) Economic processes;

D) Socio-economic processes;

E) The Finance.

67. What methods of management, organizations have a leading role in modern conditions?

A) Economic;

B) Socio-psychological;

C) Administrative;

D) Administrative;

E) Socio-economic.

68. Primary needs include:

A) Psychological;

B) Physiological;

C) Economic;

D) Material;

E) Social.

69. Needs are:

A) Primary and internal;

B) Internal and secondary;

C)Primary, secondary, internal and external;

D) Internal and external;

E) Primary and foreign.

70. Motivation is based on:

A) Needs and self-expression;

B) Needs and remuneration;

C) The rewards and satisfaction of individuals;

D) The satisfaction of all people;

E) Expression and remuneration.

71. The main form material encouragement of the staff in the organization is:

A) Prize;

B) Awards and prizes;

C) Gifts and salary;

D) Salary;

E) Bonuses and salary.

72. Creating the management structure of the organization?

A) The sum of linear controls;

B) A set of functional services;

C) The sum of linear and functional services;

D) A set of controls;

E) The combination of targeted services.

73. Competitor analysis the organization is aimed at:

A) Determine their strategy and strengths;

B) Determine their goals and strengths;

C) Definition of their objectives, strategies, strengths and weaknesses;

D) Strategy definition;

E) Determine their goals and weaknesses.

74. The organization's purpose must meet these basic requirements:

A) Achievable, specific, orientation in time;

B) Reachability and orientation in time;

C) Orientation in time and concreteness;

D) Reachability;.

E) Orientation in time.

75. When is widespread in the economic literature, the term "organization"?

A) In 20-ies of XX century;

B) In 30-ies of XX century;

C) In the 60-ies of XX century;

D) In the 70-ies of XX century;

E) In 80-ies of XX century.

76. Control must be:

A) Objective and transparent;

B) Transparent and effective;

C) Objective, business, effective, systematic and transparent.

D) Effective;

E) Current.

77. What is the basis motivation in Japanese corporations?

A) Obtaining high material rewards;

B) Harmonization between labour and capital;

C) Recognition;

D) Continuous training of the personnel;

E) Achieving competitive advantage.

78. What are the main group needs highlighted Ukrainian scientist Tugan-Baranovsky?

A) Physiological and altruistic;

B) Sex and physiological;

C) Physiological, sexual, symptomatic instincts and needs, altruistic;

D) Physiological and symptomatic;

E) Physiological, security needs, relationships, self-expression, self-actualization.

79. When historically arose the question of motivation?

A) Since the emergence of money;

B) Since the emergence of organizations;

C) Since the appearance of the head in the organization;

D) Since the beginning of organized production;

E) During the bourgeois revolutions in Europe.

80. How to understand the prestige motives?

A) Attempts employee to occupy the highest position in the organization;

B) Attempts employee to realize their social role to take part in public work;

C) Attempts employee to receive a high salary;

D) Attempts employee to take part in public work;

E) Attempts employee will have an impact on other people.

81. What are the main groups of motives for labor allocated Ukrainian scientist Century Podarkov?

A) Support and recognition;

B) Recognition and prestige;

C) Support, recognition, prestige;

D) Security and prestige;

E)Image, prestige.

82. Operational plans are developed for a period:

A) Half a year, month, fortnight, week;

B) On working days;

C) 3-5 years;

D) 1 year;

E) 10 years.

83. Under the planning understand:

A) Activity;

B) Separated type of administrative activity, which determines the future and the future state of the organization;

C) Development prospects;

D) The condition of the organization;

E) Integration activities.

84. Organizational planning is carried out:

A) Only at the highest level of management;

B) At higher and middle levels of management;

C) At middle management level;

D) On all levels management;

E)Determining the needs of subordinates.

85. Means motivation does not include:

A) Remuneration;

B) Production meetings;

C) Professional development of staff;

D) Providing conditions for expression;

E) The Declaration of gratitude.

86. On the belief that certain work performed, the person will get the reward is based the following motivation theory:

A) Justice;

B) Needs;

C) Remuneration;

D) Expectations;

E) Assumptions.

87. In accordance with the concept of Mescon basic (General) management functions are implemented in the following order:

A) Planning, organization, motivation, control;

B) Organization, planning, control, motivation;

C) Planning, organization, control, motivation;

D) Motivation, control, planning, organization;

E) Strategy, planning, organization, control.

88. When is the final control in the organization?

A) Before the actual commencement of the work;

B) After, execution of the planned activities;

C) During carrying out of certain works;

D) Then, when convenient to the head;

E)After reaching the set goals.

89. When monitored in the organization?

A) After the performance of certain works;

B) Before the actual execution of certain works;

C) During the carrying out of certain works;

D) Then, when convenient to the head;

E) Whenever it's convenient for the staff.

90. That provides management function "motivation"?

A) The achievement of personal goals;

B) Motivation of employees to effective execution of tasks;

C) Execution of management decisions;

D) Providing indisputable influence on the slave;

E) Urge employees to work.

91. If you have to explain that is a function of motivation, then You say this:

A) The process of achieving set before administration purposes;

B) The urge itself to effective action;

C) The process of encouraging ourselves and others to effective action achieve the goals of the enterprise;

D) The way to influence staff in order to achieve goals;

E) Modeling the actions in the organization

92. If You have to explain what is the planning function, You will say that this:

A) Establishing goals and objectives of the development control objects, defining ways and means to achieve them;

B) The organization goals;

C) Identification ways and means performing tasks;

D) Identify ways to achieve the organization goals;

E) Modeling the actions in the organization.

93. One form monopoly, the Union of many industrial, financial and trading enterprises, which are formally preserve their independence, and in fact subject to financial control and management dominant in the consolidation group:

A) Concern;

B) The cartel;

C) The consortium;

D) Corporation;

E) Association.

94. Kind economic activity, in which the part of the participants is responsible for the debts with all its assets, and some only in the limits their contributions to the Charter Fund

A) A subsidiary of the partnership;

B) The limited liability partnership;

C) Full partnership;

D) Limited partnership;

E) Joint-stock company.

95.What acts as a unifying factor of production?

A) capital

B) entrepreneurial ability

C) earth

D) work

E) information

96. What is the source of power and control?

A) knowledge

B) technique

C) the property

D) people

E) staff

97. Which of the following management functions related to General?

A) motivation, control

B) informing

C) pricing

D) making decisions

E) insurance

98. What is the subject of administrative work?

A) material resources

B) information

C) production technology

D) staff

E) organization

99. Organization management is:

A) the process of human interaction to accomplish specific purposes

B) an integrated in whole

C) a collection of independent specialists

D) combining experts

E) regulation

100. Planning is:

A) the management function

B) activity

C) a control object

D) stage management process

E) management function



The basic literature

1. English for economists and managers: textbook/ O. V. Ulyanov, S. V. Grishin; yurginskiy technological Institute. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk Polytechnic University-theta, 2011. – 111 p.

2. Besanko D.A, Brauetugam R.R, Gibbs M.J Microeconomics,2011, Chicago

3. Griffiths A, Wall S.Economics for business and management,2011, England

4. Varian H.R. Intermediate microeconomics,2010, University of California at Berkeley

5. Boyd, W. Harper. Marketing Management.- Boston, 2010

The additional literature:

6. E.M. Kolomeitseva, M.N. Makeyeva, T.P. Peksheva. EXECUTIVES AND MANAGEMENT,2005, Tomsk

7. Business club. Textbook for high schools. Publishing house of Voronezh state University,2007. Authors: A. V. Marushkina, E. B. Larin, T. N. Pankova, E. V. Ushakov

8. Aghabekyan I. P, Kovalenko And P. English for economists, ed. 4th, Rostov-on-don,2004

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