English for Specific Purposes

Electronic Engineering 51


5. Match the words in (A) and (B) to form word combinations and the Russian equivalents (C):


health disabilities искусственный сустав
deliver influence испытывать влияние
overcome care обладатель степени доктора философии
artificial needs подкожное введение
PhD degree technology постоянное увеличение
draw increase преодолеть нетрудоспособность
taxonomic issues применять технологии
health properties проблемы со здоровьем
meet holder здравоохранение
enhance insertion расширить возможности
steady capabilities смазочные свойства
equipment sophistication таксономическая классификация
lubricating joint удовлетворять потребностям
subcutaneous breakdown усовершенствование оборудования


6. Complete the puzzle using the clues.


  a mechanical device using suction or pressure to raise or move       m    
  liquids, compress gases, or force air into inflatable objects          


    a device for keeping two parts of an electric                       n                   o          
        circuit in contact                                                  
        certainty based on past experience;           e                     n                    
        dependence, confidence, or trust                                          
      a device used to store an electric charge,                       a         i                  
  consisting of conductors separated by an insulator                                        


a device put inside someone's chest to help

their heart beat at the correct speed






  the set of necessary tools, for a particular       u     m        


WORD BUILDING: Adjective suffixes


What can a suffix list offer as far as word building goes? A whole lot, actually. First off, by studying the following list, you can learn how suffixes can and do change the meaning of words. In fact, included are the meaning and a common usage or two of the English language suffixes below. You are recommended to print out the list and spend some time learning it.

There aren't that many, however, they are important and you will certainly improve


you’re your professional English by knowing them.



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