Z2. Составьте предложения, используя следующие выражения

by constitutional design; be referred to as a committee; majority of all members; be selected by; be proportionally represented; variety of methods; deal with specific legislative issues; hearing process

23. Найдите в тексте словосочетания с данными юридическими

executive, committees, approval, bill, legislative, legislation

Выразите согласие или несогласие с данными утверждениями.

1. It is quite possible for a bill to reach the House or Senate.

2. Minority parties are proportionally represented on the committees,

3. The hearing process can last several days.

4. Bills are introduced by only one method.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are the most important responsibilities of the House of
Representatives and its committees?

2. What is the role of the majority party?

3. Who can bills be suggested by?

4. How can you explain the advantages of the committee system?
Text 6


American citizens who are at least 18 years of age have the right to vote. They must, however, register as voters in order to be able to exercise this right. Each state has the right to determine registration procedures.

There is some concern, however, about the number of citizens who could vote in national elections but do not. In the national election of 1988, for instance, only 57,4 percent of all those who could have voted actually did, and in 1992, 61,3 percent. But then, Americans who want to vote must register, that is put down their names in a register before the actual elections take place. There are 50 different registration laws in the U.S.

Another important factor is that there are many more elections in the U.S. at the state and local levels than there are in most countries. If the number of those who vote in these elections (deciding, for example, if they should pay more taxes so a new main street bridge can be built) were included, the percentage in fact would not be that much different from other countries. Certainly, Americans are much more interested in local politics than in those at the federal level. Many of the most important decisions, such as those concerning education, housing, taxes, and so on, are made close to home, in the state or county

The national Presidential elections really consist of two separate campaigns. One is for the nomination of candidates at national party conventions. The other is to win the actual elections. The nominating race is a competition between members of the same party. They ran in a succession of state primaries and caucuses (which take place between March and June). They hope to gain a majority of delegate votes for their national party

conventions (in July or August). The party convention then votes to select the party's official candidate for the presidency. Then follow several months of Presidential campaigns by the candidates.

These primaries have some advantages, each of fundamental importance to democracy in the United States. They help to prevent a few party leaders from choosing the candidates. Anyone can ran in the primaries, and anyone who wants to be nominated must run.

In November of the election year, the voters across the nation go to the polls. If the majority of the popular votes in a state go to the Presidential (and Vice-Presidential) candidate of one party, then that person is supposed to get all of that state's "electoral votes". These electoral votes are equal to the number of Senators and Representatives each state has in Congress. The candidate with the largest number of these electoral votes wins the election. Each state's electoral votes are formally reported by the "Electoral College". In January of the following year, in a joint session of Congress, the new President and Vice-President are officially announced.


determine registration procedures — определять процедуры


registration laws — законы регистрации nomination of candidates — выдвижение кандидатов select the party's official candidate for the presidency - избрать официального кандидата от партии для участия в президентских выборах go to the polls — идти к избирательным участкам that state's "electoral votes" - "голоса выборщиков" того штата 'Electoral College" — коллегия выборщиков


*26. Соотнесите слова в левой колонке с их определениями в правой.

1. convention a. a formal indication of one's choice between two or

more people

2. primaries b. to select or appoint as one's representative

3. campaign c. a conference of members of a political party

4. election d. series of planned activities with a particular social aim

5. vote e. election in which people in certain states vote to select

party candidates

6. nominate f. the action of choosing one or more candidates for a

political office


27. Найдите в тексте словосочетания с данными юридическими

vote, registration, elections, federal, candidates, primaries, convention, voters, electoral

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