Crime in modern society

Civilized societies have created various systems of defending an individual from violence*. Unfortunately, crime rate* is increasing practically all over the world. So, the police of any country should protect the citizens, their homes and property.

Some crimes, however, are considered more serious than others. For example, in the United States, those, who commit* the crime of treason*, are usually punished by life imprisonment* or death.

Scholars and lawyers have tried to find out the reasons for crime. Some of them say that sometimes a person's greed, jealousy or frustration may lead to committing a crime.

Others believe that many crimes against a particular person are committed by the poor. These people can steal money or goods*, and they are capable of injuring or killing their victims.

But if such offenders* are caught by the police, they still have the right to be defended by a lawyer in court. As a rule, the police and investigators do their best to provide the court with meaningful evidence*.

However, there are cases which only seem to be simple. For instance, sometimes it is pretty hard to deal with a car theft*, especially if the suspect* is young. He usually says that he just wanted to use the car for fun, and then return it to its proper place.

In the United States, anyone accused of a crime* has certain rights that are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. This document consists of the first ten amendments to the US Constitution. For example, everyone has the right to a fair trial* or he can keep silent without testifying* against himself. Besides, under American law, a person is considered innocent* unless he is proved guilty* in court.

In modern society, every citizen should be aware of the legislation in force as well as of his or her right under the law.


violence — насилие

crime rate — рост преступности

commit a crime — совершать преступление

crime of treason — измена

life imprisonment — пожизненное преступление

steal money or goods — воровать деньги или товары (вещи)

offender — правонарушитель, преступник

evidence — доказательство

car theft - угон автомобиля

suspect — подозреваемый

be accused of a crime — быть обвиненным в совершении пре­ступления

fair trial — справедливый суд testify - свидетельствовать innocent - невиновный guilty — виновный

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