Grammar: Participle 1 Participle 2

В английском языке есть две формы причастия. Они несут абсолютно разную смысловую и грамматическую функцию. Participle 1 и Participle 2, помогают сделать предложение ин-формативным и логичным, оттеняя глагол - сказуемое, ха-рактеризуя подлежащее и позволяя отразить два действия.

Образование Participle 1

Причастие настоящего времени образуется от глагола + окон-чание - ing: write – writing (пишущий)

Особенности написания:

- краткая гласная удвается: run – running;
- заканчивается на –e, а перед ней стоит согласная:

take – taking see - seeing

die, lie,tie – ie меняется на у dying, lying,

travel- travelling – удваивается l

Функции Participle1 в предложении

В предложении Participle 1 выполняет следующие функции:

1) Определения - употребляется перед существительным или

после него.

The dancing girls are our students. Танцующие девушки – наши


2) Обстоятельства, переводится с окончанием -а, -я или –в

(спрашивая, приехав, держа). Может выражать обстоятель-

ство времени, причины, образа действия и сравнения.

Arriving at the station he Приехав на вокзал, он купил

bought a newspaper. газету (времени)


He was silent for a while, as if Он немного помолчал, как бы не

pausing for a reply. – спешил с ответом. (сравнение)

He was standing on the top of the Он стоял на вершине горы,

mountains, admiring the beautiful view. наслаждаясь прекрасным

видом (образа действия).

Having worked a little at the theatre, Так как я немного работал

I understood everything. в театре, я все понял.


3. Как часть сказуемого.

The answer of the student is Ответ студента огорчает.


Образование Participle 2 Participle 2 соответствует русской форме страдательного при-частия; например, написанная, прочитанная. Используется для описания законченного действия. Например, Locked door – закрытая дверь.   Past Participle образуется от инфинитива без частицы to + суффикс – ed. Унеправильного глагола используется 3-я форма глагола. Например: open – openedоткрытый teach – taught - обученный dress – dressedодетый Функции Participle 2 в предложении 1.Определения Стоит перед существительным, переводится причастием прошедшего времени и описывает совершенное действие, может стоять после существительного и сопровождаться пояснительными словами: It was a untidily written letter. Письмо было неаккуратно напи- санным. A parcel sent from Paris will be Посылка отправленная из Парижа in London in two days. будет в Лондоне через два дня.

2. Обстоятельства

Может характеризовать время, условия выражения дей-

ствия, уступки или сравнение действий.

Для выражения времени используются when и while.

When called she refused to come. Когда ее позвали, она отказалась

прийти. (время)


Для выражения условия — until, if

He will speak for hours until Он будет говорить бесконечно,

interrupted. пока его не остановят. (условие)

I have to go home’, he said as if Я должен идти домой, сказал он,

hypnotized. загипнотизированный. (сравнение)

3. Как именная часть сказуемого:

She looked worried. – Она выглядела обеспокоенной.
Though crushed, she wasn’t Хотя она и была подавлена, но

broken. не сломлена. (уступки)



  Active Voice Passive Voice
Participle I inviting приглашающий приглашавший приглашая being invited приглашаемый, будучи приглашаем
Participle II   invited приглашенный приглашаемый
Perfect Having invited пригласив пригласивши Having been invited



4) Replace the underlined participles by the participle clauses  



Wishing to test their philosophies, two philosophers decided to go to a lonely island in the Pacific.

Two philosophers decided to go to a lonely island in the Pacific

because they wished to test their philosophies.


1) Having been brought to the island, they saw a little house stan-ding on the shore.

2) Smiling to each other, they entered the house.


3) Having different views they hardly ever agreed with each other.

4) Being left alone they have plenty of time to think.


5) Having entered the house, they saw small beds.


6) The philosophy advocated by one of them was a conservative one.

7) He did not want to change the existing things even if they were bad.

8) Having decided to fit himself into a small bed, he began to shorten himself.


9) The method being used by this man will be described later.



5) Replace the underlined clauses by the participles  




Once a hare who was lying under a palm tree heard a noise, which was made by a large nut, which fell onto a palm leaf. Ashe had been frightened by the noise, he jumped and cried ‘The earth is breaking up’. As he was sure that it was so, he ran away as fast as he could.

When another hare saw him, he asked, ‘Why are you running so fast? When the second hare heard this, he (the second hare) at once started running after the first. When they saw the hares running, other animals asked them the same question and after they had been told the news they run after the hares.

When the lion saw thousands of animals who were running he roared, ’What’s the matter?’ After he had heard the reply, the lion said to himself, ‘I must stop the animals, or they all will die’.

After the animals, why they were running, had told him, the lion asked the first rabbit to show the place where the earth was brea-king. When he had reached the place, the lion had inspected it. When he saw a nut lying on a leaf of the palm, he understood all. When he returned to the animals, he explained to them what happened.

He gave them the advice,’ Don’t believe what is only imagination. Do not believe everything that is said to you. When you hear about danger be sure to find out exactly what it is before running away.



6) Translate the sentences from Russian into English using Participles I,II  


1) Желая создать более яркий персонаж, клоун решил надеть парик и усы.

2) Являясь очень сильным спортсменом, гимнаст мог легко поднять партнершу.

3) Услышав об опасности, все звери в лесу побежали за зайцем.


4) Получив предложение поставить спектакль в театре, режис-

сер приехал в Москву.


5) Пработав в цирке более 40 лет, он стал его генеральным директором.


6) Посмотрев новую пьесу, критики высказали свое мнение.


7) Спектакли, поставленные студентами в Учебном театре, часто бывают очень интересными.


8) Я не могу забыть книгу, прочитанную на прошлой неделе.



Прочитать и пересказать тексты ‘Popularity of Russian Circus’ и ‘Cirque du Soleil. Its Origin’. (На экзамене по кандидатскому минимуму аспирантам (соискателям) будет предложен текст объемом не менее 1000 печатных знаков) На выполнение по-добного задания на экзамене отводится 10-12 минут.




Circuses are an old and big tradition in Russia. Its roots go back to the fairs of the 17th century. The building of the Old Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard was opened on 20 October 1880 and it belongs to the oldest circuses in Russia. It only consisted of five rows of seats, box seats, a dress circle, wooden unnumbered benches and a stan-ding gallery. Today, more than 2000 visitors can enjoy the spec-tacular show. After the Russian revolution, the circus was natio-nalized. Firstly, the circus was famous for trick riding acts, but after some time an increasingly wide variety of performers joined the repertoire and later clowns became the stars of the show. In 1946, the clown studio was established and the best clowns of the Russian circus, such as Karandash, Oleg Popov and Yuri Nikulin, graduated from there.

Yuri Nikulin performed for many years and in 1983, he was na-med as Chief Producer and managed the circus for 15 years. Ori-ginally, the circus was named after its founder Albert Salamonski, who was a famous international acrobat, dressage ride and animal trainer, after Nikulin’s death in 1997, the circus has been renamed in honor of the beloved performer.

It is said that Albert Salamonski has framed the first ruble, which was paid for a ticket and that this ruble was hung up at the ticket office as a good luck charm.


7) Answer the following questions  


1) Where do the circus roots go back to?

2) When was the building of the Moscow Nikulin’s Circus


3) What did the old circus consist of?

4) How many visitors can enjoy the spectacular show today?

5) Who was the founder of the Circus?

6) What was the circus famous for firstly?

7) Did the clowns become the stars of the show from the very


8) When was the clown studio established?

9) Which famous clowns graduated from the clown studio?

10) When did Yuri Nikulin become the Chief Producer of the



8) Complete the following sentences from the text  


1) A big tradition in Russia is _____________________________.


2) The circus in Russia was originated _____________________.


3) The Old Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard ________________________________________________________.


4) After the Russian revolution ____________________________.


5) In 1946, ______________________________________________.


6) In 1983, Yuri Nikulin __________________________________.


7) Albert Salamonski was ________________________________.


8) In 1977, after Yuri Nikulin’s death________________________.


9) The first ruble that was paid for the ticket _________________.


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