Ask all possible questions

1. A year ago there were more than thirty colleges in the Cambridge University.

2. It usually takes four years to meet the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree.

3. My son has just decided to leave school at 16.


Vocabulary and Comprehension Exercises

Give English equivalents.

Разделенный по классовому признаку, ходить в школу, изучать, сдавать экзамены, платная школа, закончит школу, вводить всестороннее государственное образование, обязательное образование, по способностям, несмотря на, отбирать учеников, разделенный по классовому признаку, платить за обучение, отменять, контролировать (администрировать).

Give Russian equivalents.

Infant schools; junior schools; secondary schools; grammar schools; modern schools; comprehensive schools; fee paying; academic ability; comparable results; compulsory education; tuition fees; graduate endowment charges.


26. Answer the questions on the text. Use the following expressions to begin your answer.

The text tells the reader that…

I think…

I suppose…

If I got it right…

It seems to me that …

In my opinion …

1. How is the System of Education in Great Britain divided?

2. What are the basic kinds of schools in England?

3. How are state schools divided into?

4. When do British children begin to go to school?

5. What subjects do children study at junior schools?

6. What are the types of secondary schools?

7. What school do you have to go if you want to enter the University?

8. Are private schools in England fee paying or free of charge?

9. What are the best-known private schools?

10. Do England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have the same system of education?

11. Where are the majority of children educated?

12. How are pupils selected in state schools?

13. Which part of the UK first legislated for compulsory education?

14. Who is responsible for education in Northern Ireland?

15. What language are the most of Welsh students taught?


Agree or disagree. Correct wrong statements.

I (quite) agree (with you). I don’t think so.

I think so too. I don’t agree.

Certainly! I think you are mistaken.

Just so. You are wrong.

1. In England there are only private schools.

2. British children begin to go to school at the age of 7.

3. Grammar schools, modern schools and comprehensive schools are the three main types of junior schools.

4. Pupils go to school five days a week.

5. Private schools are free of charge.

6. Each part of the UK has its own system of education.

7. State schools in England select pupils according to intelligence and academic ability.

8. Wales first legislated for compulsory education.

9. Scottish students attending Scottish universities pay tuition fees and graduate endowment charges.

10. Most of Welsh students are taught in English.


Arrange the sentences according to the text.

1. England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland have separate systems of education.

2. Lessons in Welsh are compulsory for all until the age of 16.

3. State schools are divided into infant schools, junior schools and secondary schools.

4. State schools select pupils according to intelligence and academic ability.

5. The System of Education in Great Britain is class divided.

6. Scotland first legislated for compulsory education in 1496.

7. British boys and girls begin to go to school at the age of 5.

8. Private schools are fee paying and expensive.

9. Education is mandatory from ages 5 to 16.

10. The main types of secondary schools are grammar schools, modern schools and comprehensive schools.

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