How the British relax

As British people say, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Like everybody else, British people like doing things outside work.

Gardening is a well-known favourite. As the weather in Britain is relatively mild, British people manage to do gardening almost all the year round. Sometimes this can be just doing a bit of weeding and sometimes, serious vegetable and fruit growing. In fact, regardless of the size of the garden, the British can always find plenty to do in it. Mowing grass is also very important. Every Sunday morning they come out to mow their lawns. To outsiders, it almost seems like an obsession but to a British person it is an important social duty. The British see an unmown lawn not only as a sign of laziness, but also as disrespect to others (and you can get fined for it as well).

Walking is also very popular. Ask any British person if they have a pair of walking boots and the answer will probably be yes. Except for dry summer days, the beautiful British countryside is pretty muddy, so you need a good pair of walking boots or “wellies” to enjoy your walk. Walking as leisure activity has a long tradition in England. You can buy a variety of maps and guides to walking routes. Organised walking is also popular and is a good way to discover local sights of interest with a group of like-minded people and a good guide.

Cycling is another popular activity. Unfortunately, many British roads are busy and don’t have cycling paths, so cycling can be a bit dangerous in Britain. Many people find quiet country roads and spend their whole holidays exploring their homeland on their bikes.

More extreme sports like rock climbing also attract people. And, of course, the famous British eccentricity is the cause of unusual sports like extreme ironing. Extreme ironing is a serious sport where teams of people compete at who can do their ironing in more extreme conditions. Extreme ironing is now an international sport with serious competitions and organized events.

Of course, not all British people keep fit by engaging in extreme sports. Many go to the gym, swimming pool or fitness classes. However, it has to be said that the British are not the sportiest nation in the world. Increasingly, British people spend their free time watching TV. Sad, but true. The only comforting thing is that they are not on their own – most of the world seems to be doing the same!

As far as actually going away on holiday, many British people choose to spend their holidays abroad, preferably somewhere warm and dry. Spain, France and Greece are regular destinations due to convenient location and kind climate. City breaks are also a good idea for changing the scenery and enjoying new places without too much trouble.









1) dishes - посуда

2) fruit - фрукты

3) carry - нести

4) sweep the floor - подметатьпол

5) vacuum-cleaner - пылесос

6) plant - растение

7) strawberry - земляника, клубника

8) twice – дважды



My name is Rimma. I live with my mother and father. I like to help them. Every Sunday I clean my room. I take the vacuum-cleaner and clean the carpets. I sweep the floor, dust the sofa and the chairs, I try to dust the furniture in a proper way.

We have many flowers at home. Twice a week I water them. I like flowers very much.

I help my mother to lay the table. I bring plates, spoons, forks and put them on the table. Every day I wash the dishes after dinner and upper.

My mother cooks well, sometimes I help her when she makes cakes. Usually she makes them before holidays and on my birthday.

If I have time, my mother asks me to go to the shop. I go there and buy bread, eggs, sugar. Very often I go to the market with my mother. We buy some vegetables, fruit and I help my mother to carry them.

We have a country house. There is a big garden with many trees, bushes and flowers in it. There is a lot of work in our garden and I help my parents to do it.

Every day in the morning I water flowers and plants. Usually I take care of strawberries.

I think it is necessary to help the parents.


EX.3 Answer theQUESTIONS:

1. Do your friends help their parents?

2. Do you like to help your mother?

3. Can you clean the flat?

4. Have you many flowers at home?

5. Do you water the flowers?

6. Do you help to lay the table?

7. Do you go to the shops and buy food?

8. What can you buy in the shops yourself?

9. How often do you go to the market?

10. You help your parents, don’t you?




Ex. 1. Read the text “CHRISTMAS IN BRITAIN” and answer the following questions:


1. When do Christmas preparations usually begin?

2. What do children receive to count down the days before Christmas?

3. What tradition dates back to 1846?

4. Where did Prince Albert introduce the custom of the Christmas tree from?

5. How long should the Christmas tree be kept at home?

6. What kinds of evergreen can the British use to decorate their houses?

7. Did British children leave anything for Father Christmas and his reindeer?

8. Who presents a huge Christmas tree to the City of London every year?

9. Why do children hang their stockings by the fireplace before Christmas?

10. Describe a typical Christmas dinner.


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