Japan, Pakistan, Russia, the United States

Now read the text and find out correct answers:

HONG KONG Mon Feb 23 (Reuters) – Women are included in the senior management of nearly 90 percent of Russian companies, the highest rate among major countries, a survey showed on Sunday.

Grant Thornton, a business advisory firm, polled 6,900 medium-sized businesses from 26 major countries and territories in September and October last year.

The survey found women were included in the senior management of 89 percent of Russian companies, followed by 85 percent in the Philippines and 75 percent in the United States.

The Netherlands and Pakistan, each with 27 percent, were at the bottom, while in Japan the figure was 29 percent.

However, even in Russia, women held only 42 percent of the total senior manager posts. Japan came last in this category with 8 percent.

The regions covered included the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific.


12. Express your ideas about the following statements:


a) Management doesn't seem to understand the importance of the human factor.

Charles Prince of Wales (1948 -)

b) Good management consists in showing average people how to do the work of superior people.

John D. Rockefeller (1839 - 1937)

c) Leaders are people who do the right things. Managers are people who do things right... A profound difference.

Warren G. Bennis (1925 -)

d) We believe that there are two successful ways to manage in relationship to employees. That is: tell them everything or tell them nothing.

Unit 16 Management Jobs
in Catering Establishments

1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

responsibility – відповідальність, обов’язок;

to accept/assume (a) responsibility — брати відповідальність; to bear (bore; borne) (the) responsibility — нести відповідальність; e.g. He accepted a responsibility to his partners to account profits and expenses.

set – набір;

qualification – якість:

e.g. A sturdy loyalty was one of her best qualifications.

outside – зовнішній; ant. inside;

to hire – наймати;

e.g. He was hired by a competitive restaurant. We hired her to draw up the budget.

rota – розклад чергувань;

budget – бюджет;

to draw up a budget — складати бюджет;
to submit a budget — запропонувати до розгляду фінансовий кошторис; an item in/on a budget — стаття бюджета; e.g. We have to buy new electric appliances – and all within our budget. I insist this item in a budget to be introduced.

supplies – запаси;

to be in short supply — бути в дефіциті;
to replenish supplies — поповнювати запаси;
to store supplies — зберігати запаси.
e.g. What happens when food supplies run low? Whose responsibility is to order supplies?

maintenance – експлуатація;

to deal with (dealt, dealt) – мати справу з;

deal with a difficulty – вирішувати проблему;

deal with a problem

– розглядати проблему.

environment – оточення;

to be aware of – знати, усвідомлювати; syn. to be conscious/cognizant;

e.g. They were aware of the difficulties. I am sure he is aware of our desperate conditions.

experience – досвід;

to know by experience/from experience — знати з досвіду;
broad/wide experience — великий досвід;
hands-on experience — життєвий досвід.

career – кар'є́ра, професія;

to launch a career — розпочати кар’єру;
successful career — успішна кар'єра;
e.g. We all witnessed his launching a successful career.

a chain of hotels – мережа готелів;

chef – шеф-кухар;

recruit – новачок; syn: newcomer;

to make recruits (for) — набирати нових людей.

hygiene – гігієна;

employment law – трудове право;

a wide range of – широке коло;

to maintain – підтримувати; syn: keep up, preserve;

profitability – прибутковість;

profit – прибуток;
to profit – отримувати прибуток, користь;
profitable – прибутковий;

payroll – плата, що виплачується за певний період; syn: wages (оплата за одиницю виконаної роботи), salary (оклад, платня службовця)

order – замовлення;

outgoing – чу́йний; syn: responsive;

e.g. They are bright, outgoing people.

2. Read and translate the text: Management Jobs in Catering Establishments

There are many different managerial positions in a catering establishment. They include catering or restaurant manager, kitchen supervisor or manager, bar manager, and others. Each of these employees has his own responsibilities and a set of needed qualifications.

Restaurant managers work in hotels, restaurants or fast-food cafes. Catering managers work for outside catering firms, business or factory, hospitals or schools canteens.

The job can include:

• hiring and training staff

• organising staff rotas

• overseeing the budget and ordering supplies for the week's menus

• maintenance and security

• publicity and promotions

• welcoming customers and perhaps serving food and drinks

• dealing with any problems.

The most important part of the job is keeping a constant eye on the standard of the ingredients, the meals, the restaurant environment and the service.

Restaurant managers have to be prepared to work long days and unsociable hours. The job usually involves working in the evenings – often staying until after the restaurant is closed – and at weekends and public holidays.

Catering and restaurant managers need to be:

• aware of what customers want;

• excellent organisers;

• good motivators and leaders.

There is no age limit for becoming a restaurant or catering manager, but some employers do look for specific people – perhaps with experience or at an early stage in their careers. Catering and restaurant managers are normally trained on the job so that they get experience in lots of different areas of the business.

Kitchen supervisors/managers are responsible for a team of cooks or chefs and kitchen assistants or kitchen porters. Each day they decide what tasks are to be done and delegate these to members of the team. Other responsibilities may include:

• planning menus;

• ordering food;

• budget control;

• recruiting, training, disciplining and dismissing staff;

• keeping records;

• applying food hygiene and employment laws.

In hotels and restaurants, they may be called section chefs, second chefs and head chefs. Kitchen supervisors/managers should be:

• interested in food and cookery;

• able to delegate;

• well organised.

Kitchen supervisors/managers work in hotels, restaurants and in the catering departments of a wide range of organisations, such as schools, factories and hospitals.

Bar managers manage licensed premises. Their work may include:

• maintaining profitability and setting sales targets;

• recruiting and training staff;

• accounting and payroll duties;

• placing orders with suppliers;

• building and maintaining relationships with suppliers and customers.

A bar person/manager should:

• have good communication skills;

• be friendly and outgoing;

• be honest and trustworthy;

• be tactful and diplomatic;

• be able to work in a team.

Most employers look for people with outgoing, pleasant personalities and the right attitude rather than qualifications. The work is suitable for adults of all ages.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the main managerial positions in catering establishments?

2. What are the general functions of managers in catering establishments?

3. Who is responsible for hiring staff in restaurants?

4. Where can one acquire managerial education?

5. What are the common characteristics for managers in catering establishments?

6. What qualities must restaurant managers/kitchen managers/bar managers possess?

7. Is it possible to get promotion for a restaurant manager?

8. What are the functions of restaurant managers?

9. Can you enumerate some functions of kitchen managers?

10. Why is it important for a manager to be a friendly and outgoing personality?


4. Translate into Ukrainian:


managerial position, fast-food café, canteen, rota, budget, maintenance, publicity, promotion, to keep an eye on, restaurant environment, customer, to recruit, to dismiss, a wide range of, licensed, profitability, accounting, communication skills, trustworthy, honest, to work in a team


5. Translate into English:


обов’язки, персонал, слідкувати за бюджетом, безпека, атмосфера ресторану, державні вихідні, лідер, набути досвід, звільняти, приймати на роботу, дисциплінувати, гігієна, трудове право, приміщення, чесний, заробітна плата, бути придатним


6. a)Replace the italicized words and word-combinations using the synonyms from the text:


1. The director hired a new employee two weeks ago.

2. His duties include solving difficulties and controlling the work of personnel.

3. Carol’s most outstanding characteristic was tact.

4. A set of hotels must be supervised with uniform policy.

5. Chef’s salary may vary depending on his previous work and skills.

b) Match the antonyms:

outside honest
to hire trustworthy
to be aware of to ignore
to dismiss to fire
outgoing inside
hypocritical irresponsible
to employ hostile


7. Find words in the text to match the following definitions and learn them:


1) _______ is a plan specifying how money will be spent or allocated during a particular period;

2) ________ is the total sum of money to be paid to an employee at a given time;

3) ________ is a number of stores, hotels, restaurants, or other businesses that are owned by the same company and offer similar goods or services but are found in different locations;

4) ________ are people who are employed by a company or individual;

5) _________ is a set of rules that describe duties and rights of employers and employees.


8. Complete the sentences using the words from the text:


1. … … are responsible for a team of cooks: decide what work to be done and … it to the members of the …. 2. The most important tasks are to keep … … the standard of …, to preserve the restaurant … and … the best possible. 3. … … must manage licensed …. They also build and … relationships with … and …. 4. Restaurant managers work in …, …, …, and …. Their duties include … and … staff, organizing staff …, … with problems. 5. He got … while working in a fast food … McDonald’s.


9. Translate into English:


1. Менеджер взяв на себе відповідальність перед працівниками складати розклад чергувань працівників.

2. Він розпочав свою кар’єру як бармен, але завдяки досвіду та вмінням став менеджером бару.

3. Життєвий досвід та такт допомогли їй вирішити проблему з клієнтами.

4. Покращення оточення нашого закладу повинно бути важливою статтею бюджету.

5. Підтримувати зацікавленість працівників можливо з допомогою високої платні.


10. Say whether these statements are true or false:


1. All managers of catering establishments are responsible for hiring and firing staff, maintaining order and standards of food and premises.

2. Kitchen managers must prepare financial statements and budgets.

3. Personal qualifications are less important than experience.

4. Only people of certain age are able to be managers.

5. Managers’ working hours are not fixed: they can work late in the evening, on weekends, etc.


11. DO it:


a) Read and dramatize a dialogue:

Client: Good evening, sir. Can you help me?

Manager: Yes, sir. What is wrong?

Client: I was quite dissatisfied with the services your personnel provided. I am very sorry but I must tell you that your waiters do not correspond to your establishment.

Manager: What has happened, sir? May I ask you who served you. Please, give me your bill. Thank you.

Client: It was Mr. Gorech. First of all, I made an order and had to wait for 35 minutes till it was brought.

Manager: I am terribly sorry but as I see from your bill you ordered a dish that requires much time to be cooked. It is a luxurious restaurant, and we cannot serve cooked-beforehand dishes.

Client: Oh, I see. But your waiter didn’t explain it to me.

Manager: I am sorry. I’ll take it into consideration and rebuke the waiter.

Client: The second question is why the sum in the bill is higher than the price of my meal.

Manager: That is because we add tips to the bill. It is usual practice in expensive restaurants.

Client: Oh, I don’t know. Excuse me for troubling you.

Manager: That is alright. I hope you have no more complaints and will visit us again.

b) Make up dialogues based on one of the situations:

1) The co-owners of a hotel argue about catering managers, their number and responsibilities.

2) Dramatize a conversation between a kitchen manager and a bar manager about pros and cons of their jobs.


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