Resolution of Sinning No More

60 Q. In what does a good resolution consist?

A. A good resolution consists in a determined will not to commit sin for the future and to use all necessary means to avoid it.

61 Q. What conditions should a resolution have in order to be good?

A. A resolution, in order to be good, should have three principal conditions: It ought to be absolute, universal, and efficacious.

62 Q. What is meant by an absolute resolution?

A. It means that the resolution ought to be without any restrictions of time, place or person.

63 Q. What is meant by a universal resolution?

A. It means that we should avoid all mortal sins, both those already committed as well as those which we can possibly commit.

64 Q. What is meant by an efficacious resolution?

A. It means that there must be a determined will to lose everything rather than commit another sin; to avoid the dangerous occasions of sin; to stamp out our bad habits; and to discharge the obligations that may have been contracted in consequence of our sins.

65 Q. What is meant by a bad habit?

A. By a bad habit is meant an acquired disposition to fall easily into those sins to which we have become accustomed.

66 Q. What must be done to correct bad habits?

A. To correct bad habits we must watch over ourselves, pray much, go often to confession, have one good director, and put into practice the counsels and remedies which he gives us.

67 Q. What is meant by dangerous occasions of sin?

A. By dangerous occasions of sin are meant all those circumstances of time, place, person, or things, which, of their very nature or because of our frailty, lead us to commit sin.

68 Q. Are we strictly bound to shun dangerous occasions?

A. We are strictly bound to shun those dangerous occasions which ordinarily lead us to commit mortal sin, and which are called the proximate occasions of sin.

69 Q. What should a person do who cannot avoid a certain occasion of sin?

A. A person who cannot avoid a certain occasion of sin should lay the matter before his confessor and follow his advice.

70 Q. What considerations will help us to make a good resolution?

A. The same considerations help us to make a good resolution as are efficacious in exciting sorrow; that is, a consideration of the motives we have to fear God's justice and to love His infinite goodness.

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