How It All Worked Out. Chapter 10

The deaths of Ham and Steerforth had made me very sad. They also reminded me again of my own dear wife’s death.

I tried to cheer myself up, and thought that it was now time for me to go abroad for a white. Before I did anything, though, there was a meeting 1 had to attend. I had to go to Canterbury to hear what Mr Micawber wanted to say.

My aunt was already there. So were Mr Wickfield, Agnes, and Mr Micawber. Agnes looked more beautiful than ever. My smite soon faded when I remembered that she would get married to Heep soon. Mr Micawber was standing in front of us all with his glasses on, and he was holding a long sheet of paper; He was. no longer acting mysteriously. He seemed confident, and looked like he had something very important to say.

"What I have here, my good friends, will make us all happy again, and will show us that good always wins over evil in the end. As you know, I work for Mr Uriah Heep. You may have suspected that he could not be trusted. And you would have been right! Here is a list of all the papers he signed without Mr Wickfield`s permission. I also have proof that he stole money, and that lie used Mr. Wickfield`s name to steal die money of certain people, like Miss Betsey Trodwood here. But, like all criminals, he will lose - thanks to me!'

We all rose from our scats, and clapped and cheered with joy, Mr Wickfield and Agnes hugged, I was so glad that everything had turned out well that I had to express my appreciation to Mr Micawber, "Mi Micawber your behavior confused ire. It had crossed my mind that perhaps you were no longer the good man I once knew, I apologize for having thought badly of you. I want to thank you with all my heart for the good that you have done.”

“Dear David, I had my doubts about Heep from the start, but I needed proof before I could say anything. That may explain why my behavior might have seemed mysterious.

Things worked out rather well for everyone after that. The Micawbers paid their debts and then emigrated to Australia with Mr Peggotty and Emily. Mr Wickfietd made sure that Uriah Heep went to prison.

Aunt Betsey returned to her cottage in Dover with Mr Dick, who wanted to get back to working on his book. Things were now better for Mr Wickfield, too, and Agnes would not have to marry Uriah Heep,



I soon left England as I had planned, and went to Europe. I took Agnes’ advice and did something useful them. I decided to write again and to send my work home to he published. People bought my books and liked them. Soon, I became it well-known author.

 A year later, I returned to England. First, I visited Aunt Betsey. She was overjoyed to see me We talked far into the night anti she told me all the news about my friends, but I was more interested in one person than anyone else.

Aunt Betsey, have you heard any news-from Agnes?"

My aunt smiled and.braked at me strangely:

‘ She is more beautiful than ever. I think she may be in love, and perhaps she will marry soon.

I suddenly felt empty, as if I had lost something very precious.

‘ "Do you know who the lucky man is?

“It is not my place to say. David, these are just my suspicious,

“ Then, if it is true. I'm sure Agnes will tell me when she sees me. I should have felt happy for Agnes because she deserved to find true love, but instead I felt empty. The thought of her being in love with someone else almost broke my heart. It was then that I realized that my feelings for her were far deeper than the love of a brother for a sister.

I arranged to visit Agnes at her home as soon as possible after that conversation! I found her alone, reading by the fire. When she saw me come in, she put her book down and welcomed me.

We set in one of the old-fashioned window-seats and tailed. She looked very happy to see me.

 “You shall become so famous soon, David, that it will be impossible for us to talk like this in the future.'’

"Then we must now - while I still am,"

“You look very thoughtful today, David.”

“My dear Agnes, do you doubt my being true Id you?"

“No!” site answered, with a look of astonishment.

’’You have a secret. Let me share it, Agnes.”

She looked down and started to tremble. I continued.

'It is so strung to hear from someone else`s lips that you are in love. If you can trust roe as you say you can, let me be your friend, your brother. Do not shut me out of your happiness!"


She rose from the window and hurried across the room, as if she did not know where site was going, and burst into tears. I do not know why, but seeing her reaction filled my heart with hope. I went after her and took arm, then looked into her beautiful blue eyes.

‘‘Agnes! Sister! Deafest! What have I done! I cannot bear to see you like this. My dearest girl, dearer to me than anything in life, if you are unhappy, let me share the unhappiness, if you need: help, let me give it to you, for a whom do I live NOW, Agnes, if not for you. “Don’t speak to me now, David”



Oscar Wilde

                            De Profundis

”The gods had given me almost everything, I had a genius, a dis­tinguished name, high social position, brilliancy, intellectual dar­ing... I treated art as the supreme reality and life as a mere mode of fiction... But let myself be lured into long spells of senseless and sen­sual ease... Tired of being on the heights, I deliberately went to the depth in the search for new sensa­tion. What the paradox was to me in the sphere of thought, perversi­ty became to me in the sphere of passion... I ended in horrible dis­grace. There is only one thing for me now, absolute humility".

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