Ex.5. Replace Russian words with their English equivalents. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. (костыль) is a long piece of metal with a sharp point.

2. A (рельсовый костыль) is a large nail used to secure rails and tie plates to railroad ties in the track. R. Stevens is credited with the invention of the railroad spike, being first used in 1832.

3. The (рельсовый костыль) was an invention which resulted from the state of industrialization in the United States in the early 19th century: English mainline railways of that period used heavy and expensive cast iron chairs (рельсовая подушка) to secure T shaped rails; instead, Stevens added a supporting base to the T rail which could be fixed with a simple spike.

4. The spike is still the most common (рельсовое скрепление) in North America.

5. A (прямоугольник) is a four-sided shape whose corners are all ninety degree angles. Each side of a rectangle is the same length as the one opposite to it.

6. A (прямоугольник) is a parallelogram having four right angles.

7. A (прямоугольник) is a plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles.

8. Something that is (прямоугольный) is shaped like a rectangle.

9. (Древесина) is wood that is used for building houses and making furniture.

10. (Деревянный) objects are made of wood.

  1. Railroad ties, also called cross ties, are creosoted or chemically treated (деревянный брус) that have been historically used to lay railway tracks.
  2. Creosoted (древесина, дерево) is very heavy. Railway ties usually weigh over a hundred pounds apiece.



Ex. 1. Before reading the text make sure you know the following words:

· to tread (BrE) - to put your foot on or in something while you are walking [= step]: She trod barefoot on the soft grass. Scorpions seldom go out of their way to attack people and accidents usually happen when scorpions are trodden on. Fools drive where angels fear to tread.

· predecessor - a machine, system etc that existed before another one in a process of development [≠ successor]: The new BMW has a more powerful engine than its predecessor.

· path - a track that has been made deliberately or made by many people walking over the same ground: I walked nervously up the garden path towards the front door. Follow the path along the river to the bridge.

· to trip - to hit something with your foot by accident so that you fall or almost fall [= stumble]: He tripped and fell. Clary tripped over a cable and broke his foot. He tripped on the bottom step.


Ex. 2. Match the English terms in column A with their Russian equivalents in column B.

1. to loosen a) абразивный износ поверхности шпал
2. susceptible to wear b) ослабляться
3. creosote treating c) выход костылей из шпал
4. insect infestation d) предохраняющее средство, антисептик
5. preservative e) долговечный
6. durable f) расщепление
7. splitting g) восприимчивый к износу
8. abrasive damage to the tie h) пропитка креозотом
9. spike-pull i) заражение насекомыми


Ex.3. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Сucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes and tobacco are very susceptible to attacks from the Cucumber Mosaic Virus.

2. Older people are more susceptible to infections.

3. Soil on the mountain slopes is very susceptible to erosion.

4. Retail prices are therefore very susceptible to the law of supply and demand.

5. You’ll need a spanner (гаечный ключ) to loosen that bolt.

6. The screws have loosened.

7. Wood is a durable material.

8. Bronze is harder and more durable than tin.

9. Plastic window frames are more durable than wood.

10. The roofs are constructed from heavy and durable timbers, usually teak or mahogany.

Ex. 4. Read the text and translate it, using a dictionary, if necessary.


The type of sleeper used on the predecessors of the first true railway (Liverpool and Manchester Railway) consisted of a pair of stone blocks laid into the ground; the chairs hold the rails fixed to those blocks. One advantage of this method of construction was that it allowed horses to tread the middle path without the risk of tripping.

In railway use with ever heavier locomotives, it was found that it was hard to maintain the correct gauge. The stone blocks were in any case unsuitable on soft ground, where something like timber sleepers had to be used. Two centuries later, stone sleepers would reappear in the form of slab track.


Timber ties are usually of a variety of hardwoods; oak is a popular material. Some lines use softwoods; however, they are more susceptible to wear. Timber ties are often heavily creosoted. Creosote treating can reduce insect infestation and rot. Less often, ties are treated with other preservatives. New preserving technologies are being employed by major railroads in order to extend the life of wood ties in wet areas. Some timbers are durable enough that they can be used untreated.

Problems with wood ties include rot, splitting, insect infestation, etc. Abrasive damage to the tie may be caused by lateral motion of the tie plate). One more problem with timber ties may be spike-pull when the spike is gradually worked out and loosened from the tie.

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