Work of a Junior Doctor


по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

Индекс С1.Б.3

Направление подготовки (специальности) 31.05.02 Педиатрия


Квалификация (степень) «Врач - педиатр  общей практики»


Форма обучения очная


Форма промежуточной аттестации     зачет


Курс 1 -2


Семестр 1-3



Фонд оценочных средств являются частью учебно-методического комплекса дисциплины «Иностранный язык» по специальности 31.05.02 Педиатрия, утвержденного цикловой методической комиссией по лингвистическим дисциплинам «_1_»__октября____ 2015__г. Протокол № _1__.



       Фонд оценочных средств разработали


Фамилия И. О. Должность Ученая степень, ученое звание Кафедра
1 2 3 4
Балобанова А.Г. ст. преподаватель - лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации


Фонд оценочных средств рассмотрен и одобрен на заседании кафедры

лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации


Протокол № _2__ от _30_сентября _2015 г.


Зав.кафедрой _к.филол.наук                   Т.Ф.Извекова___________ 


Актуализация Протокол заседания кафедры №__ от _____________  





№ п/п   Стр.
I. Входной контроль 4
II. Текущий (рубежный) контроль 6
III. Промежуточная аттестация (Зачет/1): 14
IV. Промежуточная аттестация. (Зачет/2) 15
V. 1. 2. 3. Промежуточная аттестация (Зачет/3) Билеты для устного этапа зачета Итоговый тест Банк итоговых тестовых заданий   16 16 17 18


I. Входной контроль

1) Проводится в форме письменного тестирования на 1-м практическом занятии 1-го семестра с целью оценки знаний лексико-грамматического материала, полученного в средней школе, и включает  4 варианта по 30 заданий.

Примеры заданий

1. Укажите соответствия:

L1: to be afraid

L2: to be sorry

L3: to be ill

L4: to be late

R1: бояться

R2: сожалеть

R3: болеть

R4: опаздывать

R5: гордиться

2. Закончите предложение

 He … more free time in the nearest future.

-: to have

-: will be

-: will have

-: has

3. Вставьте прилагательное в соответствующей форме

 That was … film I’ve ever seen.

-: the baddest

-: worse

-: worst

-: the worst

4. Закончите предложение

I can’t answer your question now I need … time to think it over.

-: no

-: the

-: any

-: some

5.Укажите соответствия:

L1: continuous active

L2: simple passive

L3: perfect active

L4: perfect-continuous active

R1: to be taking

R2: to be taken
R3: to have taken

R4: to have been taking

R5: to be being taken

2) Проводится в форме письменного тестирования на остаточные знания за 1-2 семестр на 1-м практическом занятии 3 семестра и включает 4 варианта по 30 заданий.

Примеры заданий.

 1.Назовите слово, которое не является частью тела…

1. chest

2. heart

3. health

4. skull

2. Назовите слово, которое не является частью туловища..

1. breastbone

2. thigh

3. pelvis

4. vertebra

3. Найдите соответствия:

L1: хрящ

L2: сустав

L3: связка

L4: колено

R1: cartilage

R2: joint

R3: ligament

R4: knee

R5: pelvis

4. Закончите предложение.

The … of the brain is about 1 to 2 kg.

1. size

2. lobe

3. shape

4. weight

5. Ответьте на вопрос.

What connects the upper extremity with the trunk?

1.the shoulder girdle

2.the cartilage

3. the pelvis

4. the neck

 6.Расположите названия позвонков в правильной последовательности.

1: cervical

2. thoracic

3: lumbar

4: sacral

 7.Слово которое обозначает отдел желудочно-кишечного тракта…

1. valve



4. extremity

 Ответьте на вопрос.

How many valves are there in the heart?

1. 2    3. 4

2. 3    4. 5

8.Ответьте на вопрос.

Where is the mitral valve located?

1. in the left chamber

2. in the right chamber

3. at the point of the origin of the aorta

4. at the point of the origin of the pulmonary artery

9. Ответьте на вопрос.

What are the lungs separated from each other by?

1.the septum

2. the diaphragm

3. the pleura

4. the mediastinum

II. Текущий (рубежный) контроль

Информация о текущих формах контроля доводится до сведения обучающихся на 1-м практическом занятии каждого семестра.

1. Контрольные задания по пройденному лексико-грамматическому материалу выполняются в форме письменных работ на практических занятиях

Примеры заданий

1.Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания.

1. connective tissue cells

2. surface of the body

3. to receive treatment

4. strong health

5. pain in the abdomen

6. atrium and ventricle

7. coated tongue

8. lower lobe of the lung

9. border of the liver

10. small intestine

11. to feel pain in the right kidney


2. Прочтите и переведите предложения, где слова that и one являются словами-заменителями.

1. The new hospital is bigger then the old one.

2. One of the patients had pulmonary tuberculosis.

3. The students read only one article.

4. I know that he studies at the medical faculty.

5. The temperature of the girl was higher than that of the boy.

6. That task was very difficult for me.

7. It was fever that helped the doctor to make a correct diagnoses.

3. Письменно задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

1. The examined patient had problems of the lungs.

2. The muscles of the human body are divided into three groups.

я внимание на слово

3. Найдите соответствия:

1. to be taking          a. Perfect Passive

2. to have taken        b. Simple Passive

3. to be taken            c. Perfect Active

4. to take                   d. Continuous Active

                                  e. Simple Active

4. Закончите предложение.

I … him today.

a. had not seen

b. not have seen

c. have seen not

d. have not seen

2. Тесты

Тестовые задания введены в систему  Moodle (4 теста по 15 заданий)

Примеры заданий

1. Match the words.

a. disease            a. врач

b. cause               b. здоровье

c. treatment         c. лечение

d. health              d. хирург

e. influence         e. причина

f. surgeon            f. болезнь

g. physician         g. влияние


2. Name the word which is not an adjective.

a. successful      b. cause    c. ancient  d. angry e. internal


3. Complete the sentence.

The first known surgical treatment was …

a. amputation b. trepanation c. resection d. extraction


4. Complete the sentence.

… discovered a safe method of making people immune to smallpox.

a. Andreas Visalius b. Ambroise Pare c. Robert Koch d. Edward Jenner


5. Find a sentence where -ing form is translated as a noun.

a. Knowing the symptoms you can diagnose diseases.

b. He is making a report on eye diseases.

c. The approaching car will take the patient to the hospital.

d. Their being at the conference was quite unexpected.

3. Кейс анализ

Представляет собой инновационную аудиторную форму работы с обучающимися по темам практических занятий.

Тема: Роль английского языка для студентов медиков

1. Answer the questions.

a. What countries have English as the official language?

b. How many people speak English?

c. When do schoolchildren begin to study English in Russia?


2. Discuss the following problems. Give your ideas.

a. Why English is considered the most important language in the world? (If you don’t agree with that give your reasons).

b. Why cannot many Russian school-leavers speak English? What should be done to improve the situation?

c. Why English is a compulsory subject for those receiving higher education?

d. Do you think it is necessary for a medical student to know English? Are you for or against it? Give your reasons.


Тема: история медицины

1. Find in the text and write down the names of the greatest scientists who made the chief advances in the field of medicine. Name these advances.


2. Using sources from Internet find short additional information about the history of medicine. Let your information start with the words:

Do you know that …


3. Discuss the tendencies of the development of medicine:

a. in ancient times b. in the Middle Ages c. in the 18th and 19th centuries

What period in the history (up to you) was the most important for developing medicine. Give your reasons.


Тема: Моя будущая профессия

1. Answer the preliminary questions.

a. Do you have any relatives or your family friends working in the field of medicine?

b. Do you agree that a profession of a doctor is prestigious?

c. Profession of a doctor is required in all times, isn’t it?

d. Is it easy to make a career being a doctor?

e. When did you decide to enter the medical university?


2. You are taking part in the discussion on the problems of modern medicine. Express your vision of a modern doctor.

You can use the following words and expressions:

responsible - ответственный

noble - благородный

attentive - внимательный

kind - добрый

patient - терпеливый

honest - честный

well-educated - хорошо образованный

well-informed - хорошо информированный

goal-oriented - целеустремленный

careful - внимательный, осторожный

friendly - дружелюбный

open-minded - с широким кругозором

serious - серьезный

calm - спокойный

to keep learning throughout life - учиться всю жизнь

to my mind - по-моему

in my opinion - по моему мнению

as far as I know/understand - насколько я знаю/понимаю


3. Discuss the following list of skills required for being a good specialist and making a career in the field of medicine. Which skills are more and which ones are less important up to you? Are there any other necessary skills you can name?

a. ability to work carefully, methodically and accurately - this is vital as mistakes could prove fateal

b. computer literacy

c. interpersonal skills and a caring and sympathetic manner as the work involves contact with patients in the wards and in outpatients departments

d. a responsible attitude to work

e. general clinical awareness

f. effective management skills


Тема: Микробиология

1. Find in the texts of lessons 24 - 26 Some Facts from History of Microbiology and write down the names of the greatest scientists who made the chief advances in this field. Name these advances.


2. Using sources from Internet find short additional information about the history of microbiology. Let your information start with the words:

Do you know that …


3. Discuss the tendencies of the development of microbiology.

What period in the history (up to you) was the most important for developing microbiology. Give your reasons.


4. Working in the team the students see the film about Robert Koch and make the sound track for it.


Тема: В аптеке.

I. Read the information about some specific features of writing and abstract for a research paper.


The key elements to be included in the abstract.

1. Background: a simple opening sentence or two placing the work in context.

2. Aims: one or two sentences giving the purpose of the work.

3. Method(s): one or two sentences explaining what was (or will) be done.

4. Results: one or two sentences indicating the main findings (or what you hope to accomplish with the project).

5. Conclusion(s): one sentence giving the most important consequence of the work. What the results mean. How they will be used.


II. Read and learn the following linking words and phrases that are useful for writing a summary essay.

The text is titled …

The main idea of the text is …

The article is devoted to …

It is clear from the text that …

The author reports …

According to the text …

It should be noted that …

In conclusion …

In summary …

On the whole …

I found the text interesting (important, dull, of no value, too hard to understand …)


III. Read the abstract and following the above instructions practice writing its summary essay. Present your summary essays to the class and discuss them.


The first private pharmacies in Russia

On November 22 (December 3) 1701 Peter I issued the highest Decree which stipulated foundation of eight private pharmacies (chemist’s) in Moscow. New pharmacies were released from military billeting, while pharmacists — from military duty and paying taxes.


First pharmacies in Russia appeared in 17th c. as a result of development of the public health service. In the 1620s was founded a Pharmacy Prikaz (office), which became the central government body in charge of all medical affairs countrywide. Peter I attached a great importance to an organization of pharmacy. In 1699 in Moscow was established the Chief state-run pharmacy. Pharmacies in Germany seen by Peter I during his Grand Embassy of 1697-1698, served as a model for foundation of a new type of pharmacies in Russia — private pharmacies.


In 1701 Peter I issued several decrees, which reformed pharmacy in Russia: on abolishment of highly developed out-of-pharmacy trade of medicines and on strengthening of the pharmacy monopoly. To pharmacists Peter I granted various privileges: released them from taxes, allowed to use the image of the State Emblem on documents. The decree read that “every Russian or foreign citizen, willing to run a private pharmacy, with the state’s permission will be granted the place and a letters patent for a hereditary right of ownership on this institution”.


The first private pharmacy in Russia was opened by the alchymist of the Pharmacy Prikaz Johann-Gottfried Gregorius (Gregory) in the New-German quarter of Moscow. A month later in Myasnitskaya Str. was established a pharmacy of the court doctor Daniil Gurchin, who had a degree of Doctor of Medicine. Later in different districts of Moscow were founded other private pharmacies.

The monopoly, which was granted to the owners of pharmacies, limited the increase in their number in Moscow, and it was only 70 years later, in 1784, that it was permitted to set up new pharmacies.


 From the Presidential library materials:

Власов П. В. Из истории московских больниц — аптекарский приказ // Здоровье. 1986. № 11; Крисенеля А. Вольным аптекам быть… // Российские аптеки. 2001. № 10; Сало В. М. Аптечная реформа Петра I и первые частные аптеки в России (к 300-летию реформы аптечного дела) // Аптека. 2001. № 10. С. 69-73.


4. Ролевые игры

Представляют собой инновационную аудиторную форму работы с обучающимися по темам практических занятий.

Тема: Моя семья

1. Draw your “family tree” according to the model. Write the names of your relatives. Next to each name write down their relationship to you. Give your partner your “family tree” and let him/her test your on the names of your relatives.


MODEL:              Catherine              David

                               mother                      father



                                 Jack                          Bill

                                  son                          son


                      Mary      Jim       Sue        Peter   Diana

                   daughter   son   daughter son   daughter


2. Listen to the text and draw a “family tree”. Retell the text according to this “family tree”.


My Family

Let me introduce myself. My name is David Nelson. I was born in London but now I live California, the USA. I an a TV news reporter.

I come from a large family. My father George has a farm in the north of England and he is very busy with the work on the farm. My mother Jane is a housewife. She has a lot of work to do about the house and she is very busy too. Every summer I go to see my parent and my relatives. I have two sisters and a brother. My elder sister Helen is twenty six. She is married and has a son Nick. He is six and is in the first grade at school. My sister is a doctor and her husband Paul is a lawyer. My younger sister’s name is Ann. She is twenty and is in her first year at Oxford University. My brother Ted who is fifteen lives with my parents. He is in high school. He wants to become an economist but I’m afraid it is only a dream because he is rather lazy and my mom and dad have a lot of problems with him.

Now a few words about myself. I’m twenty four. I’m married and have a family of my own. My wife Jane is twenty three, she is a school teacher but she does not work now because we have a baby-girl, Betty is only seven months old. So we are three in my family and we get on very well with each other.


3. Preparing a CV. Preliminary discussion.

Read the note and answer the questions.

NOTE: the Curriculum Vitae (CV) is ordinarily the first point to contact between you

and your future colleagues. It is something you should be proud of and be ready to present upon request to ensure you get the opportunities you need toprogress in your career. So be careful and precise in preparing it.


1. What is CV?

2. What is the aim of CV?

3. How important is a well-presented CV? Why?

4. Have you ever written a CV?

If you have, for what purpose?


4. Imagine you are looking for a part time job on your vocation. make out your CV (Curriculum Vitae) and prepare for a job interview.

A Structural Part of the CV  
Personal details (date of birth, place of birth)  
Work experience  
Present position  
Skills and qualifications  
Outside interests  



5. Imagine that you are the employer and a candidates for a post present their CVs. Ask them additional questions to choose the one who will meet the requirements.

NOTE: employer [im’plOiq] - наниматель, работодатель

        candidate for a post [‘kqendidqt] - претендент на должность

        to meet the requirements [ri’kwQiqmqnt] - удовлетворять потребностям

Тема: Медицинское образование

1. Imagine that you are talking to your English friend. Ask him at least 5 questions about post-school education.


2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the system of medical education in Russia in comparison with that abroad? Give your idea and your reasons.


3. The text “Why Study Abroad”.

1. Look through the following words:

excitement [ik’sQitmqnt] - волнение, возбуждение

custom [‘kAstqm] - обычай

fluent [flHqnt] - беглый (о речи)

host [houst] - хозяин

reason [‘rJzqn] - причина, основание, соображние

confident [‘kOnfidqnt] - уверенный

   selfconfidence - самоуверенность

to adjust [q’GAst]  - приспасабливать(ся)

daunting [‘dLntiN] - страшный, устрашающий

leadership [‘lJdqSip] - руководство

boredom [‘bLdqm] - скука

2. Listen to the text “Why Study Abroad”.

Why Study Abroad?

    Besides the excitement of travel, one reason to study abroad is that you will experience new customs, holidays, foods, art, music and politics firsthand. “I learned the language and I am now fluent, but perhaps more important was how much I learned about cultures, people and myself. I learned this from the viewpoint of an active member of the community and my host family, not from the tourist’s point of view”, says Andrew, who studied in Paris, France.

Another reason for studying abroad is that you will gain selfconfidence. Christina studied in Caracas, Venezuela, a city of 10 million people and a huge change from her hometown of 35,000. Christina says she learned how to better stand up for herself and her beliefsd and to express herself in another language. What could make you more confident than that?

Living away from home can also help you adjust in the transition to college and adulthood. Matthew says he returned from studying in Australia with confidence, social savvy and a genuine interest in international affairs. “After having gone abroad in high schoolk, I found the transition to college to be a breeze - moving 560 miles from home didn’t seem particularly daunting after having lived thousands of miles away”. And speaking of college, improving your language skills might help you get into choice colleges and even land future jobs. Colleges and employers know that studying abroad provides leadership skills in a world that is increasingly globally interconnected. Most of all, it is fun! You are not likely to suffer from general boredom while you are studying in a different learning environment.


3. Answer the following questions.

a. What are the reasons for study abroad?

b. Can living awy from home help you adjust in transition to adulthood?

c. How can the knowledge of a foreign language contribute to your future career?

d. What skills can study abroad provide you with?

e. Where did Andrew, Christina and Matthew study?

4. Three people are talking about study abroad. Take notes and compare them with the ones of your groupmates.


5. You will hear the numbers given below in the chart.Say what these numbers refer to.

560 35,000 10,000 000

6. Check tour answers with those of your groupmates.

Тема: Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет

Imagine that the students of our university are invited to some university abroad as guests. You will have to tell your foreign colleagues about the university you study at. So working in a team shoot a film about Novosibirsk State Medical University and make a sound track for it.

Тема: Анатомия

1. Pre-Test “Who is the best in anatomy and Latin”.

1. What does anatomy study?

Anatomy studies …


2. Who is the founder of anatomy?

a. Hippocrates b. Avicenna   c. Andreas Vesalius   d. Leonardo de Vinci


3. How many bones are there in an adult human skeleton?

a. 155      b. 206  c. 200  d. 311

4. What is the longest bone in the body (you may write it down in Russian)?

5. What is the smallest bone in the body (you may write it down in Russian)?

6. What are three functions of the human skeleton?

a. supporting the body

b. providing a site for blood cell formation

c. stretching our skin

d. protecting internal organs


7. What makes bones so strong?

a. silica b. cartilage c. blood and marrow d. calcium and phosphorus

8. Give the Russian equivalents to the following Latin and Greek adjectives:

a. cranial  b. thoracic c. cervical     d. vertebral

9. Write down English nouns for the following adjectives:

a. cranial  b. cervical    c. pulmonary d. cardiac

2. Listen to the text NOTES FROM THE HISTORY OF ANATOMY and answer the questions.

   Anatomy is an independent science dates from the 16th century. Its founder was Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) who dissected numerous corpses and studied the structure of the human body. He summarized his studies in the outstanding work “The Structure of the Human Body”.

  Great advances in all branches of medicine including anatomy and physiology were made in the 19th century. Many Russian scientists worked in the field of anatomy and physiology and made a great contribution to these sciences. P.A.Zagorsky (1764-1`846) professor of Anatomy and Physiology studied the vascular system and wrote a textbook on anatomy. His pupils were the first Russian anatomists. The brilliant Russian scientist N.I.Pirogov (1810-1881) studied surgery, anatomy and other branches of medicine. His works demonstrated the importance of anatomy to practical medicine especially surgery.

  1. Is anatomy an independent science or a branch of some science?

 2. What does it study?

 3. Who is the founder of anatomy?

 4. What century did he live?

 5. What did he study?

 6. What is his most famous work?

 7. When were great advances in anatomy made?

 8. What great Russian anatomists do you know?

Тема: Великие ученые

Working in the team the students see the film about Robert Koch and make the sound track for it.


Тема: Examination of the Patient.


1. Write out all the doctor’s actions from the texts “The Examination of the Patient” and “How to take the case”.

Answer the questions using the information from the texts.


 What is it necessary to do before treating the patient?

What must the doctor know?

What procedures does the doctor use?

What groups of symptoms do you know?


2. Use different procedures to make a diagnosis:


- history-taking,


- physical examination (visual examination, palpation, percussion, auscultation)


- laboratory studies (urinalysis, blood, sputum and other analyses)


- instrumental studies (taking electrocardiograms, X-ray examination)


The case

 A child, aged 8, admitted to the hospital because of tracheitis or bronchitis.


5. Тексты для перевода

Перевод осуществляется в письменной форме на практических занятиях

Примеры текстов

Work of a Junior Doctor

    I work as a junior doctor at a general hospital as part of a medical team. I work with two other junior doctors also in the first year of postgraduate training. Our main aim is to learn as much as possible from our seniors. The first people we turn to are two doctors. They supervise any practical procedures we do and are available to help us when we have problems. They give us instructions about what investigations need to be performed.

     We see each consultant when they do their daily ward rounds. These rounds are the most tense and hectic times each day as we have to make sure all the patient records are up-to-date. My job also involves a wide range of duties from clerking patients, keeping the patient lists in order, requesting investigations and making sure the results are received. We have to keep our knowledge up-to-date through training from our seniors and keep a record of all the special procedures we learn and cases we see. We also have to find time for learning to present cases to other colleagues and talk to the patients.




    Surgery – the repair of the body with knives and stitches – is thousands of years old and in the past it was performed by unqualified men whose other job was to cut hair. For a long time surgery was limited to amputations which were performed very fast without anaesthetic and without knowledge of microbes. Success rates were low and many patients died from shock of post-operative infections.

    Despite the many innovations that have made surgery safer, open surgery has remained a bloody business. However, the invention of laparoscope – a tube for looking inside the body – has led to the development of a whole new way of doing things, commonly known as “keyhole” surgery. Now complex operations are done through small incisions using instruments at the end of long tubes. It is precise and delicate work and involves the minimum of invasion. Recovery time is much faster which frees up hospital beds. There are fewer wound complications like infection, haematoma and hernias and the patient is active soon after the surgery.

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