Complete each sentence with a word from the box


apply       keep     squeeze check for  make sure sterilize immerse   puncture swab immobilize remove treat


1.                         a clean, sharp needle with alcohol.

2.                         there is no glass or other foreign body in the wound.

3. Use the needle to                         the blister.

4. Don't                         burnt clothing.

5.                         a main artery if necessary.

6.                         the injured person lying down.

7.                         the injured body part once the bleeding has stopped.

8.                         the person for shock.

9. Don't                         severe large burns in cold water.

10.                           signs of circulation.

11.                           with iodine or rubbing alcohol.

12.                           antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage.


Decide which of the above instructions belong to each of these conditions

a. blisters                                           

b. third-degree burns                       

c. bleeding                                          

Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences

1. Check that   a. I count up to between breaths?
2. Make sure you   b. I give her?
3. What do   с. have to apply the pads?
4. Don't let   d. the patient is breathing.
5. Should I   e. the patient try to stand up.
6. Shall I bandage   f. put the burnt area under running water?
7. Don't I   g. the patient's pulse again.
8. What dosage shall   h. tie the bandage too tight!
9. Take   i. the wound now?
10. Where do I   j. use a sterile needle.


Read and discuss the texts in pairs

A defibrillator is used to make the heart start beating correctly after it has stopped or become irregular. It works by sending an electric shock through paddles or electrodes placed on the patient's chest.

Taxi drivers in Bangkok are now being trained to help women give birth. An estimated 300—400 women in the city give birth in taxis or tuk-tuks on the way to hospital each year.

Worldwide, somebody is killed in a car accident every 30 seconds. (World Health Organization statistics)

Signs and symptoms



Paramedics often have to deal with shock, a condition that is often caused by major trauma such as a traffic accident. Shock occurs when the heart is unable to supply enough blood to the organs. This results in a slowing-down of the vital functions, and can cause death. Shock is difficult to diagnose in its early stages, which makes it hard to treat.

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