Ivanenko R.V. Organizational-pedagogical conditions of professional orientation of the senior pupils at medical specialties. – Manuscript

Thesis for a Candidate’s degree in Pedagogical Sciences by specialty 13.00.04 – theory and methods of Professional Education. – Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubyns’kiy, Vinnitsa, 2008.

The dissertation is devoted to the problem solving of professional orientation of the senior pupils at medical specialties. Organizational-pedagogical conditions of professional orientation of the senior pupils at medical specialties were revealed and proved. They include the model of professional orientation at medical specialties and realization of its components, criteria of effectiveness of professional orientation work. The further developments got the status of the contest of the work in professional orientationof the senior pupils at medical specialties, organizational forms and methods of realization of professional orientation work at school and out of school hours. The role of the excursions of professional orientation direction was curtained. The qualification and algorithm of making the professional orientation excursions were elaborated. The system of professional orientation is examined as specially organized goal – seeking pedagogical influence on student purposely to form the interests on their choice of the definite medical speciality.

During the research there was elaborated and experimentally examined the model of professional understanding of medical specialities which consists of motivations, cognitively, professionally-technical, axiological-effectual component the realization of which is directed to the formation of conscious professional self-determinathion of the senior pupils at medical specialities.

Key words: professional studying, professional orientation at medical specialities, organizational-pedagogical conditions, secondary educational establishments, model, pre-professional preparation, medical higher educational establishments, moral-psychological readiness.

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