Употребите, где необходимо, частицу to перед инфинитивом

1. I think you ought …... apologise.

2. Can you help me …... move this table?

3. Make him …... speak louder.

4. I must... see him now. It’s urgent.

5. It can’t... be done now. 

6. She asked me... read the letter carefully and... write an answer.

7. The man told me not... walk on the grass.

8. Let me... help you with your work.

9. She ought... take care of her health.

10. We had better... stop to rest a little. 

11. I don’t know what... do. 

12. He was seen... leave the house.

13. We saw the ship... sail off.

14. I can’t... go there now, I have... do my homework.

15. You must make him... practise playing the piano at least two hours a day.


Итоговая контрольная работа.


1. Распределите следующие существительные на две группы.

paper – bottle – porridge – happiness - pencil - coffee – girl – work – job – plate – dog – meat - news – apricot – toothpaste – time - bedroom – money - magazine – information – honey - metal – child – yoghurt – rice – spaghetti – water – air – spoon – mustard - egg – chair – shampoo – raincoat – flower – flour – bread – soap – toy – food – knowledge – garden – oil – furniture – friend





2. Составьте словосочетания с неисчисляемыми существительными, используя слова из первой и второй колонок. Возможны несколько вариантов. Переведите словосочетания.

Н-р: a bag of sugar – пакет сахара

a loaf                                               cheese

a bottle                                            toothpaste

a slice                                              soup

a liter                                               sardines

a glass                                             bread

a bar                                                lemonade

a jar                                                 meat

a kilo                                               wine

a tube                                              soap

a tin                                                 orange jam

a plate                                             chocolate



Совместите слово и перевод


1.Boil                            a) тушить                                    

2.Grill                           b) запекать (как пирог)

3.Roast                          c) жарить в масле, помешивая

4.Stir-fry                       d) варить, кипятить

5.Bake                           e) жарить на гриле

6. Fry                             f) запекать (как мясо)

7. Stew                          g) жарить



1.plate                           блюдце

2.fork                              нож

3.saucer                         скатерть

4. knife                           чайник

5. spoon                         стакан

6. coffee pot                  тарелка

7. tea pot                       миска

8. glass                            ложка

9. tablecloth                  кофейник

10. Bowl                         вилка


Назовите продукт по описанию.

  Carrot cheese bread eggs hot-dog banana

1. You need me to make a sandwich or toast. _________

2. I’m yellow or white. I’m made from milk. People like me on their pizza. ___________

3. People eat us fried, boiled or scrambled. _______

4. I’m a very popular fast food with a sausage in the middle.______________

5. I’m a long yellow fruit. _____________

6. Rabbits love this orange vegetable._______________

5. Распределите названия продуктов по следующим категориям.

Chocolate, potato, tea, steak, pear, carrot, garlic, cake, pineapple, broccoli, wine, water, peach, coffee, ice cream, tomato, ham, watermelon, cookies,  







6.Образуйте множественное число.

Sandwich, apple, man, woman, potatoe, tooth, loaf, cucumber, child, pumpkin, carrot, glass, fork, knife, plate, dish, chef ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



7.Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных.

Tasty, beautiful, modern, light, bright, dirty, favorite, comfortable, bad, good, healthy, cold, cheap, expensive, heavy, ugly ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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