Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст

We all look forward to the weekend to have a rest, relax or just visit relatives or friends. Most of us do not go the cinema and theatre regularly or attend concerts and art exhibitions. We are too busy to spend free time in the open air with our children. And yet we try to enjoy our leisure time as much as we can. There are many ways to do it.

Some 10–15 years ago reading books was the most traditional way to spend free time. Today it is not so popular, especially among younger people, who prefer more active hobbies. But there are still a lot of people who read and collect books. Fortunately for them, one can buy any book in modern bookstores.

Many people are fond of traveling about this country or abroad, if they can afford it. The most popular tourist routes are Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, Italy and some far-away countries, like Thailand or China.

A lot of people – both men and women, young and not quite young, want to keep a good physical shape and attend fitness clubs or go in for sports. As for me, I prefer cross-country skiing and swimming. Lawn tennis and skating are becoming more and more popular, too.

Some of my friends have cottages in the countryside, or «datchas»; they spend their spare time there. They like gardening, landscaping and growing flowers.

The number of people whose hobby is playing computer games is increasing dramatically. Psychologists say that it may become dangerous for mental health: such people spend too much time in the WWW-world.

Tastes, like hobbies, differ. As the English proverb says, «Everyone has his hobby horse». What is yours?


Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова и словосочетания из текста: to be fond of, to prefer, to go in for, to like, to enjoy; to spend free time, to have a rest, to relax.

1. What is your favourite way to spend free time?

2. What is your hobby?

3. How do people spend their leisure time?

4. How did you spend your last weekend?

5. Are you married? What are the hobbies of your wife, parents, and friends?

6. What new hobbies do you know?

4. Vladimir

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите слова и словосочетания к теме, постарайтесь их запомнить.

to be founded a manuscript a century a church a cathedral a fresco to preserve to restore population major political ancient cultural industrial famous a picture gallery an institution of higher learning a branch of an institute

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Vladimir is one of the oldest Russian cities, which is 160 miles north-east of Moscow. It was once the capital of the Russian state. The city was founded by Prince Vladimir Monomakh of Kiev in 1108. According to other manuscripts, it was founded earlier – in 995 by Prince Vladimir the Red Sun.

 In the 12th century under the rule of Andrey Bogolubsky it turned into a major political and cultural centre of ancient Rus. In those years many beautiful churches and cathedrals were built – the Cathedral of the Assumption with frescoes by Andrey Rublev (1158–1160), the Cathedral of St. Demetrius (1194–1197), the Golden Gate (1158), the Church of the Intercession-on-the-Nerl (1165) – which is 15 kilometres from Vladimir. These monuments have been preserved and restored and can be seen by numerous tourists who come to Vladimir, Suzdal and other ancient places of Vladimir region.

Many famous people once lived or stayed in Vladimir, among them are Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Suvorov, the Stoletov brothers, Sergey Taneev, Alexander Lazarev and many others.

Today Vladimir is a city in Central Russia with a population of about 340,000 people. It is a big industrial, cultural, education and tourist centre. There are many museums, theatres, concert halls, picture galleries, art studios, libraries, stadiums and swimming pools and parks in Vladimir. They all make Vladimir a beautiful and comfortable place to live in.

There are several institutions of higher learning here: Vladimir State University, Vladimir State Teacher Training University, Vladimir Law Institute, Vladimir Institute of Business and a number of branches of Moscow universities, institutes and academies.


Задание 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. When was the city of Vladimir founded?

2. What famous architectural monuments of Vladimir do you know?

3. What cultural facilities are there in Vladimir?

4. What is your native city?

5. Do you know the origin of your native city's name?

6. Who founded your native city? How old is it?

7. Are there any places of interest you would recommend your guests and friends to see in your native city?

5. Education and Professional Training at Vladimir Law Institute

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите слова и словосочетания к теме, постарайтесь их запомнить.

an institution of higher learning a self-financed department to pay for education qualified personnel civil a branch of the institute post-graduate courses scientific research the Legal Science part-time/full-time students to depend on to graduate from graduation, a graduate social and economic studies Political Science Theory of State and Law Crime Detection Criminal Justice Forensic Science Penal Law necessary final state examinations a private a sergeant a sergeant-major a warrant officer a lieutenant personnel management social work in Corrections an inmate purpose of punishment social background to observe/to violate human rights to release, a release to ensure to treat legally humane (-ly) community, society juvenile a peace-keeping operation to investigate crimes to solve crimes to prevent crimes to fight, combat crime a witness a victim a suspect an offender a delinquent, a criminal to search the crime scene ethnic crime drug-related crime computer crime to support the family to succeed in life an opportunity, a chance   the Federal Penal Service the Ministry of the Interior the Ministry of Justice

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