Task VI. Translate the following text into Russian

“Business Russia” calls for the Ministry of Economic Development to audit the risk management system (RMS), developed by the Federal Customs Service (FCS). Traders are increasingly complaining that the system is triggered by the factors that are not generally associated with the protection of the state.

Despite the numerous complaints from the traders about the illegal actions of Customs authorities, the Ministry of Economic Development is trying to stay away from this problem. If the Ministry of Economic Development takes the problem under its control, the Customs will not be able to include in the risk profiles their opponents, especially those who dare to defend their interests in court.

“The main problem is that RMS does not work automatically,” says Vice-President of “Business Russia” Vitaly Survillo. He adds that “the cost of physical inspection at seaports places an additional financial burden on importers or exporters of cargo.”

We tried to analyze the administrative measures that have been applied to such companies. For example, the Baltic Customs has blacklisted 200 companies. This list is constantly updated, experts say. Moreover, Customs officials have started encrypting these lists and arranging them on paper.



Task I. Read the following text and answer some questions in writing:

1. What does international trade include?

2. What does comparative advantage state?

3. What are basic types of tariffs?


Tariffs in Foreign Trade

International trade includes all economic transactions that are made between countries. Accounts of barter of goods or of services among different people can be traced back almost as far as the record of human history. International trade, however, is specifically an exchange between members of different nations.

Trade among nations takes place for the same reasons that it does within a nation: to obtain goods and services that a region could not produce itself, or to obtain them at a lower cost than they could be produced for at home. This is explained by the principle of comparative advantage, which states that as long as the opportunity costs to produce items differ between two nations, both will profit by specializing in those things that they produce most efficiently and exchanging their surpluses. Despite the many advantages of international trade, most nations have been erecting artificial barriers to the trade for ages. These barriers are usually in the form of tariffs or quotas. A tariff is a duty, or tax, on imports. There are two basic types of tariffs:

- Revenue Tariffs are levied as a way to raise money.

- Protective Tariffs are levied to protect a domestic industry from foreign competition. The goal is to make the foreign product more expensive than a similar item produced by a domestic producer. Then people will stop buying the foreign-made item and purchase its domestic counterpart. Restrictions on the numbers of certain specified goods that can enter the country from abroad are called quotas. Like protective tariffs, quotas limit the amount of foreign competition a protected industry will have to face.

Task II. Find the words synonymous to:

Purchase, surplus, transaction, domestic, item, producer, competition, expensive, barrier, counterpart, import, advantage, different, barter, trade, protective, restriction.

Task III. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. The balance of payments summarize the transactions that have been going on in international trade for a given period of time, usually one year.

2. Economists look to the balance of payments for clues to future trends in the value of a nation’s currency and other consequences of its foreign trade.

3. When the value of a nation’s currency is decreasing in terms of other currencies, its exports are likely to increase because they will be less expensive to people in foreign countries.

4. When a nation’s currency is appreciating in terms of other currencies, the opposite is likely to occur.

5. Imports must be paid for in a currency that is acceptable to the seller. In order to facilitate these transactions, there is a market for the currencies of all trading nations.

6. The selling price of one nation’s currency in terms of the currencies of other nations is known as its “exchange rate”.

Task IV. Match left and right.


1. иностранная конкуренция Customs payments
2. фискальный тариф protective tariff
3. таможенные платежи federal budget
4. федеральный бюджет (a) domestic producer
5. искусственные барьеры в торговле opportunity costs
6. отечественный производитель revenue tariff
7. протекционистский тариф foreign competition
8. оптимальные издержки или доход artificial barriers to the trade


Task V. Translate the following text into English using the word-combinations from the previous tasks.

Таможенные пошлины

Таможенная пошлина – это обязательный взнос (платеж), взимаемый таможенными органами при ввозе товаров на таможенную территорию страны или при их вывозе с этой территории и являющийся неотъемлемым условием такого ввоза или вывоза. Уплата таможенной пошлины носит обязательный характер и обеспечивается мерами государственного принуждения.

Основную часть таможенных пошлин во всем мире составляют импортные пошлины, основная задача которых – защита национальных производителей от неблагоприятного воздействия иностранной конкуренции, рационализация структуры ввозимых в Россию иностранных товаров и пополнение доходной части федерального бюджета.

Экспортные пошлины служат в основном для ограничения вывоза за пределы страны товаров и сырья, необходимых для ее национальной экономики, а уж потом – также для пополнения доходной части бюджета.

Специальные пошлины используются либо в качестве защитной меры от ввоза в Россию товаров в количестве и на условиях, способных нанести непоправимый ущерб российским производителям подобных товаров, либо в качестве ответной меры на дискриминационные действия в отношении России со стороны других государств или их союзов.

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