Match the words in bold with the definitions below

NAME:___________________________________________                  DATE:___________________________


The Hunger Games

I’m Katniss, when I was younger, I terrified my mother because I had given my opinion publicly of District 12 and the horrible people who ruled us, the ones who lived in the Capitol. Nothing bad happened but my mum face became white, so I immediately understood that making my thoughts public would give me and my family problems because the Capitol is very strict and it doesn’t like people talking against them, which is a crime and can be punished with death. I learned not to show my feelings not even when I was blue, and hide my opinions so nobody could know what I was thinking or what I believe in.

Me with my favourite weapon: Arrow and bow
The truth is that we are under the control of Capitol and we have to do anything they want, we can’t ask questions or complain: We live in “Panem”, the country that once was North America and ‘Capitol’ is the capital of it, where the eccentric elite lives lavishly and then there are 12 Districts where the poor  hard-working people live. I live in District 12 and we work the mines. Each district provides the Capitol with something, we have to be useful or we die. The Capitol can’t bear us and also fear us because of a feud: some years ago the districts protested against the Capitol because they were not fair with us, and the Capitol responded by destroying and killing District 13, that’s why there are only 12 districts now and… THE HUNGER GAMES.

President SNOW
The rules of the Hunger Games are simple. In punishment for the rebellion, each of the twelve districts must provide one girl and one boy aged from 12 to 18 years old, called tributes, to participate. The twenty four tributes will be in a big prison called arena that could be transformed into any environment from a burning desert to a frozen wasteland. Over a period of several weeks, the competitors must fight to death like gladiators in the Roman coliseum. The last tribute standing alive wins.

Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another while we watch is the Capitol’s revenge because it shows how little chance we would stand of surviving another rebellion.

Whatever words the president Snow, that’s his name, the real message is clear. “Look how we take your children and sacrifice them and there’s nothing you can do. If you lift a finger, we will destroy every last one of you. Just as we did to District Thirteen.”

My symbol
To make it humiliating as well as torturous, the Capitol requires us to treat the Hunger Games as a festivity, a sporting event putting every district against the others. The last tribute alive receives a life of luxury back home, and their district will be given prizes, mostly consisting of food. All year, the Capitol will show the winning district gifts of grain and oil and even delicacies like sugar while the rest who failed battle starvation.

However, it is in the Hunger Games that I was born as a symbol to rebellion, how contradictory, no? The way I successfully fought and made an alliance with Peeta, the boy of my district, and the way we acted the role of lovers protecting each other made the audience choose both of us as winners… But our struggle has just began…  


Match the words in bold with the definitions below.

1-Triumphantly:__________________                2- Laborious:______________                 3- A Dispute:__________

4- Not to succeed:____________             5- Depressed:_____________                  6- Vengeance:_________

7- Unusual/Unconventional/ Peculiar:_____________    8- Atmosphere/ Circumstances:_________

9- Richly/ Extravagantly:____________              10- To not tolerate:___________________

Answer the questions

1- What ability did Katniss acquired to protect herself and her family from the Capitol?


2- Who or what is the enemy and why?


3- What happened to district thirteen?


4- What is the message the Capitol wants to give with the Hunger Games?


5- What is the recompense to the tribute who wins? Does his/her district receives something too?


6- How many tributes have to die in the ‘arena’ according to the game’s rules?


7- How is possible that Katniss and Peeta survived both?




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