Прочитайте и переведите текст ” discover edinburgh” на русский язык (из самостоятельной работы)

                                                  DISCOVER EDINBURGH

Edinburgh Hogmanay. There’s nowhere better to be at New Year’s Eve than Scotland’s capital. Edinburgh’s Hogmanay brings Edinburgh’s streets alive with non-stop entertainment and enjoyment.

Major international artists will perform on four stages as part of the Royal Hank Street Party on Saturday December 31.

Elsew'here the Hogmanay programme includes firm favourites such as the spectacular torchlight procession on December 29 and the One O’clock

Run on New Year’s Day

Snowdrop Festival. Don’t miss the stunning bloom of Scottish snowdrops in February and March during our Scottish Snowdrop Festival. See snowdrop displays at the Royal Botanic Garden, enjoy the walled one acre artist’s garden at Shepherd House Garden, Invereks or stroll through 150 acres of rolling parkland at Hopetoun House, South Queensferry, just a short drive from Edinburgh.

Edinburgh International Science Festival. The 21st Edinburgh International Science Festival showcases the great contributions Scots have made to scientific and technological advances, both at home and abroad. Something for all ages including workshops, shows and interactive exhibitions and a programme of talks and discussions on the hottest and most intriguing areas of science and technology.

 Edinburgh Mela Festival. Scotland’s biggest intercultural festival is back, and promises to be a dazzling display of international and local performers.

You can savour tastes from across the globe at the many food stalls, enjoy dazzling dance, fabulous theatre and a whole load of musical styles as some of the best talent around hit town, or simply or browse the many craft stalls.

Whatever you’re into, whatever your tastes, the Edinburgh Mela makes a great day out. The Edinburgh Mela is increasingly seen as a central part of Edinburgh's Festivals.



Грамматическое упражнение по теме “Косвенная речь”.

Report the sentences. Напишите данные предложенияв косвенной речи.

1. She said, “He turned out a good pianist.”

2. She wrote, “Put up at this hotel”

 3. I asked, “Where are you living now?”

4. He said, “Don`t sell the car.”

5. She said, “Can you open your bag, please?”

6. He said, “Stay in bed for a few days.”

7. Marry said, “I went to London with my sister.”

8. “There is no paper in the box”, she said.

9. He said, “I am living in London now.”

10. He asked, “Will Tom be here tomorrow?”



Устная тема: “The History of Basketball”.

                                               Билет 19

 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст “English Sports” на русский язык.


                                    English Sports

Some people say that horse-racing is the king of sports in Great Britain and others call it the sport of the kings. Only rich people can afford to go in for this kind of sport and only the rich can afford to buy tickets for the most famous races.

       Swimming is also very popular. The British think that swimming is one of the most beneficial sports. Millions of people enjoy swimming both as a recreational activity and as a competitive sport.

       Rowing is the most popular of all kinds of sports at the oldest English Universities. The University Boat Race is a traditional sporting competition between Oxford and Cambridge which is held on the Thames every spring. The Boat Race is a festival in London and on the Boat Race Saturday the banks and bridges of the Thames are crowded with people.

       The British are very sporting people. About 50 per cent of the population of the United Kingdom (some 29 mln adults and 7 mln children) participate in some sports or recreational activity. Among the most popular sporting activities also are: walking, hiking, snooker and billiards, darts, athletics, squash and cycling.



Грамматическое упражнение по теме “Articles”.

Вставьте артикль (определенный/ неопределенный), где это необходимо:

1. ___Republic of China is the third largest country in___world after Russia and___Canada.

2. My wife is … best woman in … world and I’m … happiest husband!

3. Does___ polar bear live in___Arctic or in___Antarctic?

4. You are right. … food here could be better.

5. The longest rivers in … Britain are … Severn and … Thames.

6. I’m reading … interesting book. It is about …  adventures of … boy whose name is Tom.

7. No one in … French class knew … correct answer to …  Mrs Duval’s question.

8. While we were in … Alaska, we saw … Eskimo village

9. … Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from … France to … United States.

10. … Caucasian mountains separate … European Russia from Asia.


3. Устная тема: “My competitions and sports achievements” (из самостоятельной работы).

                                                 Билет 20

 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст “The Olympic Flame” на русский язык.

                                                      The Olympic Flame


The head of state of the host country declares the games open. The Olympic flag is raised, trumpets play, and cannons boom 1in salute. Hundreds of doves are released into the air as a symbol of peace.

The most dramatic moment of the opening ceremony is the light­ing of the Olympic flame. Runners in cross-country relays bring a lighted torch from the valley of Olympia, Greece, where the ancient Olympics were held. Thousands of runners take part in the journey, which starts four weeks before the opening of the Games. They re­present Greece and each country that lies between Greece and the host nation. Planes and ships transport the torch across mountains and seas. The final runner carries the torch into the stadium, cir­cles the track, and lights the Olympic flame. The flame is kept burning until the end of the Games. This custom started in 1936.

The modern Olympics were organized to encourage world peace and friendship and to promote amateur athletics. The Olympic sym­bol consists of five interlocking rings that represent the conti­nents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South Ame­rica. The rings are blue, black,red, yellow and green. The flag of every nation competing in the Games has at least one of these colours. The Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger).

2. Грамматическое упражнение по теме “Согласование времен” (из самостоятельной работы).

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в прошедшем времени.

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