Why do you think O’Henry gave Tripp a dollar?

Personal letter


This is part of a letter from your American pen - friend Harry who writes:


…I’m fine but I’ve got a busy week ahead. I’m a member of the school team and we’re preparing for an important match in the National Championship. Are you fond of football? Do you watch football matches on TV? What other sports do you enjoy?

Well, I’d better go now. I’ve got to do some more training – I don’t want to lose this match.


Write back to Harry.

In your letter:

- answer all his questions;

-  ask him 2 questions about his preparation for the match;

write about 100-140 words;

remember the rules of letter writing.

February 1, 2013

Открытая городская  олимпиада по английскому языку «Соболёк» (8 класс)


Задание 1. Аудирование

Прослушайте текст дважды и согласитесь / не согласитесь с утверждениями. Исправьте неверные утверждения. Запишите получившиеся предложения:

1. Kenny and Lorraine share a bedroom.

2. The family live in a small bungalow.

3. The children look for their Christmas present only in their room.

4. They find the present under the coffee table.

5. The envelope contains a picture of the real present.

6. The children are disappointed with the Christmas present.

7. The new house has a back garden.

8. The children hope to make new friends in their new neighbourhood.

Задание 2. Чтение

Прочитайте текст:  

George Brown

O.Henry, a famous American humorist, is the author of many short stories which are very popular all over the world. This is what happened to him one day.

O.Henry had an acquaintance whose name was Tripp. He was a young man but he looked forty. He never shaved, his face was pale and he often asked the writer for a dollar, and then spent it on whisky.

Once Tripp met a young girl in New York. She had never been to the city before. She stopped Tripp and asked him where she could find George Brown. She thought that the first man she asked could tell her that. She also told Tripp that she was going to marry a farmer, named Dodd. But before that she wanted to see George Brown and to have a talk with him. Ada and George Brown loved each other dearly. The girl did not want to marry the farmer. She wanted to find George. That's why she had come to New York.

  Ada had no money and didn't know where to look for George Brown.

Tripp, who was kind by nature, could not leave the girl alone. He took her to a hotel and left her there. He told everything to O.Henry and suggested that they should go and see the girl whose name was Ada.

Tripp expected the writer to pay the bill at the hotel where Ada was staying and to buy a railway ticket for Ada to get back home. He said that it would cost O.Henry three dollars. He asked for another dollar for himself as he wanted whisky. He added that the writer would be able to create a new short story, and it would cost him only four dollars.

Ada was really beautiful. She told them all the details. She and George were in love when the boy was eight and she was five. When George was nineteen, he left the village for New York. He promised to come back to Ada, but she never saw him again.

On the day George was leaving the village they cut a cent into two pieces till they met again.

  The two men were very sorry for Ada and advised her to go home. They saw her to the station and then went home. When they were going to the bus stop, Tripp took his cheap watch out of his pocket and the writer saw half of the coin cut in two…

George Brown and Tripp were one and the same man. The writer took out a dollar and put it into Tripp's hand.


Выполните задания по тексту:

Согласитесь \ не согласитесь с утверждениями:

1. Tripp was a man of forty but looked young for his age.

2. A young girl Tripp met in New York asked him how to find a certain place.

3. The girl wanted to see George Brown before her marriage.

4. Tripp thought that the girl’s story would be an exciting plot for O.Henry’s new short story.

5. According to the story, George and Ada had been in love with each other since they were 19.

6. Ada and George met again after he had spent a few years in New York.

7. O.Henry and Tripp helped Ada to find the person she had been looking for.

8. In fact, Tripp was George Brown who had promised Ada to come back.

Выразите свое мнение (4-5 предложений):

Why do you think O’Henry gave Tripp a dollar?


Задание 3. Лексика и грамматика

Прочитайте текст, вставьте в пропущенные места слова по смыслу:

Why are so many people (1) … of reading books? The answer is very simple – the world of books is (2) … of wonders.

Reading books you can find (3) … in different lands. Together with the characters of the book you go (4) … ship in a stormy sea, climb high mountains and have (5) … of adventures.

There are authors and characters (6) … all over the world. Who hasn’t read “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll or “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain? Who hasn’t travelled (7) … Mary Poppins to her imaginary world?

We enjoy the beauty and wisdom of fairy-tales which (8) … us to be kind and clever, brave and honest. Books help us to be (9) … friends and to understand other people.

Books have (10) … with us since our childhood.

Выберите единственно правильный вариант из четырех предложенных (a), (b), (c), (d):

1. Everybody ____ that smoking is dangerous.
a) know      b) is known  c) knows      d) had known 

2. I’d like ____ overnight.
a) that you stayed    b) you stay with us  c) you staying with us d) you to stay

3.   I think that John Lennon is____ musicians in the world.

 a) greatest one     b) the greatest    c) one of the greatest d) one of greatest

 4. This magazine isn’t very popular ____ young people.
a) for     b) with         c) of        d) between

5. You gave me ____ yesterday.
a) a good advice   b) good advice   c) some good advices d) many good advices


6. She is my _____ sister.

a) elder    b) older  c) oldest  d) the eldest

7. Mum never makes me ____ anything against my will.

a) do            b) to do c) doing       d) done

8. The news ____ about the house that Mike has returned.

a) go    b) goes c) are going d) went

9.  The book that is ____ on the table is the teacher’s.

a) laying        b) putting     c) lying         d) lain

10. We are going to ____ south of ____ France for our holiday.

   a) -, -        b) the, the     c) a,   d) the, -

 11. You ____ to help your granny.

a) must    b) ought      c) can         d) should

 12.  Who ____ America?

 a) explore    b) invented  c) discovered              d) investigate

 13. Don’t look ____ this book. You won’t find necessary information in it.

  a) around  b) in   c) at      d) through

 14. I’ve missed the bus, ____ I’m late for the meeting.

 a) though b) that’s why c) otherwise d) because

 15. He decided to save some money and keep ____ in the bank.

a) it        b) their       c) them          d) its


Перефразируйте предложения, сохраняя в них смысл данного утверждения:

1. Sir Christopher Wren designed St. Paul’s Cathedral. - St. Paul’s Cathedral …

2. It’s a pity Mike is not in London now.  - I wish …

3. He started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it. - … for two hours.

4. I never misbehave at school. The teacher doesn’t punish me. - If I …

5. Dan is not so strong as his friend. - Dan’s friend …

6. Do you succeed in sport? - Are you …?

Подберите однокоренное слово к данному в скобках и вставьте его по смыслу в   предложение, запишите перевод образованных слов:

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