Exercise 6. Read and translate the text


Dental education in Ukraine is provided by 12 stomatological (dentistry) faculties of medical universities and dental academy. Each year 1500 school leavers enter one of the medical universities to become dentists.

Today Ukraine has 19 000 dentists of various profiles, 4600 state dental clinics, 5000 private dental clinics. The term of training to become a dentist at most Ukrainian medical universities is 5 years.

The goal of the dental educational program is to produce specialists who are: competently educated in the basic biological and clinical sciences, capable of providing quality dental care to all segments of the population.

The term of training to become a dentist at most Ukrainian medical universities is 5 years. During the first two years students study so-called preclinical subjects. They attend lectures in anatomy, physiology, biology, histology, Latin, foreign languages and some social subjects. The senior students develop their professional skills in different hospitals and clinics, where they are taught how to examine patients and diagnose oral diseases on their own.

All medical universities try to modify their programs to achieve a better correlation between the basic and clinical subjects. After graduating from the higher medical school the student gets the diploma and begins to work as an intern.

To enter the medical university the applicants are required to take the  External Testing in the Ukrainian language and literature, biology, and chemistry. Persons obtaining at this testing less than 124 points in any of required subjects lose their chance to become a student this year.


Exercise 7. Answer the questions

1) What is the length of dental education in Ukraine?

2) What educational institutions provide the training of dentists in Ukraine?

3) How many students enter the stomatological faculties every year?

4) What tests should the applicant take to become a dental student?

5) What is the goal of the dental educational program?

6) Where can the senior students develop professional skills?


Exercise 8. Find and correct the grammar errors in the following sentences

1) Many students enter to the medical university every year.

2) Students are teach how to examine patients.

3) During the first two years students studies so-called preclinical subjects.

4) The applicants are required take the External Testing.

5) There are 12 stomatological faculties and dental academy in the Ukraine.

6) The students will asked next lesson.


Exercise 9. Translate into English

1. Після закінчення медичного університету студенти працюють у якості інтернів.

2. Щоб вступити до медичного університету, потрібно пройти зовнішнє тестування з української мови та літератури, хімії та біології.

3. В Україні працює 19 000 стоматологів різного профілю.

4. Протягом двох перших років навчання студенти-стоматологи вивчають до клінічні дисципліни.

5. Старшокурсники розвивають практичні навички в лікарнях та клініках.

6. Сьогодні в Україні є 4600 державних та 5000 приватних стоматологічних клінік.


Exercise 10. Tell about the dental education in Ukraine according to the plan:

- higher dental institutions                         - duration of studying

- entrance requirements                             - the medical university program

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: Абітурієнт Відвідувати лекції Закінчити університет Розвивати професійні навички Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: How long does the dental education last in Ukraine? What tests should the applicant take to become a dental student? Where can the senior students develop professional skills? Розкажіть про стоматологічний навчання




Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation

require [ ri’kwaiә] undergraduate [ ande’grədjuәt] comprehension [kompri’hen∫n] earn [ə:n] proficiency [prə‘fi ∫(ə)nsi] maturity [mә‘tjuәriti] bachelor [‘bæt∫әlә]


Exercise 2. a) Form different parts of speech. Explain the meaning of affixes.

1) form nouns from the verbs with the suffix ion: to dictate, to state, to inject, to protect, to consult, to obstruct, to erupt, to complete;

2) form nouns from the verbs with the suffix –er: to teach, to lecture, to write, to read, to work, to help, to examine, to drive;

3) form nouns from adjectives with the suffix –ness: ill, weak, dark, great, kind, happy, lazy, tough;

4) form adjectives from verbs with the suffix –able: to consider, to change, to eat, to absorb, to drink, to rely, to reason, to question.


Exercise 3. Give the Plural of the following Nouns:

Example: analysis – analyses, force – forces.

Diagnosis, process, force, analysis, disease, abscess, science, medicine, prognosis, course, neurosis, emphasis.

Exercise 4. Topic vocabulary

to enroll                                         зачислити (до вузу)

competence                                   уміння, компетентність

proficiency                                    уміння, майстерність

perceptual ability                           здатність сприймати та розуміти

comprehension                              розуміння

undergraduate education –        навчання у вищому навчальному закладі до

                                                      отримання диплома про вищу освіту

to earn                                           отримати (заробити)

bachelor’s degree                          ступінь бакалавра

to give preference (to)                   віддати перевагу

maturity                                         зрілість

admission                                      вступ (до университету тощо)

Exercise 5. Find the equivalents.

admission requirements                 мета співбесіди

letters of evaluation                  рівноцінні ступені                          

the purpose of the interview      вимоги до вступу

equivalent degrees                         практика в клініці

clinical training                              листи з рекомендаціями

restorative dentistry                  терапевтична стоматологія


Exercise 6. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations.

The major part, dental oriented biological sciences, to provide competence in the treatment of oral diseases, the first professional degree, general chemistry, to earn the bachelor’s degree, problem solving, pre-dental education, knowledge of the dental profession, maturity of the applicant, to apply basic principles and techniques


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