Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

І. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення: сип та набряк аналіз крові та сечі ряд різних процедур виявляти захворювання проводити фізичний огляд визначити причину захворювання механізм розвитку захворювання прощупування та прослуховування спостерігати за роботою серця показувати переломи та тріщини ІІ. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: What is it necessary to know to make a correct diagnosis? What kind of procedures are used to establish a diagnosis? What is the difference between the objective and subjective symptoms? Why are laboratory analyses important? What does X-ray help to reveal? ІІІ. Розкрийте поняття: фізичний огляд, симптом


Exercise I. Topic vocabulary:

alveolar process n. [ˌælviˈəʊlə ˈprəʊses] альвеолярний відросток
anteriorly adj. |ænˈtɪəriəli| спереду
bound v. [baund] межувати, обмежувати
fauces n. [ˈfɔːsiːz] зів
inferiorly adj. [ɪnfɪərɪˈɔrətɪ] знизу
mandible n. [ˈmændɪb(ə)l] нижня щелепа
maxilla n. [mækˈsɪlə] верхня щелепа
muscular pаlate n. [ˈmʌskjʊlə ˈpælɪt] м'язова пластинка
orbital adj. [ˈɔːbɪtəl] зіничний
palatine process n. [ˈpælətaɪn] піднебінний відросток
pharynx n. [ˈfærɪŋks] глотка
posteriorly adj. [pɒsˈtɪərɪəlɪ] ззаду
ramus (pl. rami) n. [ˈreɪməs] [reɪ’maɪ] гілка
slit n. [slit] проріз
socket n. [ˈsɒkɪt[ лунка
superiorly adj. [sjuːˈpɪərɪəlɪ] зверху
uvula n. [ˈjuːvjʊlə] язичок
vestibule n. ['vestlbju:l] присінок
zygomatic adj. [,z(a)igeu'mətik] виличний відросток (скуловий)


Exercise II. Read the word combinations and translate them:

Jaw: stationary jaw, movable jaw, lower jaw, upper jaw, branch of the jaw, inflamed jaw.

Bone: dense bone, hard bone, sponge-like bone, trabecular bone, long bone, flat bone.

Tissue: red tissue, moist tissue, glistening tissue, bone tissue, connective tissue, nervous tissue, muscle tissue.

Surface: inner surface, outer surface, anterior surface, posterior surface, intra-temporal surface, superior surface, orbital surface, medial surface, nasal surface.

Exercise III. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

Bones of the skull; vestibule; alveolar arch; slit-like space; movable and stationary parts; alveolar process, processes of the jaw; U-shaped; branches; horse-shoe-shaped horizontal portion; covered with the skin; oral cavity proper; sponge-like in structure; to hold by a membrane; periodontal membrane; hard and soft palates; to cover with the mucous membrane; medial line.


Exercise IV. Choose the words and phrases that don’t go with the topic “The oral cavity”:

Teeth, lips, tongue, maxilla, mandible, nasal cavity, abdominal cavity, larynx, soft and hard palates, pharynx, skin, mucous membrane, salivary glands, pelvis cavity, uvula, pancreas, rami, breastbone, peritoneum, periodontal membrane.

Exercise V. Read and translate the text:


The oral cavity is formed by the bones of the skull. It consists of the vestibule and the oral cavity proper.

The vestibule of the mouth is a slit-like space bounded externally by the lips and cheeks, and internally by the teeth and alveolar processes, the jaws.

The human being has two jaws: an upper and a lower one.

The upper jaw (the maxilla) is stationary forming part of the skull. It is a paired bone. It consists of a body and four processes: the frontal, zygomatic, palatine, and alveolar processes. There are four surfaces of the body of the maxilla: the anterior, posterior or intra-temporal, superior or orbital, and medial or nasal surfaces.

The lower jaw (the mandible) is movable and attached to the skull by muscles. It is U-shaped and consists of a body and two branches. The Lower jaw is made up of two parts: the horse-shoe-shaped horizontal portion to which the teeth are attached and which is called "the body of the mandible" and the perpendicular part, the ramus. There are two rami, the left and the right.

The major portion of the structure, which makes up the jaw, is dense, hard bone but there is a part which is sponge-like in structure. This is called the alveolar process: and contains the sockets into which the roots of the teeth fit. The roots are held in place in sockets by a membrane, which is called the periodontal membrane.

The oral cavity proper is bounded superiorly by the hard or soft palates, inferiorly by the oral diaphragm, and anteriorly and laterally by the teeth and alveolar processes; posteriorly it communicates with the pharynx through the fauces. The hard palate separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity. It is covered with the mucous membrane. The soft palate is situated posterior to the hard palate and is covered with a mucous membrane. The conicalpart of the soft palate situated along the medial line is called the uvula.


Exercise VI. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. What does the oral cavity consist of?

2. What is the vestibule bounded by?

3. What parts does maxilla consist of?

4. How many processes does maxilla have?

5. What does mandible consist of?

6. What is alveolar process?

7. How do the roots of the teeth held in place?

8. What is the hard palate and soft palate?

9. What part of the soft palate is called uvula?

Exercise VII. Match the Ukrainian words and word combinations with the English ones:

1. alveolar processes корінь та гілка
2. maxilla and mandible періодонтальна оболонка
3. periodontal membrane ліва та права гілки нижньої щелепи
4. mucous membrane триматися у лунках за допомогою оболонки
5. hard and soft palates альвеолярний відросток
6. fauces and uvula альвеолярна дуга
7. root and ramus верхня та нижня щелепи
8. to hold in sockets by membrane тверде та м’яке піднебіння
10. left and right rami of the mandible слизова оболонка
11. alveolar arch зів та язичок

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