Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages. Let’s see what they are. Read the text. Translate the underlined words. Do the exercises to the text




Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don’t need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, and go to the theatre and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of variety and you never feel bored.

However, for every plus there is a minus. Living in a city is often very expensive. It is difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes overcrowded, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city. In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older prefer the peace and fresh air of the country-side.

10. Say if these statements are false or true:

  1. Living in a city has only advantages.
  2. Living in a city is very expensive.
  3. It is easier to find work in a city.
  4. Public transport is often overcrowded in the rush hour.
  5. There are lots of things to do and places to see in a city.
  6. City life is full of peace and fresh air.
  7. It is possible to feel lonely in a city.
  8. It is easy to find cheap accommodation (жильё).
  9. Many old people don’t like noise and pollution of a city.
  10. Young people never feel bored in the city.
  11. Life in the country-side is full of variety.


11. Fill in the table using the facts below:

advantages disadvantages


A choice of public transport; noise and pollution; overcrowded transport; feeling lonely; variety of interesting things; expensive accommodation; a chance to find work; a chance to go out and relax.

Tell about your native city.


Для английского существительного характерны следующие грамматические категории: 1) число (единственноe и множественное); 2) падеж (общий и притяжательный).

Множественное число исчисляемых существительных образуется при помощи окончания - s, которое произносится как [z] после звонких согласных и гласных и как [s] после глухих согласных: handhands, desk – desks. Имена существительные, оканчивающиеся в единственном числе на буквы - s, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch, образуют множественное число путем прибавления окончания - es к форме единственного числа. Окончание - es произносится как [iz]: bus – buses, dress – dresses, fox – foxes, dish – dishes, bench – benches.

Некоторые имена существительные образуют множественное число не по правилу, а путем изменения корневых гласных (исключения): woman – women, man – men, child – children, tooth – teeth, foot – feet.

Притяжательный падеж используется, когда надо показать принадлежность предмета кому-либо: my father’s car, the cat’s basket. Притяжательный падеж образуется путем прибавления к слову апострофа (') и окончания - s. К существительному во множественном числе, имеющему окончание - s, суффикс не прибавляется, а после него ставится апостроф: the boys’ bikes. На русский язык существительные в притяжательном падеже чаще всего переводятся родительным падежом.




В большинстве случаев английские существительные используются с артиклем: неопределённым a / an или определенным the.


Неопределенный артикльa/an употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, если о предмете говорят впервые, или предмет является одним из множества подобных: This is a pencil.


Определённый артикль the употребляется перед существительными как в единственном, так и во множественном числе, когда:

1. из контекста понятно, о каком предмете идет речь: Read the text!;

2. о предмете говорится во второй раз: This is a pen. The pen is red;

3. существительное имеет при себе лимитирующее определение: The book he has read is in the bookcase;

4. существительное обозначает предмет, единственный в своем роде: the sky, the Sun;

5. перед названиями океанов, морей, рек, горных хребтов, частей света и т.д.: the Pacific Ocean, the North, the Caucasus;

6. существительное является обстоятельством места: in the park;

7. перед фамилиями, употребляемыми во множественном числе для обозначения членов одной и той же семьи: the Browns.


Артикли не употребляются:

1) перед именами собственными: John Brown, Oxford, Wales;

2) перед названиями времён года, месяцев и дней недели: They go to the pool on Sundays.





My name is Ann. I’m seventeen years old. I live in Tyumen. I have recently graduated from school and entered the Tyumen Medical College. It is one of the best colleges in the city. Besides, I have always wanted to study medicine after school.

Our college is one of the oldest educational institutions in the city. It was founded in 1921. In 1992 the medical school received the status of the college. Today, the college provides education almost in all medical specialties. There are 7 departments at our college – of curative affair, nursing affair, obstetrician affair, pharmacy, laboratory diagnostics, orthopedic stomatology and preventive dentistry. Students learn such subjects as Anatomy, Latin, Сhemistry, Nursing, Genetics, Pharmacology, Hygiene, Microbiology and so on. Our college is rather well-equipped. There are several laboratories for practical studies, two classrooms of informatics, a large gym and a canteen. There is also a library with a good choice of medical books.

Since 1921 thousands of graduates have got decent education in healthcare area, and I’m very proud to be a student of the Tyumen Medical College.


1. Образуйте форму множественного числа существительных man, woman, wife, scarf, half, foot, leaf, wolf, mouse, dwarf, handkerchief и заполните пропуски по смыслу:

1. It is possible to identify a lot of trees by looking at their... 2. … are a race of short, stout humanoids. 3. The Earth is a sphere and is split into two … by an imaginary line called the equator. 4. … can be made of cotton, synthetic fabric or linen. 5. Some … have dogs and not … 6. Why do … control their husbands? 7. Working or exercising, we all spend an enormous amount of time on our... 8. … spread disease and can damage your home. 9. … may travel 10 to 30 miles each day in search of food. 10. … are perfect accessories for any occasion.

2. Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами глагола to be:


1. The first spectacles made in Italy in the 13th century. 2. What can employees do if their wages paid late? 3. Some goods banned or require a licence for transportation, such as fruit, vegetables and seeds. 4. Pliers …small pincers with long jaws, for bending wire or holding small objects. 5. Scissors now designed ergonomically with rubber handles. 6. Jeans …trousers made from denim or dungaree cloth. 7. Trousers once seen as exclusively male clothes, but are nowadays worn by both genders. 8. For the rich Tudors fashion was important; their clothes very elaborate. 9. It’s not quite clear how visual dream contents represented by brain activity. 10. Riches not an end of life, but an instrument of life.

3. Образуйте форму притяжательного падежа существительных:


a painter / a wife,  a writer / a blog,   a soldier / an oath,  an officer /a uniform,  a spy / a secret address,  a lady / a maid,  an actress / a role, a coach / an award, a pharmacist / advice, a receptionist / documents, a waitress / children.

4. Поставьте данные в скобках существительные в форму притяжательного падежа и заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями по смыслу:


1. I don’t feel safe when … (friend) dog is around. 2. We are always happy to accept … (parents) aid. 3. When parents are involved in … (children) education, both children and parents are likely to benefit. 4. Our colleague says that … (sister) life turned upside down when her boyfriend left her. 5. He says that

… (boss) daughter has refused to date with him. 6. Should a bride have any control over … (fiance) bachelor party? 7. Two seventeen-year-old guys have recently crashed … (uncle) car into a tree. 8. We highly appreciate … (instructor) teaching method. 9. The directors consider that … (managers) skills

are necessary for the tasks they fulfill.

5. Заполните пропуски нулевым или определенным артиклем:


1. Students usually take … notes at lectures…. notes are very important while preparing for taking exams. 2. There are … plants at our office. … plants improve air quality and reduce stress. 3. There are … hills and … mountains in this area. … hills hold much snow in winter. 4. There are … elephants in London Zoo. … elephants are enormous and intelligent, strong and sociable. 5. Some sites provide a variety of … answers to commonly asked questions. … answers cover the numerous topics of interest. 6. We try to avoid … conflicts at work because … conflicts lead to negativity all around. 7. We stopped to greet … neighbours. … neighbours stopped to greet us too. 8. I don’t remember my taking part in … performances. … performances started after I had finished secondary school.



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