Contract law Grammar peculiarities


TASK 43. (a) Choose the correct word or expression for each sentence. Remember that the expressions ‘as long as’ or ‘so long as’; ‘provided (that)’ or ‘providing (that)’ mean ‘if’ or ‘on condition that’ whereas the conjunction ‘unless’ has the meaning ‘if not; except if; except when’. Translate the sentences into Russian.

(1) ABC acknowledges that Distributor is involved in the design and marketing of other product lines as set forth in Exhibit A to this Agreement, and such design and marketing shall not violate the provisions of this section provided that / unless Distributor restricts access to ABC’s Confidential Information to those employees who are involved in the marketing and sale of ABC’s Products and who are not involved in the design and marketing of the product lines set forth in Exhibit A. (2) Distributor shall present all proposed advertisements to ABC for approval prior to each season in which Distributor wishes to display or publicize such advertisements. Distributor agrees that such advertisements shall be in line with ABC’s current domestic campaign. ABC shall use its best efforts to approve or disapprove all advertisements promptly. Unless ABC requests additional time for review or informs Distributor of advertisement disapproval, ABC shall be deemed to have approved any advertisement it receives within 20 days after receipt. (3) We will sign the contract next week unless / providing it is ready. (4) In accordance with Article 46 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice the hearing in Court shall be public unless / provided the Court shall decide otherwise, or unless / as long as the parties demand that the public be not admitted. (5) After the Court has received the proofs and evi­dence within the time specified for the purpose, it may refuse to accept any further oral or written evidence that one party may desire to present unless / provided the other side consents. (6) No official shall recommend or approve participation by an undercover employee in illegal activity unless / provided the participation is justified to prevent death or serious bodily injury… (7) The Criminal Undercover Operations Review Committee shall recommend approval of an undercover operation only upon reaching a consensus, unless / provided that if, upon consultation, the Assistant Attorney General disagrees with a decision by the designated Assistant Director to approve the proposed operation, no further action shall be taken on the proposal without the approval of the Deputy Attorney General or the Attorney General.


TASK 44. (a) Study the following Grammatical Note related to the Absolute Participial Construction frequently used in formal English and analyze the examples given below:

Grammatical Note

The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction (самостоятельный причастный оборот) is often used in modern English legal context. It is a construction in which the participle has the “subject” of its own. This “subject” is not the subject of the sentence. Though formally independent of the sentence the Absolute Participial Construction is a logical adverbial modifier of time, cause, condition and is rendered in Russian by means of an adverbial clause (with the conjunctions ‘так как’, ‘хотя’, ‘когда’, ‘после того, как’).

1.  Payments for goods sold hereunder shall be effected based on the irrevocable letter-of-credit to be opened by the Buyer in the Seller’s favour for the full cost of each goods consignment, L/C period being 15 (fifteen) days.     1. Платежи за товары, реализованные по настоящему контракту, производятся на основе безотзывного аккредитива, который открывает покупатель в пользу Продавца на полную стоимость каждой партии товара, при этом срок действия аккредитива составляет 15 (пятнадцать) дней.
2. The goods having been unloaded, the workers left the port.   2. После того, как товары были разгружены, рабочие покинули порт.
3. There being a severe storm at sea, the steamer could not leave the port.   3. Поскольку на море был сильный шторм, пароход не мог выйти из порта.
4. With agricultural surpluses in the USA rapidly increasing and exports declining, the agricultural situation in that country is becoming extremely tense.   4. Так как излишки сельскохозяйственных продуктов в США быстро увеличиваются, а экспорт падает, положение сельского хозяйства в этой стране становится чрезвычайно напряженным.

Примечание: Past Participle в самостоятельных причастных оборотах встречается чрезвычайно редко.

5. The plant supplied with good raw materials, the quality of the goods has greatly improved.   5. После того, как завод был обеспечен хорошим сырьем, качество товаров существенно улучшилось.

(b) Complete the following English sentences by translating the word combinations in brackets. Use the corresponding versions from the box and the Absolute Participial Construction where necessary.


to place part of the cargo on deck; to forward the cotton to the factory; foodstuffs; manufactured goods; to occupy an important place in the export of the country; to give due notice to the agents of the parties; both texts being equally valid; to give notice to the Secre­tary-General and to the representatives of Members of the United Nations


(1) The sawn-goods/пиломатериалы were shipped last week, (причем часть груза была помещена на палубе). (2) The wool was placed in the warehouse, (в то время как хлопок был отправлен на фабрику). (3) (После того, как многие технические и научные проблемы были решены), the first space flight was realized. (4) (Так как студент хорошо знал английский язык), the examination did not last long. (5) (Так как было воскресенье), the office was closed. (6) The total value of China’s export increased in 2007 as compared with 2006, (причем промышленные изделия и продовольственные товары занимали большое место в экспорте страны). (7) Probably the first metals used by man were gold, silver, and copper, (так как эти металлы находят в природе) in the native or metallic state. (8) According to Article 58 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice the judgment shall be signed by the President and by the Registrar. It shall be read in open court, (причем представители сторон должны быть заранее уведомлены об этом). (9) (После того, как электрон покидает поверхность), the metal becomes positively charged. (10) (После того, как письмо было написано), he went out to post it. (11) (Когда работа была окончена), we went home (Use Past Participle). (12) The treaty between Russia and the Chinese People’s Republic is made in the Russian and Chinese languages, (причем оба текста имеют одинаковую силу). (13) (Так как профессор был болен), the lecture was put off.   (14) The International Court of Justice shall deliver its advisory opinions in open court, (после того, как уведомление было передано Генеральному Секретарю и представителям членов Организации Объединенных Наций), of other states and of inter­national organizations immediately concerned.


(c) Complete the following English sentences by translating the word combinations in brackets. Use the corresponding versions from the box and the Absolute Participial Construction where necessary.


to give the signal; to turn most of the pig-iron into steel; to exceed 150 metres; to deliver raw materials and other goods to Russia


(1) (Так как в комнате было темно), I could not see him. (8) Many men preceded Newton in the field of mechanics, (при этом самым выдающимся из них был, верояно, Галилей/Galileo). (2) (Ecли магнит разделить на две части), each piece becomes positively charged. (3) (После того, как солнце взошло), they continued their way. (4) (Так как моя сестра потеряла ключ), we could not enter the house. (5) (После того как сигнал был дан), the train started (Use Past Participle). (6) The plant produces large quantities of pig-iron, (причем большая часть чугуна перерабатывается в сталь). (7) The steamer could not enter the dock, (так как его длина превышает 150 метров). (8) (Когда нам раздали словари), we translated the article easily. (9) Russia is supplying Mongolia with equipment for the development of its economy, (в то время как Монголия поставляет в Россию сырье и другие товары). (10) Fifteen days prior to the commencement of the goods delivery month the Buyer shall provide the goods shipment schedule, (причем количество должно быть подтверждено продавцом).

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