Part two: comprehension

Write complete sentences to answer the questions below.


1. According to the article, what misconception (wrong idea) do most people have about snakes?



2. What did the snakes in the first experiment do to suggest that they have friends?



3. What is a possible explanation for that behavior? (Hint: See the last paragraph.)


4. What was the purpose of the second study?


5. Based on the article, what are two ways that snakes behave in a similar way to humans?


6. What question do the researchers still have about snake friendships?



Write a paraphrase for each of the sentences below. Use s ynonyms, different word forms and different sentence structure and grammar to express the same idea. Remember not to change the original meaning. Please do not forget to add source information (Title of the article and author’s name).



1. The idea that snakes have close friends may be surprising, but such relationships are increasingly being found throughout the animal kingdom, from flamingos to bats to elephants.



2. The results showed that “like us, they seek out social contacts, and they’re choosy about whom they socialize with” says Skinner.



3. Shy individuals tended to stay put, and rarely ventured into the larger enclosure. Bolder snakes behaved like explorers, often immediately leaving the shelter to slither about their new habitat.



4. “Animals behave differently in captivity, so I’m left wondering how this translates to natural conditions,” notes Amarello.



5. The study snakes did not prefer the opposite sex as friends, but such partnerships must be offering some benefit; otherwise, the animals would not waste the energy forming such bonds.



The laboratory serpents wouldn’t rather have different sex for friendship because it will help them to save power; otherwise, this relationship should give more advantages to the snakes.



According to researches snakes prefer the same sex for friendship; Moreover, snakes don’t want loss energy that why they prefer relationship with benefits.

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