Complete the conversations using the information from the cases

Nurse: Where do you have pain?

Kate: I have pain in my                    . Nurse: How much pain do you have?

Kate: I have                                pain. Nurse: What would you rate your pain out of 10?

Kate: I would rate my pain      out of 10. Nurse: When did your pain start?

Kate: My pain started                     ago. Nurse: Is your pain constant or intermittent? Kate: My pain is                                                            .



Bob is a 46 year old man. For the first time, he is having moderate pain in his chest and he feels it moving down his arm. He rates his pain 5 out of 10. The pain is constant and has a tingling feeling. 10 minutes later Bob’s son drives Bob to St. Patrick’s Hospital Emergency for medical help. A nurse sees Bob and asks questions. How would the nurse him some questions?

Nurse:                                      ? Bob: I have pain in my chest.

Nurse:                                   ? Bob: It moves down my arm.

Nurse:                                   ? Bob: I have a moderate pain.

Nurse:                                   ? Bob: I would rate my pain 5 out of 10. Nurse:    ?

Bob: My pain started 10 minutes ago. Nurse:? Bob: My pain is constant.

Translate the conversation from Russian into English.

 In a GP's surgery                                                                                                                  

GP: Mrs. Andrews, isn’t it? Good morning, I’m Dr. Adams. I am your GP.


(Что с Вами случилось?)

Mrs. Andrews:   Nothing really. As usual I was working in my office when I suddenly felt

                                 (сильную боль) in my stomach. It                (усиливалась), that's why I decided not to wait and see a doctor immediately.

GP:                                                                                                                           ?

(Где конкретно Вы чувствуете боль?)

Mrs. Andrews: Right here.                                                                                          .

(C правой стороны внизу).

GP: I see.                                                                                                      ?

(Не могли бы Вы описать характер боли?)

                                                                                ? (Она колющая, схваткообразная или пульсирующая?)

Mrs. Andrews: I’m not sure, but I think it is                           (пульсирующая).

GP: Uhu-h. And                                                                                         ?

(Боль сосредоточена на одном месте?)

Mrs. Andrews: No,                                                                                                .

(Она переходит в низ живота и в область таза).

GP: I see. Let me palpate your abdomen.                                                      ?

(Боль усиливается, когда я нажимаю вот здесь?)

Mrs. Andrews: Да.                                                                                       .

(Становится гораздо больнее)



(Не могли бы Вы оценить интенсивность боли по шкале от 1 до 10?)

Mrs. Andrews: Hmmm...I would say it’s 6, but when you push on the right side it’s all 9.

GP: OK. I see.                                                                                                        ? (Наблюдаете ли Вы какие-либо сопутствующие симптомы, такие как рвота, диарея, озноб, повышенная температура?)

Mrs. Andrews: Yes, at first                                                                     

(был легкий озноб и температура поднялась до 38). I took some painkillers and


(мне стало немного лучше).

GP: I see. And                                                                                     ?

(Усиливается ли боль при ходьбе?)

Mrs. Andrews: Yes. I can barely walk.                                                        .

(Болит невыносимо сильно)

GP: It seems that you have appendicitis. We should take some analysis to make the right diagnosis.



VOCABULARY The mechanism of pain

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