Find Russian equivalents to the given English terms

1. edible to humans 1. видимый внешне
2. external forces 2. нежелательный вкус
3. harvested crops 3. съедобный для человека
4. unpleasant odor 4. внешние силы
5. undesirable taste 5. срок хранения
6. diminished in quality 6. собранный урожай
7. visible externally 7. скоропортящаяся пища
8. shelf life 8. рациональный промежуток времени
9. reasonable length of time 9. неприятный запах
10. perishable food 10. ухудшение качества

Translate and memorize the following word combinations.

vacuum packed, high sugar content, time to multiply, intense vomiting, improperly canned, low-acid foods, unknown sources, definition of strict rules of hygiene, veterinary surveying, heat treatment, pungent sulfur compounds, therapeutic properties, appropriate dosages.

Say whether the statements are true or false.

1. Packaging is the process in which food deteriorates to the point in which it is not edible to humans or its quality of edibility becomes reduced. 2. When bacteria breaks down the food, acids and other waste products are created in the process. 3. Symptoms for bacterial infections are delayed because the bacteria need time to multiply. 4. Yeasts can be responsible for the decomposition of food with low sugar content. 5. If mold occurs, it is never visible externally on the item. 6. The toxic effects from consuming spoiled food are known colloquially as "food poisoning", and more properly as "food borne". 7. Refrigeration can increase and expand the shelf life of certain foods and beverages. 8. Canning of food can preserve food for a particularly short period of time, whether canned at home or commercially. 9. Prevention is mainly the role of the state, through the definition of strict rules of hygiene and a public services of veterinary surveying of animal products in the food chain, from farming to the transformation industry and delivery (shops and restaurants). 10. Viral infections make up perhaps two thirds of cases of food poisoning in developed countries.

Retell the text using as many words from active vocabulary as possible.

Text 2.


Master the active vocabulary.

Intestine – 1. внутренний; 2. кишка, кишечник

Bloodstream – кровоток

Sporadic – единичный, отдельный, случайный, спорадический; появляющийся от случая к случаю

Dimension – измерение, размеры, величина, объём, протяжение

Tackle – 1. принадлежности, снасть; 2. энергично браться за; биться над

Malnutrition – недостаточное питание

To inflict – налагать; наносить; причинять

Clam – 1. двустворчатый моллюск; 2. раковина двустворчатого моллюска; 3. молчун

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