Foreign ccurrency

Notice these ways of speaking about exchange rates:

How many roubles are there to the dollar?

How many roubles per dollar did you get?

The current rate is 30 roubles to the dollar.


Way of saying British telephone numbers

All the numbers are said separately, so 147 5474 is one-four-seven, five four seven four.

0 is said oh, so 207 161 784 is two-oh-seven, one-six-one, seven-eight-four.

When the same number occurs twice, it can be either said twice or called double, so 77 can be seven-seven or double seven.

There is a pause after the third digit if the number is more than six digits long. Many people also place a space here in writing.

For non-local calls, the “area code” is often given instead of the name of the town etc. There is always a pause after the area code. In writing the area code is often in brackets.

(0181) 449 2187

oh-one-eight-one, four-four-nine, two-one-eight-seven

Repetition of telephone numbers to avoid misunderstanding

Telephone numbers are often given in groups and native speakers always check that they have heard correctly for example:

What’s your phone number?
It’s one-four seven…


Asking to speak to someone

Good morning. Hitoki Ltd. Can I help you? Доброе утро. Компания Хитоки Лимитед. Могу я Вам помочь?/Чем могу помочь?
Can you put me through to the After Sales, please? Соедините меня, пожалуйста, с отделом послепродажного обслуживания.
Can I have the Accounts Department, please? Бухгалтерию, пожалуйста.
Extension 123, please. Будьте добры добавочный 123.
Could I speak to Mrs. Bates, please? Могу я поговорить с г-жой Бэйтс?
John Brams in Sales, please. Я бы хотел поговорить с Джоном Брамсом из отдела продаж.
One moment, please. Одну минуту, пожалуйста.
I’m putting you through. Соединяю.
The extension/line is ringing for you. Добавочный номер/линия свободна.
Hold the line, please. Не вешайте трубку, пожалуйста.
I phoned a moment ago, but I was cut off. Я звонил минуту назад, но нас разъединили.
Sorry to keep you waiting. Извините, что заставил Вас ждать
I think you’ve got the wrong extension. Я думаю, у Вас неправильный добавочный номер.
I’ll try and transfer you Я попробую перевести Ваш звонок.
I’m afraid the line’s/extension’s is busy/engaged. К сожалению, номер/линия занят(а).
I’m sorry, but there’s no reply. Извините, никто не отвечает.
Do you want to hold on or would you like to call back later? Вы подождете или перезвоните позже?

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