Exercises. Ex. 1 find definition to each of the given terms

Ex.1 Find definition to each of the given terms:

International Monetary Fund - that variable amount in the currency of one country which, at any given date, is offered for a fixed sum in the currency of another country.
Rate of exchange - is the name given to the government department which has charge of the finances of the country.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - set up as a result of the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. The object of this organization is to maintain stable relations between various currencies and thus help member states by cushioning against temporary fluctuations in foreign trade.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - an international treaty which plays an important part in international trade. It was signed by six countries in 1947 with the object of bringing about a reduction in tariffs and to prevent existing tariffs from being raised.
Treasure - commonly known as the World, this was set up as a result of the United Nations Monetary Conference at Bretton Woods in 1944 with the aims of encouraging international trade by financing projects for reconstruction and development in war-damaged countries and in other similar circumstances.

Ex. 2 Complete the following sentences, using the necesary words and word combinations from the given below:

contacts, promotional role, chapter, incur charges, the SDR, exchange rates, collaborate, to deal with.

1) The policies and activities of the IMF are guided by its ….

2) The Fund stands ready … … with crisis situation.

3) Each member undertakes to … with the Fund to promote a stable system of … ….

4) The Fund has a … … in fulfilling the objective of making the SDR the principle reserve asset of the international monetary system.

5) The IMF’s unit of account is ….

6) The IMF maintains … with other international organizations.

7) Members … … for the use of Fund credit.

Ex. 3 Find the correct translation of words and word combinations:

A. 1. payment imbalance 2. collaboration 3. evolution 4. to stand ready 5. surveillance 6. obligations 7. to undertake 8. exchange arrangements 9. advantage 10. adjustment 11. to meet trade requirements 12. allocation 13. Special Drawing Rights 14. promotional role 15. to supplement 16. unit of account 17. a weighted average 18. incur charges 19. disbursements 20. clearance of arrears 21. overdue obligations 22. holdings.

B. 1. просроченные обязательства 2. сотрудничество 3. вклады 4. развитие 5. быть готовым 6. среднее значение 7. погашение задолженности 8. надзор 9. обязательства 10. оплата 11. взять на себя обязательства 12. единица расчета 13. валютные сделки 14. роль посредника 15. исправление 16. облагаться налогом 17. пополнять 18. превосходство 19. специальные права заимствования 20. размещать 21. удовлетворять требованиям торговли 22. дисбаланс платежей.

Ex. 4 Answer the following questions:

1. What is the I. M. F.?

2. Which purposes was it established for?

3. What are its activities focused on?

4. What kind of situations does the Fund deal with?

5. What policy does the I.M.F. exercise?

6. Why does each member undertake to collaborate with the Fund?

7. What is the I.M.F. responsible for?

8. What is the promotional role of the Fund?

9. With which international organisations does the I.M.F. maintain contacts?

10. On which terms is the use of Fund resources based on?

11. What is the I.M.F.’s unit of account?

12. How may members make use of Fund credit?

13. Why do members incur charges?

Ex. 5. Dividethe textinto logical parts and single out the words which describe the development of the main idea of each part. Find the words that connect these separate parts under one heading. Choose the necessary adverbs, conjunctions and other discourse makers which can help you to link the main ideas within each logical part of the text as well these parts themselves into a single entity.

Make up the brief summary of the text.

Ex.6 In each part of the text that were already singled out by you in Ex. 5 find one sentence which discloses the main idea of each part most correctly. Can these sentences be used as the answers to the following questions? If not, give the appropriate answers.

1) What is the I.M.F.?

2) What are its purposes?

3) What are the main activities of I.M.F.?

4) What is the I.M.F. responsible for?

5) What does the I.M.F. maintain?

6) What does the Fund deal with?

Ex. 7. Write the abstract of the text in 5 – 7 sentences. Use the sentences you choose and those you used as the answers to the questions in Ex. 6. as the main source of this activity. Make up the abstract using passive constructions.

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