A) to come

B) coming

C) came

D) come

2. Choose the right variant. I believed you… three mobile phones.

A) to have

B) haven’t been

C) having

D) have

3. Choose the right variant. He made me… the window.

A) close

B) to close

C) closing

D) have close

4. Choose the right variant. I felt someone… me on the shoulder.

A) to touch

B) touching

C) touch

D) to be touch


English Russian Kazakh
employ [ιm'plɔι] применять біреуге жұмыс беру, пайдалану, жалдау
fulfill [ful'f ιl] выполнять атқару
requirement [rι'kwaιəmənt] требование талап
confine ['kɔnfaιn] ограничивать, заключать, обрекать тежеу, шек қою, қайыру
benefit ['benιfιt] выгода, польза пайда
distinguish [dι'stιŋgwιʃ] различать айырып тану
suitability [s(j)u:tə'bιlətι] соответствие сәйкестік, ұйқастық
adaptability [ədæptə'bιlətι] приспособляемость құрал, бейім, ыңғайлы
permanence ['pз:m(ə)nən(t)s] прочность беріктік
minor ['maιnə] меньший кішісі
SIW №27

CD “New English File” 6B (grammar, video, vocabulary).

Discussing on the theme “What do you think about eco-architecture in future?”

Office hour №9

1. Write an essay about most significant historical architecture masterpiece of the last century. (350-400 words).

2. Topic «Famous architects and engineers in Kazakhstan».

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