Упражнение 1. Образуйте от данных слов прилагательные,- используя суффиксы -al, -ive, -ous, и переведите их

abdomen, intestine, mucus, to digest, defence, fibre, chemistry, me­chanic, serum

Lesson 5 ♦ 89

Упражнение 2. Прочтите и запомните перевод следующих слов и слово­сочетаний.

1. result [n'zAlt] n результат, исход, следствие; to obtain (to yield) good (bad) results получать (давать) хорошие (плохие) результаты; as a result of (operation, treatment, exercise) в результате (операции, лечения, нагрузки); v (in) давать в результате, приводить к...; to result from следовать, вытекать, явиться результатом

2. through [0ru:] prep через, сквозь; из-за, благодаря, при помощи, посредством, путем; through the body, through the walls

Упражнение З. Просмотрите текст В (10 мин). 1) Скажите, с точки зрения какой науки дается описание пищеварительной системы. 2) Найдите и переведите предложения, где употребляются: а) слово «it»; б) местоиме­ния some, any; в) слова through, result. 3) Найдите в тексте придаточные предложения и переведите их.

Text В
f The Digestive System ^/ ^.

The digestive system consists of the digestive tract and digestive glands. The digestive tract is some 8—10 m long and is divided into the follow­ing parts: oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. The structures of the different parts of the tract have some special features. (}/ ff-U(,/.,..*.- c/ srv^**^ ^Ъп&

The wall of the greater part of the digestive tract consists of three dbats: internal - mucous, middle — muscular, and the external — serous. The mucous coat is lined with the epithelium outside which is a connective tissue with a thin layer of smooth muscle fibres. The mucous coat is pink in colour because it has many blood vessels. The numerous small glands in this coat secrete a viscous coat of the digestive tract. It facilitates the movement of food and protects the mucous coat from the damage by solid particles of food and various chemical substances. One must re­member that the mucous coat of the digestive tract begins with the esoph­agus, contains lymph nodules which also have a protective function.

The greater part of the muscular coat of the digestive tract consists of two layers: an internal layer with circular muscle fibres and an external layer with longitudinal muscle fibres. The wall of the pharynx and the superior part of the esophagus, and the tongue and the soft palate all contain striated muscle tissue. It is the muscular coat of the other parts of the digestive tract that consists of smooth muscle tissue. Contractions of the muscular coat move food along the digestive tract.

90 ♦ Learning to Understand a Medical Text

The serous coat that covers the digestive organs in the abdominal cavity is called the peritoneum. The peritoneum has two layers, visceral and parietal. In the esophagus the serous layer is lacking and the outer coat is fibrous in nature. f,,

The digestive glands secrete digestive juices that contain enzymes and some other substances which take part in the chemical processes of digestion.

In addition to the small glands in the mucous coat of the digestive tract, there are also large glands: the salivary glands, the liver and the pancreas. Though these glands are situated outside the digestive tract, they communicate with it through ducts.

Any part of the digestive tract and the digestive glands are equipped with nerve fibres and their endings. The nerves of the digestive glands regulate the secretion of digestive juices. It is known that the nervous system not only regulates the activity of each organ, but also coordi­nates their activities.

Упражнение 5. Прочтите каждое суждение. Найдите в тексте В предло­жения, более полно выражающие мысль данного суждения, и прочти­те их.

1. The digestive tract is divided into some parts. 2. The viscous coat of the digestive tract facilitates the movement of food.,3. The muscles of different types form the walls of the intestine. 4. The serous coat doesn't cover all the organs of the digestive system. 5. Enzymes take part in digestion. 6. Salivary glands, liver and pancreas are situated outside the digestive tract. 7. The nervous system regulates and coordinates the work of the digestive organs.

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