Women’s History Month Video


it's hard to be the first it takes guts

imagination drive the willingness to

jump in where others haven't been before

the vision to see a world that has yet

to exist stamina could keep going and

there are roadblocks ahead this Women's

History Month we're celebrating just

that women who were first women who beat

the odds to make a scientific

breakthrough women who rose to the top

and achieved leadership positions

previously only held by men women who

had dedication and determination to be

the best in their fields take examples

like Lee Ann Lee Russell who spent 50

years at our Oak Ridge National

Laboratory she studied the effects of

radiation exposure she was the first to

discover that the Y chromosome

determines gender in mammals we also

over for protecting unborn babies from

harmful radiation during x-rays we're

looking to the story of Dixie Lee ray

first chairwoman of the Atomic Energy

Commission in 1973 Dixie was an advocate

of the nuclear industry an energy leader

and she fought hard to bring science to

the people

another example is Darlene Hoffman the

first woman to lead a Los Alamos

scientific division the scientific world

is lucky she was inspired by a female

professor at Iowa State College to

switch from her applied art major to

chemistry look at Jill Ruby who became

the first woman to lead our nation's

largest national lab Sandia National

Laboratories in 2015

Java joins India in 1983 working in

thermal and fluid sciences solar energy

and nuclear weapon component R&D and

these are just a few of the research

topics she became an expert on in her

impressive career she also has three

patents just like these Trailblazers

women today are continuing to change the

world but we still have a lot to do

because there is a serious shortage in

our nation's stem workforce recruiting

training and developing female

scientists engineers technicians and

mathematicians must be done now the do-e

National Laboratories annually provide

programs for more than 250,000 K through

12 students and 22,000 K through 12

educators in fact last year and NSA

funded over 100 million dollars in

grants and cooperative agreements with

top universities across the nation

I am honored to lead the National

Nuclear Security Administration and as

the first female to do so I know that

when the nation encourages girls and

women to dream of science and

engineering to achieve first of their

own it benefits not only our nation but

the entire world we are the United

States of America we can make this

happen together


Тема 11

Industrial Fans | How It's Made


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almost three feet in diameter and a body

tough enough to survive a run-in with a

forklift this is no ordinary fan it's an

industrial fan they're designed to

circulate air in large spaces like

warehouses and factories production

starts with the motor a worker slides

the fans aluminum hub onto it then he

inserts wing-like blades known as air

foils into notches in the hub using a

hammer he taps the ends to set them in

the hub he places a part known as a

taper lock into a hole in the center the

taper lock will fasten the motor shaft

to the hub he screws the lip of the lock

to the hub next he installs a glass

reinforced plastic cone on the hub

this one secures the ends of the blades

in the hub he snaps a cap on to the

center of the nose cone now he transfers

the motor and hub assembly to a mount

that's in a heavy-duty plastic ring he

adds an upper mount and screws it to the

lower one he trims the outer ring of the

fan with rubber molding the rubber will

reduce vibration noise he lowers a steel

yoke onto the plastic surround and

attaches it with a screw he wires a

speed control mechanism to the fan motor

and fastens it to the outside of the

plastic surround he installs a plate

with a control knob on the front of the

speed control mechanism he screws on two

metal screens to the fans yoke this

forms a safety cage around the fan a

two-person crew bolts a wheeled pedestal

to the stem of the fan


it's now ready to circulate to make an

industrial ceiling fan they use long

aluminum air foils their wind LED

profile will generate lift to produce

more air

a punch cuts holes to assemble them to a

hub a worker then attaches the main fan

assembly to the end of a long post in

order to facilitate the installation of

the long air foils then slides the air

foils onto spars that protrude from the

hub he reinforces the installation with

boomerang shaped metal retainers high

strength bolts secure the retainers and

air foils to the spars

he attaches plastic winglets to the ends

of the air foils the winglets will

direct air downward he installs a trim

ring on the hub this completes the

Assembly of the industrial ceiling fan

from this vantage point it seems pretty

cool you


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