Проверочные задания на тему «Инфинитив»

Задание 19. Сравните предложения. Определите, является ли инфинитив подлежащим или обстоятельством цели, и переведите предложения.

To prove any statement is a very difficult task.   To prove any statement it is necessary to make experiments and observations.   Доказать утверждение – это очень сложная задача.   Чтобы доказать любое утверждение, необходимо провести эксперименты и наблюдения.


1. To develop national economy is the main task of the government.

To develop national economy people have to use natural   resources of the country most efficiently.

2. To conduct an electric current we need a source of power.

To conduct an electric current is to transmit electrons.

3. To analyze the effect in question is to consider all the elements of the circuit.

To analyze the effect in question it is necessary to consider

  all the elements of the circuit.


Задание 20. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции подлежащего и обстоятельства цели.

1. To study much is to learn much.

2. To measure temperature it is necessary to choose some kind of temperature scale.

3. To include this material into the report one must first discuss it.

4. To observe is the primary rule of any experiment.

5. To magnetize a body requires some energy.

6. A galvanometer is a sensitive instrument which is used

to detect and measure small electrical currents.

7. In order to build a power plant it is necessary to have planning permission.


Задание 21. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции части сказуемого.

1. We shall translate this article.

2. Do you know that man?

3. The only way to solve the problem is to make some experiments.

4. Gas turbines can be started within minutes, while steam plants may require hours to be put into operation.

5. The government decided to develop this branch of industry.


Задание 22. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции определения.


The professor to deliver a lecture is an outstanding scientist.     The problem to be dealt with is very essential.   Lodygin was the first to use an incandescent lamp for lighting purposes. Профессор, который будет читать лекцию, – это выдающийся учёный.   Проблема, которую необходимо рассмотреть, очень важна. Лодыгин   был   первым,   кто использовал лампу накаливания   для осветительных    целей.


1. The generator is a device to change mechanical energy into

electric energy.

2. Substances to resist the flow of current are termed


3. This report includes all the data to be discussed.

4. The phenomena to be studied are of special significance.

5. Copper is the metal to be used as an electric conductor.

6. The hydropower station to be constructed in this region

will be one of the largest stations in the world.

7. The useful work to be done by a machine is less than

the total work to be performed by it.

8. Our Russian scientist Petrov was the first to prove that  

metals can be charged by friction.

9. You will be the last to answer at the exam.

  10.  There was nobody to help them.


Задание 23.  Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на форму инфинитива.

1. He is glad to be working with his friend now. (работать)

2. He was happy to be taking part in that team task. (принимать участие)

3. They want to be shown these new devices. (чтобы им показали)

4. He is delighted to have completed the work in time. (что закончил)

5. He was sorry to have ignored the warning signs. (что проигнорировал)

6. He was pleased to have been invited to take part in

the contest. (что его пригласили)

Задание 24. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление инфинитива.

1. We boil water to produce steam.

2. To reduce the power losses thick wires should be used.

3. To find the mass of gas we must know its volume, its pressure and its temperature.

4. Various switches are used to open or to close a circuit.

5. It took Newton about 20 years to complete his theory of gravitation.

6. In physics energy is defined as the capacity to do work.

7. Various installations were used in order to transform electric power into mechanical, heat and chemical power.

8. Alternating current (a.c.) can be increased or decreased to meet industrial requirements.

9. To be widely used it took 80 years for the steam engine, for the airplane 20 years, for the telephone half a century but for transistor technologies 3 years.

10. It was not easy for Newton to carry on scientific work at that time.


Задание 25. Употребите инфинитив в нужной форме.

1. The laser beam can … (to burn) holes in steel plates.

2. Hydropower stations use water power … (to turn) the machines for generating electricity.

3. Here is the instrument … (to test).

4. A switch is a device … (to break) or … (to close) the circuit.

5. The bad result may … (to explain) by inefficient work and lack of the experience.

6. James Chadwick was the first …(to discover) the neutron.

7. He wants … (to send) to Moscow.

8. He is glad … (to work) with these partners now.

9. The manager is satisfied … (to send) these specialists to the conference last week.

10. She was glad … (to send) to Moscow last month.


Задание 26. Обратите внимание на употребление различных форм инфинитива с модальными глаголами must, may (might) и should.

Steve must be writing a test now.   He may (might) be having a rest now. Должно быть (наверное), он пишет тест сейчас. Возможно (может быть), он сейчас отдыхает.
This scientist must have travelled a lot.   He may (might) have read this article carelessly.   You should have written the summary of that article long ago. Должно быть (наверное), этот учёный много путешествовал. Возможно (может быть), он невнимательно прочитал эту статью. Тебе давно следовало написать резюме той статьи.



Переведите предложения.

1. You must be joking.

2. The teacher may be looking through the papers now.

3. They might be skiing somewhere in Switzerland.

4. He must have had little practice.

5. It’s eight o’clock. He must have arrived at the airport.

6. He may have misunderstood you.

7. He might have tried to get in touch with you but he didn’t manage to.

8. He should have warned you about his arrival.

9. You shouldn’t have explained everything to him.

10. You should have checked the readings of this meter long



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