Getting Ready for a Trip

(just for fun)

1 Mr. Smith: Hurry up, dear, we are leaving in about five minutes. Mrs. Smith: Well, I’m almost through with the packing. By the way, how do we get to the airport? Did you call a taxi? Mr. S: No, Val will take us there. I’m expecting him in a couple of minutes. He is quite reliable. He never lets people down. Mrs. S:You never know. But I like the way he drives. I feel quite safe with him, though I can’t say the same about you. Reckless driving is not my cup of tea. Mr. S: Don’t be too hard on me, honey. If you are in high spirits, you don’t mind fast driving. But you must be pretty much excited now because you’re having your first air trip, aren’t you? O.K., take it easy, you’ll be as safe in the plane with me as you are in the car with Val. Mrs. S:Stop kidding me. We have no time left. (The door bell rings.) Mr. S:That’s Val for sure. Will you answer the door, please? 2 Val: Here I am. Hi there, people. Feeling excited, aren’t you? Cheer up, my dear; there is nothing at all to worry about. Once you are up in the air, it’s just like sitting at home in your own living room. Mrs. S:I’m quite frightened of the take-off and landing. Val:Just fasten your seat belt, close your eyes and count to 60. If you’re safe and sound afterwards, it means the landing has been soft. Otherwise you won’t feel anything. Mrs. S:I’m afraid I may get air sick. Val:The best way is not to look down and not to leave your seat. Have a good shot of whisky, as much as you can manage. Booze is the best fear killer. Mr. S:To hell with your jokes, Val. Can’t you see she is scared to death?


to be through with (doing) sth ( US )to finish (doing) sth

to let sb down – to disappoint; to fail to help

you never know – you can’t be sure

reckless – careless (opposite to ‘careful’)

to be hard on sb – to be too strict, severe to sb

to be in high spirits – to be cheerful, happy

in low spirits – depressed, unhappy

to mind (doing) sth – to be troubled by sth; to feel objection to sth

to kid sb – to tease by joking or telling a lie

Cheer up! – Don’t worry, be happy!

to be safe and sound – to be secure and unharmed

air sick – feeling sick because of the motion of a plane

booze (coll.) – alcohol

to be scared to death – to be frightened very much

1.2 Complete the following sentences with the words from the ‘Notes’.

She was … by the thunder.

Do you … my smoking?

Are you … with your work? It’s time to go home.

He returned … and … from that dangerous expedition.

Have a glass of brandy to keep your … up.

Harry will never … you …. You can always rely on him.

I was sea … on the first day of the voyage.

You are … me! This can’t be true.

The teacher was too … on the students

He … up at once when I promised to help him

… driving may cause accidents on the road.


2.1 Study the following words describing the act of traveling.

1 travel 2 journey 3 trip 4 voyage 5 tour 6 cruise 7 flight a) the act of traveling, esp. a long one in distant or foreign places with the purpose of discovering sth new or in search of pleasure and adventure b) the act of going from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time c) journey, an excursion, often a brief one made by land or water d) rather long journey, esp. by water e) journey (usu. to see the sights) in which a short stay is made at a number of places, the traveler finally returning to the place from which he started f) sea voyage from port to port, esp. a pleasure trip g) journey made through the airor in space

2.2 Put each of the following words in its correct position in the sentences below. Some words may be used more than once.

trip/ travel/ journey/ cruise/ tour/ voyage/ flight


1. Did you enjoy your week-end … to the seaside?

2. The Mediterranean … promised many interesting impressions.

3. He is writing a book about his … to Africa.

4. On our Southern-England … we visited Windsor, Oxford, Cambridge, and then came back to London.

5. The idea of an Atlantic … terrified her: she was sure to be seasick all the time.

6. Air France … 507 from Paris to New York will be taking off in ten minutes.

7. I’m going on a business … to Paris next weekend.

8. We’re going on a … of Europe, visiting 11 countries in five weeks.

9. We went on a three-week … round the Mediterranean. The ship called at Venice, Athens, Istanbul and Alexandria.

10. For general advice about … go to a travel agent.

11. He once went by ship to Australia. The … took 4 weeks.

12. The … from Heathrow Airport to the centre of London takes about 45 minutes.

13. On our first day in New York we went on a three-hour … of the city by bus, which showed us the main sights.

14. During our stay in Paris we went on a day … to Disneyland.


2.3 Pay attention to the words which go together with different means of transport.

Bus driver drives ($) fare catch/take get on/ off bus stop Train driver drives ($) fare catch/take get on/ off railway station Plane pilot flies ($) air fare take get on/ off airport Taxi driver drives ($) fare take get in/ out taxi rank Bicycle cyclist rides ……… go on (my) get on/off Car driver drives ……… go by get in/out


2.4 Learn the following useful travel words in context.

1. When traveling people use different means of transport. They may travel by bus, coach, train, plane, taxi, bicycle, car, helicopter, and even balloon.

2. Vehicle is the general word for all types of road transport.

3. Young people often prefer hitch-hiking (getting a free ride by signaling to a passing car, lorry, etc.).

4. Can I have a single (US one-way)/ return (US round trip) ticket to Barcelona?

5. How much is the (train/bus/taxi/air) fare?

6. We hired a car for a week. We had to fill it with petrol ( US gas).

7. Can I give you a lift (US a ride)? I’m going to town.

8. Have a good flight.

9. You can see notices showing arrivals and departures of planes on the board or hear announcements.

10. Sometimes buses are not punctual. Where I live buses should run every ten minutes, but sometimes I wait at a bus stop for half an hour with a long queue (US line) of people, and then buses come together, and they are full up. On other occasions the bus is early and I miss it.

11. The plane then taxis (moves slowly) to the runway, and when permission is received, it moves faster and faster along the runway and takes off.


2.5 Cross out the incorrect word in these sentences.

1. You mustn’t ride/drive a motorbike without a crash helmet.

2. She told him to get in/get on the car and fasten his seat belt.

3. Bus fares/tickets are getting more expensive.

4. Buses to the airport travel/run every half an hour.

5. The pilot couldn’t drive/fly the plane in such bad weather.

6. We were late, so we had to take/catch a taxi.

7. I left my house a bit late and lost/missed the bus.


3. FIRST READING. Read the text and put the following headings into the correct numbered positions (1-5).


A) Arrival

B) In the Air

C) At the Airport

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